How did you overcome your povertybench?

How did you overcome your povertybench?
i can do almost 1/2/3/4 but my bench is just stuck at 180pounds and my chest is not really defined.

Do i need to eat more for it to increase?
I am 176 at 6' pounds myself

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I stuck at it for a very very long time. See At 6' I'm 230lbs so yes you ought to be working toward being 200lbs.

Also you need to do a lot of work. Not as much as I do right now but you need to build toward it.

look at hte titters

Well those are just too big. You couldn't take her anywhere, and it would actually be uncomfortable to have sex with her because of their size

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thanks user. I can only squat that bench, i think 3 plates is impossible for me, as my ribcage is not your typical barrel

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Push ups. Lots of them. All the time. Harder and harder push-up variation. To failure. Then to failure drop sets.

God i wish i could fuck her between her milkies, don't you?

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just lift at challenging loads with good form and do deloads once it gets stale .

it doesn't really matter the number you lift unless you are a powerflifter

a 135ameripound bar can be used for olympian gains.

lastly nobody gives a fuck how much you bench beyond an afterthought.
people do give a fuck if you are lean and healthy though.

Try for ten years.

I do want to reach the two plates for myself, not for anyone.

I started kickboxing lately and train handstands, it seems to help building your shoulders

I am quite healthy atm desu.
Besides my ex didn't care, the only thing that bitch cared about is partying, music and doing drugs

I am two in.

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More volume

Hit 85% of your 1rm for like three sets in the 4-6 rep range and do this till you hit 6 reps for each set. Then increase weight. This will up your 1rm ezpz glhf

Try to do triples and singles every once in a while to test 1RM (don't recommend all the time cuz it kinda fucks with the nervous system). Pick a weight your comfortable with and do 3 reps. Increase by 5 lbs. Do 2 reps. Increase by five and do 1 rep. Increase by five and do 1 more rep. Keep doing this till you feel you can't lift more. That lift right there will be your 1RM. And then once you do that lift between 80-90% of that 1RM. At that range you won't be seeing much hypertrophy reps so don't try to push it. Try to hit 5 reps on the first sets but don't reach failure to save energy for the last set. On that last set you want to Max it out. If you managed to put in more than 2 reps (7 reps for ex.), then that means you have earned the right to add 5lbs to the bar. If you stay stuck at 5, for example, you repeat the process till you do.

>being this much of a twink

Retarded question, does 1/2/3/4 refer to those plate stacks as maxes or for reps?

I benched 120kg x 6 yesterday an hit 140kg for fairly easy single for an all time PR.

Feels good because when I started lifting a few years ago I could barely bench press the 20kg bar.

What helped me was odd, I was stuck at 90-100kg for so long. What helped me get to where I am now was unironically doing sets of 15-20 with lighter weights. I don't know why, but that rep range helped me get unstuck from that 90-100kg range.


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refers to your 1rm

Mass up and/or add assistance - incline bench with barbell and dumbbells. Stay consistent and you will get there eventually
That's how most things in life work

Bench more often, do pressing exercises.

If you can't increase the weight, try increasing the volume.

Literally just screaming your insecurity. "Cant take a sexually attractive woman or someone might try steal her from me!"



Who is this titcow?

>Do i need to eat more
If you need to ask this, the answer is yes. If you don't need to ask this, the answer is still yes.

Amanda Love

I only started going to the gym at the start of this year and so far I can only bench 45kg for 5x5. Can I make it? PS I'm eating lots.

My dick hopes she needs Amanda Love.


This is an excellent post

Eat more, bench more, train bench accessories.



What's your bench programming? Also describe your body proportions and tricep and chest insertions

Titty sex looks better than it feels.

Ya got a pijun chist, ya know ya got a pijun chest right?

It has always meant 5 reps.

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Nice try but aren't you on no fap, Brandon?

>Well those are just too big.
Strike one.
I've seen the webms where she whips them out, and they're not too impressive.
>You couldn't take her anywhere
Strike two.
Because that's the only top she owns, right?
>and it would actually be uncomfortable to have sex with her because of their size
Strike three.
Virgin confirmed.

the tits have to be big enough that they wrap around your dick. usually your dick just keeps popping out. when you cum it also just pools and it's really not all that fun. looks good though

I was stalling around the same place. Figured out I was really weak at the bottom of my bench. So I started doing dead stop bench presses. Helped me out a lot.

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It has always referred to 3x10. Nobody cares about your fat ass can waddle up to the cage and squat for 5 fat powershitter reps with bad form. People care about what you can actually workout with comfortably with good form. 1/2/3/4 refers to 3x10.

Dropsets until you're down to the bar and can't even lift that.

You disgust me


Nice analysis

Not true - the bigger the are, the softer they tend to be, so you get the yummy softness of tiddies wrapped round your dick to fuck (pressure can easily be increased or decreased by how tightly their held) and the cum either spurts out the top or pools inside like fucking a vag.
Either way she gets messy and you get a great time out of it.
You should try it more often.

>mild gyno
>never do bench and only do ohp
>get surgery but stop going to gym
>start up again
>ohp 145 plate reps easily after 2 mos back in the gym
>can barely get 145 bench off my chest

Help me.

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Your form is likely not optimal.
I used to bench using my delts a lot like an idiot and wondered why my chest was shit while my delts were decent.
Learn how to bench like a powerlifter but don't lift your ass off the bench.
Gaining weight will help tremendously as well.