Any robots taken antidepressants?
Did they really help or did they fuck you up even more?
Any robots taken antidepressants?
Did they really help or did they fuck you up even more?
all it did was make me feel like shit.
I've been on a few. The only ones that made me feel anything were SSRIs, sertraline and escitalopram in particular. They made me feel actually blissful for about a week, but the effects wore off quickly and increasing the dosage didn't bring them back. They'd be golden for me if they didn't wear off, but alas
They helped me, gave me more energy to get things done and eased my anxiety
Which ones were you on? How long?
Well for me it helped deal with being depressed from shitty chemical imbalance.
Sertraline, been on them for some years now. The only side effect I noticed is that it's a bit harder to cum, but thats Not necessarily bad desu
Equivalent exchange nigger. They help but there's side effects. I have trouble cumming and I gained like 7kg. I'm still alive and sort of better. Still depressed but to a lesser degree. I'm a little numb sometimes but I'll take it over wanting to die constantly.
Been on Prozac for just over a year. Had been diagnosed with moderate to severe depression for 10 years prior.
Honestly, it's been kind of a miracle drug for me. No significant side effects -- I do have VERY vivid nightmares if I drink too heavily close to bedtime -- and it's really evened me out.
Wouldn't say I'm blissfully happy or anything, but it definitely restored my mental state to a place of even-keeled functionality. I now have the energy and wherewithal to do the things that are going to improve my situation and make me genuinely happy in the long run. I just don't have those days where the whole world has a gray haze over it anymore.
zoloft fucked with my vision and my vision was blurred for months until i figured out it was the zoloft prozac made me suicidal but so far i'm on lexapro and it's okay
anti depressants are a meme that just gets you hooked and gets your psych or doctor more money. doesnt actually help at all. and withdrawals are a fucking bitch so you wont be quitting when you want
tried sertraline, paroxetine and this year luvox
none of them worked for me.
on the other hand, i've been using caffeine pills for years and man, it's better than any of the anti-depressants that i used before
Another sertraline robot here, it makes me feel even more lethargic, but the benefits are no urge to fap or eat. Visions a bit blurry to sometimes.
Not cumming for the 70+ days ive been on it kinda explains the mental clarity ive been having.
The first few weeks were pretty awful though, literally depleted all my motivation/ enjoyment
Withdrawal isn't a problem if you don't just go cold turkey
Most Problems with antidepressants are coming from retards who just drop them from one day to another without consulting a doctor about it
lmao you should try being on cymbalta for a couple months tapering off it is a fucking bitch
It made my penis damaged I can't get erections anymore unless I take viagra and even then its not 100%
Great this thread put me off SSRIs even more
Too much of a gamble
I take all kinds of meds it either works or fucks you up, first 2 weeks of mew meds you get massive shits, they can make it so you will never orgasm or get hard what else oh ya you become a zombie
They made my hair fall out and made my dick limp.
Wouldn't recommend.
SSRI don't actually have an effect die several weeks when you take them though
So unless you're actually allergic to the ingredients these symptoms weren't from them
just make sure you really need em before you take em, if you don't they fuck you up
I don't even know if I have depression. I have severe & crippling anxiety sure but maybe I've just had depression so long that I just take it as my natural state.
Do americans really prescribe them like candy? Over here you have to get evaluated by a psychiatric medicine specialist to get prescriptions for the serious stuff.
tried like 4 others before the one i'm currently on, they did absolutely nothing except give me a little insomnia the first week
the one i'm currently one makes me feel even shittier and i have way more suicidal thoughts, yet they told me i had to up the dosage
im pretty sure this is all just one big jew scheme