Don't look at women

Don't look at women
Don't speak to women
Don't be alone in a room with a woman
Don't interact with women

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They can and WILL ruin your life for their own personal gain without a second thought

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As I was, Cap'n.

The sympathy and attention they desire is held in higher priority than anyone elses feeling, career, and personal life

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They are simply not worth the trouble

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Lol that's what he deserves for being autistic

So if I've got the story straight...
>be retarded
>go to college anyway
>try to make a friend with normal platonic gesture
>get accused of sexual assault
>not allowed to defend yourself
>try to get a job
>get told that you're too retarded
>try to apologise
>get accused again
>get slandered, told to suck it up
>have to attend classes with a wrangler
>wrangler doesn't show
>fail classes

Man, that sounds pretty sad.


I've known all of this for years, but I still interact with women, even if I hate them.
I actually still kick myself a bit for not listening to certain redpill influences in my youth. Guys I had access to, who were redpilled before it was a popular thing on the internet.
I speak to them when I can now and absorb whatever knowledge they give me.

women in chains now.

unless you're attractive, of course

even non-white men aren't safe from the roastie menace

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Why do none of these stories make it into mainstream news?

>everyone tells me college is the place to meet girls
>stuff like this happens in college
no wonder more than half of 35 and unders aren't married

Because that would be bad for (((them)))

because the mainstream news has an agenda.

>that pic

Even autistic Chads get BTFO by women.

Fuck the neurotyp*cals. Everything would be better in an autistic society. Everything would be clear as spring water. No need to guess if someone likes you, just ask them and they give you an answer without any fucking bullshit. Imagine how efficient it would be. Time would be saved and could be spent on more useful shit.

>be retarded
Celebral Palsy doesn't cause you to be low intelligence and high functioning autism doesn't make you dumb.

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Sometimes i want to move to a first world country but then i remenber that this shit happens over there and i don't want it anymore. I'm talking about the retarded.

Sometimes I feel like escaping to some third world nation, just to get away from the west's rotting corpse, but I know there's no place I'd ever fit in.

>lib arts college in cuckifornia
And to the surprise of absolutely no one, this shit happens.

What about CCTV footage? Surely there are surveillance cameras in the room?

When will white and non white men alike stop fighting and stand up to the true enemy: the roastie jew.

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there was no trial. Not an issue of evidence but that they just won't hear him.

Don't think it would matter. I looked up the article and the evidence that they presented didn't even suffice because they brought 18 "witnesses" in (presumably roasties) and a week later the kid's mom gets a letter and he was suspended from school.

same reason false rape cases by the large don't

They literally just went off of what the roaster said, didn't even allow anyone else to defend him. Once you get Title IX'd your ass is fried, double so in a state like California.

This stuff is so rare that it makes the news. Relax with the mgtow shit, autists

The problem was the high school. Chris Chan was an A student, and should not have attended college but learned how to be a demi productive tard.

Doesn't matter. LISTEN AND BELIEVE is too fucking strong.

>agrees to fo the fist bump
>reoorts him afterwards anyway
Why tf do women do this????
Just go along with things they dont want to do then give you shit for it later like they had no choice????
What the fuck is a title ix anyway

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CwC went to a west virginia community college and got kicked out for hexing Mary Lee Walsh with a Curse Ye Ha Me Ha

Honeslty if i were him id just sign up for NEETbucks and not bother with this shit society.
Women are out to ruin the lives of every man.

they should train dogs to bark at spergs when people sneer at them so they can plainly understand when they're disliked

You cant just change her story like that to make yourself look like a victim of a fucking fist bump.
How tf is this even legal? this is really making me mad holy fuck.

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Autistic here I know I am disliked simply for being autistic but because I am autistic I also dont give 2 shits about yours or any one elses little feel boxes being broken

he understood she didn't want to be his friend when his mom told him, he would've understood if the roastie told him. she literally just let the autist have a friendly interaction with her as a trap so she could get him kicked out of school, or she's getting him kicked out so she doesn't have to be confrontational even a little bit. either way you're supporting it.

In this case the womans personal feelings of being attacked are admissible as evidence that she was attacked because womens feelings matter more than logic, reason and justice combined

great idea! now if only NTs could settle on one thing to dislike for more than 3 minutes.

It was a trap.
She agreed to this completely harmless gesture to set up him and get him kicked out of school. Why she did it is a mystery.
Maybe she just really hates men and knows because shes a women, its easy to make up a bogus rape allegation and ruin their lives.

you know you can currently ask people if they like you and if they legitimately don't they will most likely tell you. might not fit into your autistic revenge fantasy but worth a shot.

