Im a soon to be ex NEET Jow Forums and have an interview with Walmart for a "Maintenance Associate" position

Im a soon to be ex NEET Jow Forums and have an interview with Walmart for a "Maintenance Associate" position.
What should I expect if I get the job..?
Will they make me collect carts and talk to customers ? Its supposed to be a janitor position, right?

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wish you luck, and remmember that people are evil by nature and WILL be aggressive and demanding thorwards you just for having a job


Holy shit
Ehere are the walmart workers

Well just gonna keep bumping my thread with random pics until a few walmart employees notice

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At work you dunce. It's the middle of the day.

Night shift would have gotten off work hrs ago you tard

Waiting for Walmart people

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Yes, and they would be sleeping you dump ass.

And how tf do you onow for sure fagboy

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Because none of them are replying to your thread.

That just means they havent noticed yet faggot

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Exactly. Because they're asleep.

Shtfu already
they will see and respond eventually

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I sincerely hope they do, user. Good luck with your interview tomorrow.

I dont need luck.
I will pribably get the job for just showing up since its Walmart and they will hire literally anyone. Just dont want to be a greeter or a fucking cart pusher

Im gettin sleepy

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Don't get your hopes up. I went to an interview and never got hired at Walmart. Just pray you don't have a woman to interview you.

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I have a woman interviewing me though

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Women are fucking stupid just make them laugh and youll be hired

Gluump a dump trump in blumof

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Okay, when you go to the interview, make short, concise statements. Don't ramble on. Answer questions promptly, even if you are unsure how to answer.
Make eye contact, not constantly, but when they are talking to you.
You have to demonstrate that you are able to at least follow basic verbal commands and that you will show up at time. Aside from that. be polite.
Don't discuss any personal problems you have, this is a very common mistake that people do in interviews.
If you're not too nervous, at the end, make a point of straightening up the area you were sitting in, and thank them for their time. have a great day, wave goodbye, etc.
If you have not heard from them in a week, call up or got to the store to just ask about your application.
Good luck user! Hope you get the job! Having some money's pretty cool.

Chump dump blump clump bump

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Me again, I forgot something.
Everything you are legally expected to do is listed on the application you filled out. You will also be given a info packet at orientation that will have a detailed job description in it. That's what you do. Anything apart from that isn't your job.
Be forewarned, Walmart is a badly run company. There is intense pressure from corporate. There will be shitty managers who try to get you to do extra shit you're not supposed to. Learn your job, what they hired you for. If they want you to do something else, tell them you have to be crosstrained to work that department. They're trying to cheat you out of a raise by getting you to work another department with out having to pay the training cost and pay increase.
Do your job. Don't try to make friends. Be on time. Walmart isn't actually that bad a job in some departments, maintenance/janitorial won't interact with customers often.
Usually, you just follow a cleaning rotation, going around the store and cleaning different areas at different times. You'll likely also have a radio, because you will be called out to clean spills on the floor. That's really your most important task, since the corporate takes the prospect of lawsuits very seriously.
Carts are collected by lot attendants and baggers.

One laat dump tyuck hunk bump and im gonna aleep

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Walmart is a fucking nightmare, user. The management is terrible and they will abuse you. They don't give a shit if you don't get paid and they don't value you as an employee. I worked their 4 months. That entire time i was trying to get them to acknowledge i was missing my entire first paycheck. All they did about it was accuse me of lying about it. Knew 2 other people with pay check problems and they do not give a shit. $11 an hour is still not worth dealing with their corporate structure. They are an awful company especially if you're a decent white kid. You are going to be endlessly abused and blamed for shit. Managers will fight each other for your time if you're even mildly competent.

Don't work there. Cosco, HEB, Wholefoods, these are good companies that will treat you well. Don't work for Shartmart. Which isn't a meme. People do shit in Walmart.

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Hope you like the smell of bloody tampons my dude

Aw hell this is the last thing i wanna hear...
I know walmart sucks but they are the only retail company that doesnt hire exclusively based on who you know.
Costci Publix etc all give jobs to their friends and i need a job for money to buy shit
Sick of being broke all the time

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