So this is what why trash love democracy
>Sex, grocery store 24/7, drugs and cheap electronics
And here I thought people wanted a better, cleaner, green, pluralist, multicultural, ecology friendly world
So this is what why trash love democracy
Other urls found in this thread:
This pic is not tolerant
1 single brown and two whites
They're probably right across the street from a beach you idiot.
You're fucking finally realizing the truth about women, user. The sex economy nowadays is horribly messed up because of 2/10 roasties being able to receive Chad cock every time they want just because "muh labia". The provoking garments you notice everyday are specifically for the purpose of boosting the bitch's ego and attracting men, however, the catch is only Chads are allowed to penetrate her. I actually miss the Abrahamic times where you could rape a virgin and she'd be handled to you, or stoned. Sharia law is also another great example.
To conclude, it's rope or nothing now, user.
Does seeing a woman in a bikini make your wee-wee sad because it reminds you of what you're never going to get?
>I actually miss the Abrahamic times where you could rape a virgin and she'd be handled to you, or stoned
There is nothing wrong with stoning whores but it's the typical communist/jewish propaganda to say society need more progressive laws because women ''were oppressed''
soon gentlemen, soon...
>If you say something it's because inside your mind you want it!
how do I know you are european? because you repeat cheap freudian cliches
user, Deuteronomy 22. You couldn't just rape women, and then marry them. That's fallacy from Christian haters. In instances of rape, the man got stoned to death while the woman was free to go. Rape was said to be the same as you attacking and murdering your fellow men. Troll better.
>how do I know you are european?
Wow... I've had inceltards insist that I'm a woman despite being a man but this is the first time I've been misidentified as a European. Color... flavor... harbor... nope.
Your comment is against anti-bigotry laws. Society must move forward
We must eliminate Christianity in order to liberate women and minorities from WHITE CHRISTIAN OPPRESSION
There literally are cases of women in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries punished for being raped.
>I'm a woman despite being a man
See?! You said you are a woman! Inside your heart in want to be a woman! Your conscience is telling you: "be a woman be a woman"
Seek a psychologist to FREE your mind from binary patriarchal oppression
>Seek a psychologist to FREE your mind from binary patriarchal oppression
See a protologist before all your butthurt causes permanent rectal damage.
Are those men?
Vomit inducing faces
stop cucking yourself to that jewish mind propaganda, user.
I'm aware, but he's talking about the Old Testament times. If you raped someone then, you were put to death while the woman was deemed innocent. They were much harsher on rapists then the U.S. today.
Yeah. People love trying to pull that one out of their hat.
You are angry because you are being confronted with non-binary terms
Freud explains. First reaction from a people indoctrinated by oppressive binary forms is anger
Your want to FREE your mind from this. You want to BE FREE of society rules and hierarchy. You were born TO BE ALIVE!
Dunno why americans are so sensitive to skin...
They get pissed off even if a male is walking shirtless lol
My fashion icon
Sexual repression = anger
You are LITERALLY screaming "Free me of binary oppression" but you are afraid
FREE YOURSELF. Live and let live. Breath and say to your ego "I am what I am"
Gold medal tier, user.
This is why these times were the best.
Don't put buns in my face unless I can eat them
The Incel problem was explained by Freud
A baby suck his mother tits but he can't masturbate
This repression will later show after puberty and during the 20s when hormones are balanced
This repression will transform into ANGER against progressive, non-binary, non-plural and non-hierarchical structures
Inside your heart lies a beautiful and progressive woman who wants to be free. But this beautiful woman is oppressed by Rednecks and traditional values.
>wahhhhh this hot grill in a bathing suit is taking a break from her house party to buy more booze!!! fucking women, fucking democracy, fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Like dude, calm your fucking autistic shit down a notch
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read lmao
What a pathetic asslet.
>so mad a women is in a bikini that he hates democracy
I don't get this meme, you would honestly rather be a fork farmer for a king just to spite women? Why not just kill yourself if people doing what you don't like hurts you so much?
That's a peachy ass, btw
Is this honest-to-god autism? Who types this shit up when they see a woman in a swimsuit?