I don't trust the creep. he's got 19 witnesses saying he assaulted her at a college? being non-verbal doesn't mean your hands get to do the talking for you. If it is a question of roastie vs. autist I'm going to have to side with the roast. no offense to the fine autists in this thread.

That's fucking insane. They should have checked the cameras ASAP.

you're not curious what camera evidence might say?

>19 witnesses
>meanwhile camera evidence doesnt show any assualt taking place

The roast, as you call her , was caught lying about what happened so anything shes says already questionable.

Im starting to think Mike Pence may be right.
Men and women really cant coexist with each other anymore.

merely repeating the same weak defense doesn't make me believe him. my dude needs to drain his brain... you think maybe his testimony isn't entirely reliable either?

No one even heard his testimony, did you even read the article.
They flat out ignored everything him and took the womans word for it immediatley, like youre doing. No trial, no investigation of evidence, and no one listened to his side of the story.

She's a Victim now.

>did he touch her? no
>he only fist bumped her!!!
yes they did hear his side, but it's not a court case so his side doesn't matter. the whole point of the exchange is to try and get guilty people to incriminate themselves without a lawyer to make subsequent court cases easier for the accusers.
you're in the same position of believing an autist and his indignant mother based solely on an interviewer's story. he could very well be another victim of women's false rape claims, or he could just be a creepy black autist who is trying to get out of trouble by playing naive.

More never ending proof that Marc Lepine did nothing wrong.

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Meanwhile if Chad did this the women would be gossiping about his charisma and making calls to find him jobs just so they could talk to him again.

Honestly, this makes me sad. He just wanted a friend, rip autistic dude.

US "Justice" System

daily reminder that illegal aliens spend about 6 months in the courts because even non-citizens receive due process

>he only fist bumped her!!!
Who give an atom of a fuck if he fist bumped her, you retarded cunt? Fist bumping is not sexual harassment no matter how much you delude yourself. Go fuck a cactus you imbecile. The fact that there are trees working tirelessly to allow vermin like you to breathe disgusts me.

did you read the article?
the mother said her son didn't touch the girl after literally saying he fist bumped her. Wait... but if you change your... story...
sorry you're so salty, but unless you think roasties specifically like to pick fights with the disabled the reason retarded autists are getting titled IX to fuck and back is that they shouldn't be interacting with real people unsupervised in the first place.

>adult disability classes
In plain terms, this means they take the same tuition, but don't teach him anything.

This isn't just the US, the entire West is like this. Western thinking and justice is complete cancer when it comes to women. UK just passed a law that makes women not get jailed for non-violent crimes like theft and statutory rape.

>the mother said her son didn't touch the girl after literally saying he fist bumped her
That doesn't mean shit fucktard. I will repeat it until you get it through your fuckwit brain, fist bumping is not sexual harassment no matter how much delude yourself.

Unironically kill yourself you waste of sperm.

Back from buying shampoo, shower gel and tp
Having a coke zero
Wen I get back from Portugal need to go on a diet 1200 kcals a day imo

>she changed her story -- she's a liar!!
>she changed her story... he's a good boy :)
it's like you're talking circles around yourself kek

I will repeat it until you get it through your fuckwit brain, fist bumping is not sexual harassment no matter how much delude yourself.

Unironically kill yourself you waste of oxygen.

Just get off your computer and meet women, they said.

oh how truly embarrassing for you, jesus christ
repeat after me: autists never lie, autists never lie, autists never lie

I will repeat it until you get it through your fuckwit brain, fist bumping is not sexual harassment no matter how much delude yourself.

Unironically kill yourself you waste of atoms.

grabbing a bitch's thigh sure as fuck is
>b-but that didn't happen, the D student said so... :'(

>you know you can currently ask people if they like you and if they legitimately dont they will most likely tell you
Except mister knight did just that and now he cant go to college. Are you illiterate?

I will repeat it until you get it through your fuckwit brain, fist bumping is not sexual harassment no matter how much delude yourself.

Unironically kill yourself you waste of mass.

