How is life treating you brownbots?
Brownbot feels thread
I'm doing alright.
Tacos everyday bro.
kill yourself for the greater good
Why should I kill myself and for what greater good?
Because you're not white and killing yourself would help the white race
Either kill yourself or fuck off back to Africa
but i'm from cambodia
we are k selectors and you are r selectors. basically entirely different species desu.
Africans are Black I am brown. You are the minority, your genes are recessive and your race is dying. Nature does not intend for you to be here
Go back to Cambodia. You do not belong in white man lands.
Black, brown, same thing. You're still a filthy nigger shitskin either way. And nature does intend for us to exist. Nature itself made us the greatest race and now degeneracy and its jewish overlords are trying to get rid of us.
Chinese, persians/arabs, egyptians and indians were responsible for all that
Organically Feels good.
Browns and blacks are low IQ apesall
Thats a nigga
and he is brown ?
[You have been muted for 2 seconds]
He's black, black is a term for people of african orgin. If you're not asian, white, black or abbo then you're brown, also brown skin
Shitty nigger thread has been seized
You realize all of north africa is brown and not black ?
Mega cope bro
Yes, but they aren't typical african. They are counted as arabs
>brown manlet in europe
i didn't ask to be born here. don't even like it
>mfw shitskin replies to me
Sudanese people weirdly have the most arab DNA in North Africa
they are mostly arabic tribes who conquered Nubian Tribes and married their women
fuck off Maghrebi scrum
your French loving ass isn't welcomed here
Not really brown skinned
They are arabic by culture but are considered black
yeah fuck niggers hang the filthy kikes. 1488 save the white race hang the niggers MAGA
Nice thread you got going there. It'd be a shame if someone were to derail it with racist shitposts.
Lifes pretty good knowing whitey will be extinct in a couple generations.
You call whites primitive and yet you monkeys destroy society, kill others, steal, and rape all while acting like its whitey who did this to you. Not to mention its been proven multiple times that Blacks are low IQ
Africans have no culture or history, they are not human. I must ask you to delete this post.
Good thing Im not black
>You call whites primitive and yet you monkeys destroy society, kill others, steal, and rape all while acting like its whitey who did this to you. Not to to mention its been proven multiple times that Blacks are low IQ
You are a useless turd. Any woman you manage to snag will readily jump on a black dick given the chance. Just curl up and die quietly.
Maybe a shallow white woman, but asian women stay loyal to white men.
Lmao either way ur race is fukd. No chance of long term survival
Dude I'm fat, black and ugly LMFAO my life is a joke. It's over
Pic related it's my tiny cock
>caring about what's beyond your lifespan
pretty decent desu, i was just made absolute by the company cause they went out business so just chillin for a few months now, they are even encouraging me to go on benefits.
Jesus man, I'm so sorry. Do you have any cash? You could try a enlargement surgery.
ok faggot
oh, and I live off government money
>be black and hispanic
>not black enough for blacks
>too black for hispanics (who are racist as fuck)
>be manlet and unathletic from hispanic side
>be ugly, stupid, and smelly from black side
a-a-at least I'm not asian, right guys?
>multiple kpop reaction videos with black and latina women lusting after rice
Animals can't feel. Fuck off.
>muh white race
what a pathetic argument.
Another civil thread ruined by the (((white robot)))
What does it feel like to have skin made of mud?
When you have a minute from getting pegged by your sister please post links to your IQ claims
and what have you done to help the '"""white"""" race? Shitpost on the designated loser board? Alt-right robots are pathetic