Reminder that if you are attracted to women under 5’9 you’re part of the problem

Reminder that if you are attracted to women under 5’9 you’re part of the problem.

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thanks skeletor woman

>mfw I'm 167cm/5'6 and I have a crush on a 150cm/4'9 girl

Our children will be dwarves.

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Wow, great thread user, I'm so glad you're fighting back.

4'9 is legally a dwarf, so yeah

Whoops, I got the burgerese units mixed up. She's 4'11, not 4'9.

Sure thing op

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looks like a pig

OP clearly doesn't understand genetics, he is also a huge faggot.

Of course, i will never ever think about impregnating a short ferrility goddess ever again op haha :^)

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Whatever you say op

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Your problem doesn't concern us properly sized people.

Yeah yeah we get it, you are a bitter manlet and hate your parents

>Not being tall enough to make up for this.

Why are manlets so pathetic? Good thing women of all heights hate you.


sure thing op

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True. I have an ADORABLE poo-ess for a roommate. She watches anime and giggles constantly. She smells heavenly.

She's 4'9". While BLEACHing her would be a pretty Aryan thing to do, I always think
and my boner subsides. Which is good. Don't shit where you eat and shit and sleep.

I'm 5'7" and have been with more taller women than shorter women.

Ummm... NO!

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You know you can fuck her without getting her pregnant right?

fetal alcohol syndrome face

>You know you can fuck her without getting her pregnant right?

You... burn in hell... plant your seed in fertile ground

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