I miss him so fucking much bros
I miss him so fucking much bros
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RIp lil peep
Finna comp me some xanax today
I miss my guy to :c
>I miss alt chad
Fuck off
rip nice bois
Jesus Christ this website has gone to shit. Take your fucking black culture to Plebbit and Instagram you fucking degenerate piece of fucking shit. Saged.
He was a druggie loner with no friends until he started making music with an abusive deadbeat father and was practically homeless for 3 years
You miss person you never talked in real life, you only knew him by videos you must be really fucking retarded getting attached to characters like this.
Have you been tested for psychopathy user?
we lost a real one guys........we really fucked up. rip
he's right, you're attaching deep emotions onto someone you don't know at all, you're in love with his image
I hate to tell you this but it's perfectly normal behaviour sorry user. Don't tell me you've never become emotionally attached to a musician/character/
>you're in love with his image
you woke, but i still miss his image ;-; he doesn't deserve to be deaded
yes perfectly normal behaviour for 11 yr old children.
I bet you also talk and train together with Goku.
Uh no, perfectly normal behaviour for anyone with basic human emotions
Have you considered getting tested for psychopathy?
you just spout your bullshit without any backing
_____ its perfectly normal behaviour .....
Said who?
You are doing equivalent of mental masturbation.
user, what you have is considered one of the symptoms of a mental disorder.
guess what? he should not have been so fucking stupid about drugs. anyways men are falling brosties r dying femcel uprising!
Alt chad.
Fuck off retard. Hes not our guy at all.
Lil Peep was a FAG.
XXXTentacion was a FAG.
Good riddance.
the only people who worship these retards are retarded people
unseen shit
witchblades - lil peep x lil tracy (with some delete scenes) : youtube.com
Come Over When You're Sober, Pt.2 Leaked Song And Album Art LIL PEEP UNRELEASED ALBUM : youtube.com
Lowering Gus Ahr's Casket : youtube.com
Nigger worshipping thread lmao oh how r9k has fallen