
>tfw no omniscient omnipotent omnipresent bf

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i can be the 3 O

Does wanting to fuck Anubis make me a furry?

i don't know what that means. anyways i'm trying to lose weight and i want to get a brazil butt lift. i've made it 28 years without being hit on, so i dont have much to lose dignity wise

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Question for vigin girls: do you want a virgin bf or do you not care?

>tfw no rich, fit, strong, smart descendant of royalty CEO of a major company bf to cook, clean, and play videogames with me while supporting my hikki lifestyle without telling me to stop being fat or to take a shower
it's not fair!!!!!

Fembots eat, live, breathe, dream and think OSCAR. Therefore, all posts originating from the fembot object expressed are also an extension of OSCAR.

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Then why do you only go for chad instead of looking for a sweet and kind robot bf? Checkmate.

LiteraIIy whomst?

I would prefer my bf be a virgin or have a low partner count.

>tfw I've been reduced to sex chatting with robots online
This is my life

>sweet and kind

yeah, uh, i've been here long enough to know thats bullshit

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Thanks for proving my point. As they say, women can't be robots. Even those who consider themselves the lowest of the low still only go for chad and can afford to make excuses for why they do that. They won't even give the time of day to anyone short of a demonstrated chad.

well i wont deny what you say user, i would love a discount chad or stacy to use me a cum napkin vs have to suffer a date with a robot. in my viewpoint robots are so worthless they are trying to actually be "women" now

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fuck off with these fembots threads you sissy faggots

Fembots don't exist therefore these cannot be fembot threads.
But in actually this is an obvious joke thread. We all know women can't be robots. I mean, some have even tried to seriously respond in this thread, thereby proving that they can't be robots.

This is femoid standards nowadays.
In order to date them you need be literarily God.

god is apparently old and ugly tho

if you're in uk and a fembot, i will date you.

It doesn't matter cause he statusmaxxed

But why can't you be everywhere at the same time?
This is so frustrating.

i will have sex with everyone in this thread

how old is this shit? no one cares, newfag

You're joking, right?
This post has been personally blessed by the Pope

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Hey. I'm omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign, immutable. Hit me up if you want some hot volcanic action, pic is me.

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But you are not omnipresent, so you can't be with me :'(

If you are actually a 28y virgin biological female, that is not deformed or obese.
Please post discord.

Read the thread. She only wants chad.