Does it works? Can raloxifene help with my gyno?
I'm not on roids but I'd prefer to stay away from a surgery
Is ralo the only option left?
(Not me on the pic but it's pretty close)
Does it works? Can raloxifene help with my gyno?
I'm not on roids but I'd prefer to stay away from a surgery
Is ralo the only option left?
(Not me on the pic but it's pretty close)
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It might reduce it after a long term dose, the only way to know is by trying
I'm just scared of the side effects (if any)
Do you think that an endocrinologist exam would help?
I'm probably gonna start dosing it as soon as I can find some and see if there are results in 4/6 months
Otherwise surgery is the only option
Stupid doctor told me it was "just fat" but now that I'm pretty skinny (6' and 30" waist) I'd say that this may not be the case since my chest looks the same as before I started training
>be an unrepentant fatass for most of my life
>finally think enough is enough and get on a diet
>never took the gyno thing seriously
>palpate my chest and feel a fibrous mass above/around both nipples
>lose will to anything
please guys give me an accurate description of gyno
If there is a hard lump then it is undoubtedly gyno. An endocrinologist wouldn’t help, he’d direct you to a surgeon. This is a question better directed towards a community that focuses on steroids because most people here don’t even lift. I would still recommend getting a blood test beforehand if you’re going to take something long term.
If you're fat, you most likely don't have gyno. You're just fat.
Only way you can be sure if gyno or not is by getting to 12% bf. Lose bodyfat first then cry about gyno.
I just know that some mentally deranged fags take ralox in combination with estrogen to not grow boobs so I'd guess it can work. I think you can order it online.
Either way you should talk to an endo, it might just be complete bullshit.
Ever heard of the effects of red grapes (GSE) on gynecomastia?
look it up, it looks promising.
>Can raloxifene help with my gyno?
>Is ralo the only option left?
no, your ONLY option is surgery
If you were on roids and got gyno, you can reverse it with drugs because your glands are inflamed from other substances. In your situation it's pubertal gyno so no amount of drugs will reverse it.
literally just eat raw onion lol