You're taking that verse out of context. Deuteronomy 24-27 comes before that. The actual wording was they should be married if they are 'found', and the act was determined to be consensual between the two. If the woman in the city who was raped cried out or sought help immediately following the act, then the man was still stoned to death while the woman was set free. The same happened if rape occurred in the countryside because, "The woman cried out, but there was no one to save her."
What that law was actually saying is that if 14 year old Chad and Stacey got in on falling into their teenage desires, and were discovered, they would be forced to marry one another. It was actually a law that allowed people to pick their marriage partner. If the woman was married or betrothed, both were stoned to death. If you attacked OP's girl in the picture, and raped her, and she screamed/sought assistance for the act, you would be stoned to death while the girl was let free.
They saw rape to be the same as murder.
got it on*
If I was desperate, I would just hire a vagina for the night.
And depending on the company: less chance of STDs.
Yeah, "No Russian" made ZERO sense.
Why would America attack a random airport?
Why would Russia think America would attack a random airport?
Shit-tier writing
Society is not progressive enough
We need to move forward
In a society powered by minorities and women everything will be eco-friendly, plural and tolerant
Commander Sheperd sent Alen to a "covert" mission to infiltrate Makarov's secret organisation. He succeeded. Makarov decided to carry a terrorist organisation but he had already found out Alen was an American spy. He killed the spy at the end so when his body was found, Russia would think it's America.
In reality, it was Shepard and Makarov's plans since the beginning, to start a war between the two countries.
The person was insiding and was spotted by Makarov. Once the Russian public found out it was Death to America pretty much. I don't remember why he took part in the terrorist attack but I'm sure it was for a good reason. I unironically love the story arcs for COD games
This new breed of left (that has seemingly appear from nowhere) are way too idealistic that they negate the realistic.
Multiculturalism sounds good, but mankind is too tribalistic; too keen to organise into groups (us vs them).
Hm, makes sense now. I honestly thought there's something that meant the opposite.
Apologies for my baiting as well.
>Multiculturalism sounds good, but mankind is too tribalistic; too keen to organise into groups (us vs them).
>no way people are like fucking evolved and shit you weirdo racist
>proceeds to buy more food than they can eat and oogle hot people on their smart-device
I really hope humanity is wiped out by a margin of 100%. I want that for all of life, but humankind would be good enough
It's okay. I wasn't even bringing up necessarily trying to argue. I only brought it up because it's one of those verses feminists and the ilk bring up out of context, and it has now led to actual Christians, Jewish, and even people who don't follow either religion taking 'that' to be truth. I only mentioned it because I know a lot of people mistakenly believe that was actually what the verse meant. I'm just obliged to sort that one out when it's brought up.
The whole thing read together in the context it's meant was actually a very reasonable approach for the time it was written. No need to apologize. Given the way the verses are thrown around out of context, I completely understand why people would think it was allowing rape. No one adds the verses that come beforehand usually, and it's just one of those fallacies that has taken off.
I agree the new left is too idealistic. They really underestimate how cucked white men are by capitalism. Who would think that a group with ever increasing suicides, drug addiction, and poverty would support the system causing it as long as they got to "own the libs" and stop women and minorities from doing things they don't like? I don't think Marx could've seen this coming.
tell me about this one, expert on god:
Isaiah 60:16
Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings
Isaiah 61:5
And gentiles shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
are you gay?
she's wearing a bikini
so what
it's summer
you're a bitch for complaining
I'm not an expert. However, whatever land you be conquering, you best make sure any sexual act is consensual, and stay away from married women. Those who were conquered were now part of the same kingdom, and were obligated to follow the same laws. That being said, it was generally frowned upon to marry those who were not Hebrew. You could marry their woman, but it was frowned upon.
That's one thing Jesus tried correcting was the idea that these gentiles were 'lesser beings'. They were suppose to be brought into Hebrew society, not considered, for lack of a better word, a lower caste.
