Reminder: Even if you're an above average ripped guy, you're still going to have to settle with a fat chick. This is the feminists fault. If you work really hard you can probably boost yourself up to a 7/10, which will give you the ability to date 4/10 women, maybe 5/10 women if you're lucky. Oh and also women got makeup which can instantly boost them from a 5/10 to an 8/10. Shit isn't fair
Reminder: Even if you're an above average ripped guy, you're still going to have to settle with a fat chick...
>Reminder: Even if you're an above average ripped guy, you're still going to have to settle with a fat chick. This is the feminists fault. If you work really hard you can probably boost yourself up to a 7/10, which will give you the ability to date 4/10 women, maybe 5/10 women if you're lucky. Oh and also women got makeup which can instantly boost them from a 5/10 to an 8/10. Shit isn't fair
>this is your brain on r9k
Disprove him or leave.
wow lol even if fat was his fetish he could do better
OP we've known about this forever and its been posted over the last 8 years. How about something new instead of your same old redpill shit? This is boring
Ok let's come up with a solution then. This is what happens when we give women freedom. How to go back to 1800?
you don't, the closest thing you can do is destroy whatever country you are in entirely and live in its ruins or follow the example of refugees and black men.
without lifting I date 5/10 and 6/10. I cannot imagine what would happen when I start cutting my weight.
>shit isn't fair
boys hide their ugly face using beard so
you are probably just a fat chad which is kind of pathetic when you think about it.
Stop wasting your damn time and go be a real chad already
The supply of attractive women is going down due to obesity and feminism (weird hairstyles, piercings, etc.). Simultaneously the standards of male attractiveness have gone up due to social media and female economic independence.
I fall you must be beta and chad at the same time meme.
It's either an accessory/preference if you're attractive or lipstick on a pig if you're not, sometimes it can make it worse if you're a literal neckbeard/have patchy facial hair.
Pffffff I will bet money he still fucking his coworkers Stacy, Amy, Juanita and all those other thots when lil miss piggy aint around
If i can't pull anything skinnier than that while lifting than i would be fine with being a permavirgin and maybe gay.
Out of curiosity, if all we can get are 4s and 5s then where are all the rest?
>Oh and also women got makeup which can instantly boost them from a 5/10 to an 8/10
Whoa there let's not get carried away
That's his sister you dunce, look at their noses.
How come you will happily use a single example like this, but then if you see a man with a woman more attractive than him he is an outlier or getting cucked? You're obviously pushing an agenda.
>holding hand with your sister
let me guess i bet you think brothers hug their sisters to lmao.
Yes, big bros do at least
yeah OP I completely trust this out of context picture and what you are saying: Women must die!
maybe its his childhood lover or his sister or some shit. and shes a bit THICC who gives a fuck.
i've not once hugged my little sisters or my older sisters and have never seen anyone else do it. But then again im here so that might be why
yes this is true, this is part of the reason I stopped going to the gym to lift weights, even at peak physical condition the only girls who would look at me were 4s or 5s at best
I would be pretty happy with a 4/10 gf tbqh
Maybe he's using her to get to her 10/10 stacy friend.
Patience is a virtue. I met a super cute petite robot girl about a month or so ago. Things have been panning very out well. There is hope if you want a gf but you cant let shitty propaganda like this beat you down
The real chads (sports star, club owner, well known, rich, etc etc) all have a bunch of women circulating around them, creating an imbalance. 80% of women go for the top 20% of men. Also have you ever seen a woman without makeup? In pic related on the left she still has makeup on, can you imagine how she looks like with absolutely no makeup?
Reminder that dwelling inside your mom's basement will land you only depression and self-pity. Not all girls are thots and want sex. I guess you're the typical nice guy.
Oh, and eye contact or talking doesn't mean she's into you.
>implying Kim K is pretty
I'm implying that she looks a lot better with makeup on, just like every woman
my beard is blond [basically see-through] and i can't stop it from growing,