Femanons how do you feel about cute asian girls? Like Le hate them? Or want to date them? Or want to watch them being sexually degraded in the most perverse ways?
Femanons how do you feel about cute asian girls? Like Le hate them? Or want to date them...
I want one as pet
asian girls make the best pets
>Femanons how do you feel about cute asian girls?
the best
>Or want to date them?
Open to the idea I guess, in theory
>Or want to watch them being sexually degraded in the most perverse ways?
not that into sexual stuff, I want pure
White fembot here. Insanely jealous of how cute they are. All the types of guys that I'm into are into asian girls. beta, nerdy, introverted etc.
As long as you're white it's pretty easy to make yourself cute to the same level.
My best friend is a cute asian girl and I love her to bits. We are both just a couple of cuties.
I wish I was one
>white (which I don't mind that much)
>average height and wide hips, shoulders and big feet
>wide figure
>naturally have cow tits
>I'm not overweight but on the thicker side, right now I'm trying to lose weight
>now matter how much weight I lose I can't change my bone structure
>tfw will never truly be delicate and petite
theyre pretty cool desu, except when they steal our men.
Not really. Asian faces are generally much softer and neotonous. My mother/father have very strong jawelines and defined strong chins and I inherited it.
I definitely feel I can be beautiful but not "cute".
>tfw am Asian guy and Asian girl couple
>tfw no smol white girl pet
White girls can be so cute.
>hate them
>date them
>sexually degrade them
Sounds like an ideal relationship for the average white woman.
>love them
>date them
>emotionally elevate them
this is the ideal relationship for white women.
I feel like a lot of korean girls are gorgeous (though they usually have work done), i dont find japanese girls very pretty but the few i do are gorgeous.
I dont think girls hate that some guys prefer asian girls, its more so that there can be an ugly asian girl with unattractive feature and a lot of you have yellow goggles (basically beer goggles for asians) and you ignore the ugliness simply because they are asian; where as if they were literally any race you would call them ugly.
also most of my asian friends are slutty or normal they arent as docile/innocent as everyone tries to paint them to be. people i watch on youtube from korea very openly talk about sex/one night stands.
so i would say it is that guys fully ignore anything "wrong" with asian girls that they would harp on with other girls, and that does get frustrating.
t. im not white
I hate them solely on the fact that one stole the attention of the guy I liked, ughh I wish I wasn't so fucking so short, dark and fat.
I think asian and white girls can both be 'cute' but in different ways. Like, if you asked me to define what made a girl cute it would be the round face and youthful features of an asian girl but with white girls its more a personal thing, its definitely less physical and more based on behaviour than looks (but being short helps).
lived 1 year in korea, 1year in thailand, you're saying a bunch of bullshit
Many of them are my friends but I do secretly resent them for stealing white dudes. Jow Forums bitches endlessly about Tyrone cucking them, but I have seen maybe one brown guy/white woman couple in the last week and over twenty WMAF couples, so get real. Men are the real race traitors and psychologically my frustration about that is projected onto Asian chicks.
While I count several of the dorkier ones as my friends, some are way more conniving and materialistic than the worst white women stereotypes and those are usually the ones obsessed with white dudes. My worst bullies were Asian girls, possibly because white women's behaviour is now curbed by all this "check your privilege" shit while it enboldens "queer asian femmes". These girls then prattle on endlessly about the horrors of "fetishization" while appropriating statistics about South Asians.
I also masturbate a lot to Hitomi Tanaka but her Asian-ness is incidental.
t. Triggered white woman
TLDR: I think WMAF is cancer, that fashionable Asian chicks are the most annoying people of all time, and that dorkier Asian chicks are great people.
>men are the real race traitors
*shots fired*
I think they are cute and I want all white men to go after them
it depends on the location really. I live in Southern California and ive seen at least 5 BMWF couples at my school. The only time ive ever seen a WMAF pairing was at the SD fair where I saw about 2.
I don't get this, what's going on in this picture?
wanna masturbate to JAV together?
how do i get a race betrayed white gf???
tfw no betrayed-by-her-race white gf
Do you like Asian guys? or you a lesbot
Most definitely. I go to a top resarch university. I don't see black people period, but even in my own working class neighbourhood it wasn't really a thing.
Leave, newfag.
>do you like Asian guys
I'd be friends with anyone. But romanticaly and sexually I have a thing for white lanklets (who CANNOT be robots). Despite my race traitor jab, I'm not intentionally racist, and maybe would change my view if I met my soulmate. However, the only non-white I ever felt anything for was Native American. So like an Asian dude but drinking mouthwash instead of Math Olympics.
leave gookchon
Evolution. The future.
Not sure about the dark and fat but overwhelmingly men prefer short women so you have no problems there.
I'm 4'11, I look like a mexican grandma.
My girl now is 4 10 and its awesome
Just lose some weight and youll be good to go.
What's the point when the guy I like is infatuated with some Japanese bitch?
i thought most fembots were asians
Have you tried talking to him and asking him out? Have you tried moving on from someone who doesn't want you? Have you tried a menage e trois relationship?
Maybe you should develop an interest in something that isn't anime and pop culture trends(all of the girls I know who complain about not being able to get the guys they like has a terrible boring personality). Then people might find you interesting and care about your personality instead of your jawline
Look at this guy with his positive attitude and practical advice. What a loser
maleanon here, why femanons don't you try to be as cute as them? you were very cute time ago (50 years ago) but not anymore... what went wrong, also being cute is what is stoping me from having a gf, western woman is not cute or sweet anymore and is mostly trash.
Being cute is considered anti-feminist. Being feminine is about being as trashy and slutty as possible because you don't need no man, honey.