To further elaborate on that, I'm going to try to find the actual verses, but there's the story with the man who sees the mirage of all the unclean animals, and he's told they're 'okay to eat'. A lot of Christians use this part to argue that's why it's okay to eat shrimp, but they're obligated to follow the rest of Leviticus' rules.
That story was actually using the unclean animals to represent the gentiles, and parallels with a Jewish creation myth using unclean animals to refer to pagan people. The use of saying, "It's okay to eat these unclean animals," was saying that's it's okay to associate with conquered gentiles and pagans for all purposes regarding Hebrew society. They should be brought into your society, not ostracized as something lesser.
sex WAS marriage.
>That being said, it was generally frowned upon to marry those who were not Hebrew. You could marry their woman, but it was frowned upon.
of course, jews have genes which were chosen by god. they are god's superior chosen race
i mean 61:5 makes sense, but what does 60:16 mean? sucking gentile milk, and king breasts?
That's one thing Jesus tried correcting was the idea that these gentiles were 'lesser beings'. They were suppose to be brought into Hebrew society, not considered, for lack of a better word, a lower caste.
yes, and idea for which he was reviled and crucified
>They should be brought into your society, not ostracized as something lesser.
hmmm, that's odd... last week:
>The Israeli Knesset has approved the 'nation-state bill' that promotes Jewish-only settlements, downgrades Arab language status and limits the right to self-determination to Jews. Arab MPs chided the law as racist.
I like the combination of milk, eggs, water and what is probably pinot or Chardonnay. It says I need to hydrate before I drink this wine so I can make my kids breakfast tomorrow.
60:16 was essentially saying, "Their resources are now your resources." Milk was a very important thing. Babies died without milk. It's an analogy for resources.
Regarding Israeli... Well, it is said to 'beware the Churches', and Jesus himself wasn't very happy with the Pharisees by the time he came around to Earth. If we want to get real technical, there's good possibility that Israel today is responsible for indirectly causing all the upheaval in the middle East. It is quite clear that if they try to keep Jerusalem 'through the spilling of blood', that their 'enemies' will rise up to devour them, burn them alive, and rape their children. It's quite clear by the end of the Old Testament that if they attempt to keep their cities through violent, oppressive means, they will fall. That's /x/ territory though, and that would get real complicated to explain since we'd be going through an plethora of verses including those from those books with the funny names regarding prophecy.
All you need to know is the upheaval in the Middle East may very well be due to Israel's government going against their own books. They have lost their city before, and it is written that they can lose it again if they try to win the city by the spilling of blood.
Israeli leaders*, Middle East*
Again, that's almost /x/ related, and that's hard mode when it comes to studying the Biblical texts. It's not really something for discussion on Jow Forums because it'd get too in-depth.
And not 'cities'. if they attempt to keep Jerusalem through violent, oppressive means*
That's the last correction.
tl;dr = judaism is a racism and jews are fucking racist
No more then trying to say every Christian is analogous to the Westboro Baptist Church. There are good Jewish people. Many of those in Israel are just not being very good Jews right now. Again though, it's going to eventually lead to them getting decimated if they don't change their ways. Unfortunately, our country may very well get dragged into their divine retribution if you believe in that sort of thing. That's /x/ related though.
>There are good Jewish people
that's because you don't have to believe in the racist teachings of the talmud & torah to be jewish
you simply need god's chosen genes
Is everyone ITT seriously pretending that OP's post is coherent.
>So this is what why trash love democracy
what the fuck am I reading
You have to follow teachings that were in no way meant to mean, "Tear down the homes of the Palestinians, and run someone over with a bulldozer in the process." Being Hebrew doesn't just get you a free pass, you can still get sentence to obliteration. Also, anyone can be Jewish. You can be a gentile, and still follow Judaism. This goes back to the mirage mentioned earlier involving 'unclean animals'. You can follow the Old Covenant if you really wish to, and reap the benefits of Abraham's Bosom in the afterlife. That's why many Christians seek to follow Leviticus despite their reworking of a certain story to mean they can eat shrimp.
Having the genes of a Hebrew does not mean automatic free passes.
