Which do you think is worse for society--overprotective, coddling parents or neglectful, unloving ones?
Which do you think is worse for society--overprotective, coddling parents or neglectful, unloving ones?
god i fucking hate this picture because it looks almost exactly like me, fuckin hellim not 20 yet so it aint lol
Glad to hear you're still young and working on things
I want high iq parents that would push me to better myself.
over-protective parents are worse because no matter what age, their offspring will always effectively be children until they get out from under thair parents grasp and experience real life with real consequences. its not a parents job to shelter their kids from the world. its a parents job to prepare their kids for the world. no matter if 12 or 30, a sheltered person is mentally a child.
Well, children of the latter wont be going off to Harvard
this picture makes me so sad
depends. both are as likely to create pieces of shit and psychopaths.
we need loving parents who don't let their kids do sheeit.
Overprotective. My parents were overprotective and I have never done any drugs, had premarital sex, drink, or have any awful porn addictions. I always used to get mad at them for not letting go out with my friends, but now I realized that it was for the better. I am free of any real regrets.
Both can create unfulfilled adults with untapped potential that may never be used. Unloving parents though more likely create serial killers and don't stop the cycle of abuse.
both simultaneously. neglectful and selfish enough to believe themselves a part of your life.
People who had overprotective parents will say those are worse, people with neglectful parents will say those are worse.
Not necessarily true. What is always true though is that abusive parents will cause a child to become fucked up 10 out of 10 times. Nothing wrong with being a bit more childish in character anyways as long as you're competent and realistic/not delusional.
>neglectful, unloving ones
They both have their downside, but being coddled is more easily reversible. You can always harden yourself, but the process doesnt work as well in reverse
I had 1 of each. My dad acted mean to me so my mom was overprotective and overbearing in return. Cant believe they are still married.
Anyway having cold parents is better as long as you toughen up. If your parents are too enabling you will never grow up and probably become a neet. Tough parents will make your life shit for a while but ultimately improving yourself through hard work will be easier, since youre used to doing things on your own.
Overprotective and abusive prents will create fucked up kids 10 times out of 10 because it isn't balanced parenting based around fitting the child's needs. Overprotective parenting is selfish parenting, where the parents' needs are more important than the children's. Overprotective parents breed anxious/depressed kids. Abusive parents breed angry/violent kids.
sure you naive little skid, let me know how that Stockholm syndrome of yours goes
i'm thinking about this question and wondering if it's possible for them to be both at the same time?
>high iq parents that would push me to better myself.
This, imagine if you just spent your life doing something useful and fulfilling instead of just wasting time on whatever the fuck.
I just want to become a better parent and give my kid the life he/she deserves if it ever comes to that.
Overly sheltered spoiled kid here. I was never taught how to act like an adult. Couldn't cook, clean, exercise until I was legally able to drink, and learned only because I pushed myself. It fucking sucks when you have to learn the basics everybody knows for granted. My parents covered me in materialistic bullshit and gave themselves a pat on the back, while missing the depression I've had since first year of high school. In part, I hate them for that. They made me weak, and other kids could smell it. Children are vicious and will put you down for it.
I want parents that went to college, don't even have to be high IQ.
I want parents who thought, "gee whiz I'm having children maybe I should read up on child psychology".
I want parents that actually understood what a child is and how to make one not be fucked up
Hahaha loser!!! Hope you kill yourself
Won't happen, sorry to disappoint. Point is, overprotective parents can do a lot of damage too.
You don't.
It's like this: user, why do you have a B in the math class at uni? Do you not CARE about maths? Don't you LOVE it, like you should?
t. Have high IQ parents who push me to better myself.
Well, I have an M. Sc. in Maths at 22, and there is no way I won't have a PhD at 24, so I guess it has its upsides.
Looks everything worked out for you user.
What's wrong with having pushy parents who don't shelter you from having a social life etc.
Is this THE best parenting method?
Well, I am without a doubt completely insane.
Well, granted, my mother says to me that her "child psychology"(), that she read up in books because she is a doctor didn't work on me, because I was messed up from the beginning. (I think it made me even more messed up.)
Maybe I was.
My father is literally an Autist.
I'm lucky that I actually ended up having social skills and can get along with people.
People like me.
And I could probably be a great director for some big project one day.
I also never had a gf and likely never will have a gf because I have absolutely MASSIVE trust issues from my parents working all the time. I was always last to be picked up from daycare.
I live in a violent country. Usually children of overprotective parents here are fools and take way longer to mature. they don't develop street smarts and get picked. They end up being spoiled lil brats
>I live in a violent country
i'm very curious, you wanna tell us more? which country?
Fucking sad dude i feel for you. Sometimes i think life would be easier and more fullfilling if you were a dumb motherfucker living in a trailer in the desert shooting heroin all day while fucking white trailer trash sluts. Literally better than dealing with normies and stressing out about life in general.
Anyone got the compilation pic of OP's pic with all the sad lookin dudes alone on their birthdays?
>20th birthday this year
I don't even have anyone to judge me, I just couldn't look at my reflection anymore HELP HEEELP EEUYLLGLLYLLL
My parents pushed me to be polite and have manners. The other kids hated it for some reason.
My parents thought I was some kind of genius since I was little so I ended up in GT classes, advanced math/english tracks, and the like. They would always tell my teachers all about how smart I was and the interesting ideas I had.
Eventually reality caught up. I coasted through early high school based on being able to memorize quickly, but when I started taking classes that required thinking, I fell behind. I got lazy, expecting things to turn out fine just because I was smart enough. I just plain didn't do half the assigned work and then got mad when my parents pressed me about it. I graduated with a 3.0 by the skin of my teeth after failing multiple classes. Every step of the way they would ask why I was falling behind if I was so smart.
I also got compared to my brother my whole life because he, unlike me, was an actual autist math savant who had a 4.0 his whole time in school. My parents had me retake the ACT because my score wasn't high enough for their liking even though I got a 31 the first time.
This is where the reddit meme of being "smart but lazy" comes from - guys who are maybe good at rote memorization but who don't have a work ethic to save their lives. The truth is that nobody cares how high your IQ is or what your ACT score was if you don't do anything with it. Even if I'm supposedly smarter than 85% of the population or whatever I'm still a khv loser.
>smarter than 85% of the population
that's still pretty damn stupid.
If you have an IQ of 145 or something then you are already smarter then 99% and that isn't even that smart.
With that, you won't be able to get a math degree without doing anything for it.
If you have 160+, then you are 99.9x% and THEN, you can actually get a degree in Math or something while being drunk all the time and not going to classes.