>there are people unironically defending the woman on r9k

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What are you 13? Read the damn article and stop trying to rile people up. You are extremely immature and based on your persistent attempts at trolling, I think you are autistic as well

>he is lying
>his side of the story doesnt matter
>she is telling the truth
>her side of the story matters
I HATE how sub-100 IQ filth like you have an equal voice in subjects you concretely no nothing about. BE GONE BRAINLET

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no he didn't he allegedly assaulted a woman... wait make that two women. damn those roasties, targeting the poor intrusive autist and his wandering hands
if your criticism of the event is that people just take the woman's word for it, then I do think blindly listening to the defense of a social and academically inept brotha who tryna get laid is equally indefensible.

>retarded people should not be allowed to interact in public
>retarded people are not people
Behold, the end product of feminism

Again, read the god damned article you stupid troll. He (((allegedly))) sexually assaulted one woman after he asked her for a fist bump and she accepted. How can you be sexually assaulted by something you consent to? I await your ad hominem or strawman misrepresentation of this poor autistic man

>trying to get laid
READ THE ARTICLE. You are trolling by misrepresenting his intentions and making baseless accusations that only exist in this thread. Why do you do this? Do autistic people make you uncomfortable?

You would fit in quite well in Nazi Germany, they hated the mentally handicapped

Well he's a nigger so he might have wanted to fuck the girl but since he's retarded might have fist bumped her tits or something.

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>robot board, everyone believes the special needs kid for no reason either than they relate to him
if the discussion is that title IX's shouldn't exist I would agree, but it is that roasties are targeting retards to ruin their lives for sweet attention gains. some spergs are grabby, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that this good boy robot is an abuser of women.

>a-are yo-you trolling or do you really hate the mentally disabled?
jeez... why would I repeatedly disparage autists on r9k... hmmmm....

Doesnt suit the narrative that PC culture wants.

who said anything about relating to him, jesus christ is this actually how you think? he has been served an injustice.

You don't have to believe a word the autist said to see that this is fucked up. He is innocent until proven guilty. Don't believe in the presumption of innocence until proven guilty? Then I say you molest children every single day and eat their corpses.

>h-how could you presume we relate to the socially inept outcast who can't get laid...?
The lying molester fuck is lucky he's not hanging from a tree. Justice is a long time gone from this country, my man.

I rarely get angry anymore at Title IX shenanigans but this is beyond absurd. You can not treat a disabled person like this if you are going to fucking take his money an admit him.

I wonder competent the women he allegedly harassed even is, given she took a fucking fist bump as sexual harassment.

> the absoulte state of western women and aeducation.
You know what? I might be a fucking Russtard with no future, but I really do appreciate, that this shit doesn't happen here. At least I can try to hit on girls without any possible legal repercussions unless I really do something illegal.

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Fuck me. "autistic" really does just mean ugly.

>she the "victim" changed her story
>she the mother who wasnt present at the time changed her story whereas the boy never changed his story

yeah same thing totally
drown yourself in lit gasoline

Wow I was way ahead of the times , and women in the nursing program thought I was Being too distant, and anti social. I still failed but I'm not on jail

That kid isn't ugly though.

He's better looking than I am

his inability to get laid has nothing to do with anything, we don't even know if he doesn't get laid. if this happened to chad it would still be wrong fuckhead.

>when the normals call alright looking people ugly

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Smelling better than dogshit doesn't make you smell like flowers.

>burger king shitter calling others niggers
you're just as much of a nigger you fast food cuck

He did not molest her. He asked her for a fist bump and she accepted.

Not only are you disparaging autistic people, but now you are disparaging legitimate sexual assault victims.

You are a shining example of feminism

user its clearly bait why bother?

You can be a 6/10 and still be ugly now.

Dude. I AM normal.

So honestly, your inference is way off.

Well if he's going to get the same punishment as if he actually molested her, why not just molest her then atleast then you got to experience the crime your being punished for

honestly he should just kill her for trying to ruin his life over something as insignificant as a fist bump

Because I demand better quality bait than this

plus there are normies who actually think like this

Chad.... the dumpy, cerebral palsy, brain stented, autistic POC Chad.... yeah that person doesn't exist.
We do know he doesn't get laid. He wouldn't be in any of this trouble if he could interact with functional humans in a healthy way.

>you're not a REAL feminist
with your incomprehensibly naive evaluation of my beliefs, I have to turn the question about: is it possible that her story change was a correction of her recall of events? If yes, then no he did not just fist bump her, he sexually assaulted her. My point is I think he's a liar. None of you are obliged to agree with that, but NEVER question my devotion to the idol of feminism again.

You'd be in for a bit of a shock, I'm afraid.

You're letting the derpy expression throw you off what's objectively there.

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why do you think he's a liar
is it because he's black?
because he's autistic?
or because he's a man?