No. We're entirely going on a tangent at this point in the thread.
>You have to follow teachings that were in no way meant to mean, "Tear down the homes of the Palestinians, and run someone over with a bulldozer in the process."
>suck the milk of the gentiles
>gentiles will stand and feed your flocks
>their sons will be your plowmen and vinedressers
Chief Sephardic rabbi Yosef:
>Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,
>Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat
"The Lubavitcher Rebbe":
>And you have chosen us" [the Jews] means specifically that the Jewish body was chosen [by God], because a choice is thus made between outwardly similar things. The Jewish body "looks as if it were in substance similar to bodies of non-Jews,' but the meaning ... is that the bodies only seem to be similar in material substance, outward look and superficial quality. The difference of the inner quality, however, is so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species. This is the reason why the Talmud states that there is an halachic difference in attitude about the bodies of non-Jews [as opposed to the bodies of Jews] ... 'their bodies are in vain.' . . . An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, according to wiki "He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century"
>multiculturalism sounds good
you dont know what multiculturalism is
if brown people come to your country and assimilate into the culture thats not multiculturalism
Multiculturalism is where you have multiple seperate cultures and essentially multiple societies opperating at once with different goals
what you actually want is a macro culture that the country follows and then everyone can have whatever micro culture or subculture they want.
for example a chineese person who moves to america and embraces the consititution and freedom but still cooks chineese food he's following the american macro culture while still having his chinese microculture
whereas if a chinese person comes to america, refuses to embrace the consititution, wants to opperate as if they are in communist china and segregates themself into a chinese only area then that is multiculturalism, he isnt following the macro culture of american
Why is everyone responding to a completely incomprehensible post? OP is clearly schizophrenic.
user, I've already given clear enough explanation of what's going on versus what was meant. No, they're not suppose to tear people's homes down or run someone over with a bulldozer.
What's going on is people reworking a religion to justify their corruption. Again, let them do what they will, and they will fall to the hands of their enemies. It's already happening.
If what you're trying to do is convince me to hate all Jewish people by default, that's not going to work out in your favor.
>No, they're not suppose to tear people's homes down or run someone over with a bulldozer.
they're not supposed to be in the promised land unless they belong to the superior chosen race so it is 100% justified to terrorize them
>What's going on is people reworking a religion to justify their corruption. Again, let them do what they will, and they will fall to the hands of their enemies. It's already happening.
no, i think they are just reading a racist book and being racist because of it
>If what you're trying to do is convince me to hate all Jewish people by default, that's not going to work out in your favor.
why would i say that? "jewish" is based on bloodline. racism is an opinion. i didn't say that racism is part of the jewish genome, it's part of the belief system known as "judaism"
You hate Judaism, and only want to talk if you can convince someone to share your views toward them.
Question, do you dislike Christians too?
yes, they are absolutely worse than jews
>You hate Judaism
i hate racist people like rabbi yosef and 'the rebbe'
The whole cult of YHWH deserves hate
that includes muslims too because allah = YHWH
I suppose the conversation cannot continue because it would be discussing details you do not care to hear, and you would undoubtedly not want to contemplate what I would have to say. I do not wish to impose religion on you if you are not religious. That being said, the conversation ends with us both knowing we have a mutual distaste for the Israeli government and particular religious leaders for their corrupt values. Sir, I bid you good day.
t. jew who is covering for jewish racism
>but why do they hate us?
You know, I don't go around bashing on atheists, agnostics, or other religions. I'm not a Jew for very good reason. I'd be a very awful one if I was.
how is quoting jewish racists and saying racism is bad
on jews?
Hinduism, Buddhism, Wicca, Yazidism, Islam, Shinto, Judaism, or any other belief system you want to fill in for 'religions'.
which one of those is based on the idea that they are "God's chosen" race who can "suck the milk" of everyone else?
user, how much longer are you going to continue trying to rile up an angered reaction?
>What is the caste system?
You've spent so much time focusing on the Abrahamic religions that you've failed to see potential negativity in any other.
i wish we had a caste system in america
unfortunately, we have jewish supremacists instead