What is wrong with taking money from men?

Taking money from men is perfectly fine, and if you could make 1k+ a day by simply being attractive you would too.

with these circumstances prove me wrong, explain why it is still wrong:

>these men are 20+ years older than me giving them insight on what they do/dont want

>they have been giving girls money for 10+ years so they clearly like it

>they constantly tell me its worth it to see me smile and they expect nothing in return

>they have more than enough money to support this lifestyle

>i dont prey on people i only accept guys who need this as a fetish or feel happy after doing this

you robots are just so mad that you have to wage cuck to make what i make in 5 minutes in a work week or you. also before the "haha ur gonna get old and ugly no one is gonna want you dumb slut" comments... i already have enough money to get me through college fully and i only expect to do this until im 23 tho some girls do it well into their 30s.

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My gf makes a really solid living off of youtube and other social media. Doesn't even do anything original; she just rips off other channels; but men through money at her just because she's attractive and lively.

Well you feel a little guilty or you wouldn't make this post.

Most women hate on the internet reeks of jealousy. But it's easier to yell about degeneracy and slut shame than admit society has no place for mediocre males

nothing. most men dont give strange and random women money. unless theyre homeless or something.

>if you could make 1k+ a day by simply being attractive you would too.
Why do people always assume that the only reason someone would be against something is because of envy? It's such a moronic point of view.
Anyway though, I don't care about you getting money from losers. Losers getting money from other losers doesn't do anything to my life.

I hate you because you're so lucky and don't realize, you have been gifted a beautiful body and are using it for sin

>women are preying on the homeless now to rob them of their only shekeles
Why do women have to be scum

>be woman
>have hole between legs
>somewhat pretty face, decent body
>enabled to make close to FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS a year because of it
and then you wonder why it's just a little nagging annoyance in the back of our brains that despite an utter lack of intelligence, special skills, or training, are able to make that fucking insane sum of money because you have a FUCKING HOLE BETWEEN YOUR LEGS
God damn I wish I was a woman, having a pussy automatically entitles you a book of cheat codes for life

And yet your anger is directed towards the women and not the men giving them money. If I didn't know better, I'd think that the real heart of the problem is that you're butthurt because you can't get access to any of those holes (despite there being over three and a half billion of them).

not him but we should kill both the men who support this and the women who engage in it

nothing is wrong with camgirling. it's a lot more healthy than orbiting for all parties involved because there are clear boundaries and expectations.

Seconded. Death to orbiters and the disgusting whores they orbit. Punish them all.

Yeah but you lack vision soon you will want a mansion and a ferrari and for that you will need to sell a lot more. As a pornfan i would recommend you prostitution and if you can sell yourself as a sex slave for a week. If you follow my advice soon you will have a nigger husband with big cook and a house in detroit. ;)

It's considered an exploitation of people's desires and weak will.
It's in the same category as "swindling" people.
That's why people see it as wrong.

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nothing wrong the government does it all the time

How can you knock her hustle? wouldnt you do the same thing if you were in situation.

The thing I don't get though is why women like this think they deserve respect
This will be you in 3 years just like all the attention whores that came before you

>looks eventually start to fade by 25
>made a promise she would stop but does not have skills to make legitimate money
>goes into porn to make ends meet
>as her looks fade she does more extreme porn to stay relevant
>guys abuse her, make her drink cum, deepthorat, take it up the ass etc
>they can see the same little attention whore you were when you were 18 and they get sexual pleasure out of punishing you for it

and women wonder why we enjoy treating them like shit

If anyone willing to part with cash for stupid reason, they don't deserve to have it in the first place.

Managing money properly is actually not a very common skill...

Punish them for what exactly? How are they hurting YOU?

>goes into porn to make ends meet

Can you even make money off porn nowadays?

oh no not anal and cum drinking. lmao

I do wonder why there seems to be a trend of opposing prostitution. Has there been any comprehensive comparison of societies and causes/effects of their attitudes toward it?

They over inflate women's egos which affects many political things which affect me and everything else.

What political things are directly impacting your life which were the result of women's egos?

>hurrrrrrrrrrr you would do it tooooooooooo
Stopped reading there. I wouldnt, and even if I would it doesnt make it right or healthy to society. Fuck off.

Link plz ma negro?

>you would too

absolutely not

I like the grind and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with actually building yourself up as an individual in this world, a concept that is beyond a majority of womyn

Literally all politics for the past 30 years lol

So, you can't name a single thing. I thought as much.

Teach me how to do this user. Can ugly grills makes some extra side dough?

I just did. If you think me not listing out everything is evidence that I don't have anything, you're not smart. But okay, just to humor you:
>giving young girls better grades than young boys even though young boys perform better on blind tests
>denying me scholarships when I was a superior student just because of my dick
>murdering a million children a year under the guise of "muh body muh choice"
>destroying dating and marriage
>LITERALLY throwing a mass tantrum when the last president didn't go their way
there's a lot more.

>if you made 1k a day by simplu being attractive you would too.
That doesn't make it right and I would prefer to make a name for myself than essentially being a child with daddy issues.

>>giving young girls better grades than young boys even though young boys perform better on blind tests
>>denying me scholarships when I was a superior student just because of my dick
This are both cases of liberal pandering and are driven far more by minority tantrums than they are by "women's egos"

>>murdering a million children a year under the guise of "muh body muh choice"
>>destroying dating and marriage
>>LITERALLY throwing a mass tantrum when the last president didn't go their way
I'll take "things that literally had no impact whatsoever on my life" for 500, Alex.

>murder has no impact on my life

nigga what

>This are both cases of liberal pandering and are driven far more by minority tantrums than they are by "women's egos"
No, they are driven by women thinking they have some moral imperative to destroy what they consider masculine/male spaces and institutions i.e. their egos.
>I'll take "things that literally had no impact whatsoever on my life" for 500, Alex.
If you're saying dating and marriage and politics don't affect my life and the lives of everyone, you aren't intelligent.

Clearly you weren't aborted (though maybe you should have been), so you've clearly not been impacted by this in any way which you can objectively state was negative.

what a beta orbiter cope thread

>No, they are driven by women thinking they have some moral imperative to destroy what they consider masculine/male spaces and institutions i.e. their egos.
Ok, you're just randomly spewing brown pills now.

>If you're saying dating and marriage and politics don't affect my life and the lives of everyone, you aren't intelligent.
I'm not talking about everyone, I'm talking about YOU; and I don't for one second believe that you'd have had any better success with women in 1988 than you have right now.

clearly you weren't present in the Rwanda genocide, so you've clearly not been impacted by this in any way

it's called caring for your fellow man, user

>Ok, you're just randomly spewing brown pills now.
lmao you just deny the reality. As I said I was denied seats to certain institutions in order for them to balance out gender even though I was a better student, and the lives of other young men are effected by biased grading. I don't even know if I was biased, perhaps I should have done even better than I did.
>I'm not talking about everyone, I'm talking about YOU; and I don't for one second believe that you'd have had any better success with women in 1988 than you have right now.
>y-youre a virgin thats why you believe these things
yea, you're not intelligent. Goodbye.

>As I said I was denied seats to certain institutions
Really? You were told for a fact in your rejection letter that you were really close but were booted because of a quota? And how do you know that you were replaced by a woman and not an ethnic minority or a gay person?

I dont know why so many males seem to have this idea that if a girl gets easy money or is a findom, cam girl, sugar baby etc. that she has nothing to offer as far as getting a real job goes.

You do know it means I have more time to study than a wagie ever will and that i also can afford a better college right? I explained in my original post that this is not my end all be all, bye 23 im going to stop and be in med school.