Are women really needed for anything other than procreation?
Are women really needed for anything other than procreation?
Original recreation.
I don't see how the same couldn't be said about men. Both are needed for procreation.
is procreation needed
women are usseless ex
Men are the driving force behind humanity. If we use artificial wombs then there is literally no use for women, if it's pleasure we can just use other men.
Because men invented everything you take for granted. Women can't make that claim.
still need to mix genes.
Emotional and sexual validation, for one. Having a woman depend on and want you is quite a motivator.
>emotional and sexual exhaustion
Well. I mean But ya, you can't tell me you don't like tits or stuff like that. I mean really you guys make sperm forever right? So why don't we just put guys on milkers and milk em. We only need your seed. You are too belligerent anyway. Nah jk. But really It's stupid to say you don't need women. You also don't need to reproduce or be alive.
having someone to talk to is a plus
>Are women really needed for anything other than procreation
i mean, someone has to keep house, cook, clean, etc. a man doesnt have time to do that shit effectively.
Wow you incels are pathetic
Muh holes is not an argument
obviously not original
Men don't even have that, We are pretty useless
I mean if we're going to kill most of one gender first, its going to be men. We only really need one man in the world, women are irreplaceable though.
They make the place look nice. Even the ugly ones kinda provide hype for the future good looking ones.
Reminder that all str*ights will be gassed on the day of the fag.
why does this sound like your fetish user? what do you mean by gassed?
Literally what purpose do women serve when artifical wombs become commonplace? Men invented everything and built society and actually have a sense of companionship unlike those diseased holes.
Idk man, i like to look at women, i also like to touch them and stick my dick on them.
So it's superficial, just get a robot that looks like a woman and its not a neurotic fuck up when you harness her breasts and you got the perfect women.
>Inb4 but women make things prettier!
Thats why we got fags, senpai