Why autists love dinosaurs?

why autists love dinosaurs?

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there's so much info to learn about them you can get absorbed for hours. i'm autistic and my favorite hobbies are dinos, trains, cars and history

T-Rex went a little heavy on the leg day and neglected arm day

What purpose did those arms serve? They are not long enough to reach anything and they don't look strong enough to lift anything.

Why do the drawings of dinos never include giant dino dicks flopping around as they walk and fight

Well I guess everyone who doesnt is a fucking retard then

Probably nothing. Evolution doesn't produce a perfect model first time.

I looked it up and some theorize that they used them for close range slashing with gigantic talons.

>love dinos and mechs
>have lots of books and figures
>am so autistic I'm not allowed in public
Checks out

big, powerful, majestic, strong, testosterone driven, epic, ancient, acting on inpulse and brutish to the max. the literal opposite of what autistic spergs are.

ever seen a crocodile's or a snake's penis flopping around like that? reptiles don't have mammalian penises

I thought autists were the product of too much testosterone in developmental stages.

>I thought autists were the product of too much testosterone in developmental stages.
the bitchtits, squacky voice, noodle arms, constand whining and crying and lady-eyes suggest otherwise.

estrogen and testosterone can both exist in high levels. I have a pretty deep voice and I think I'm on the spectrum

autists are highly aggressive

Even most mamals don't have their dongs exposed. They retract into their bodies. Humans are the odd ones.

I know that feeling
t. Autismo who attentionwhored with dinosaur knowledge in the years 5-17 of his life

because dinosaurs are fucking cool

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Ouch for those male snakes

I don't know, but the stereotype is true for me. I'm autistic and fucking love dinosaurs

I suspect that autists are repressed homosexuals and that reptiles, trains and other phallic fixations are just examples of puerile cocklust.
But don't mind me, I have brain problems and hold unorthodox and likely inaccurate ideas. It's just a gut feeling I have based on the fact that eventually, spergs end up jerking it to futanari if no parent protects them from the evils on the internet.

>those comfy afternoons as a kid when your dad took you to the library and you looked through dino books for hours

They're perfect for autistic brains in the same way things like tanks and trains are. Each individual species is it's own universe of information.

Dinos are cool because of the many thing phisicaly do like slam another Dino eoth a fucking tail club

because dinosaurs a cute! a cute!

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their little arms were probably quite strong, so they may have been used for slashing or grasping. they may also have been used during mounting and mating. or they have been vestigial and useless.

They actually were strong enough to lift 200kg