How can I make tap water safe to drink?

How can I make tap water safe to drink?

I don't want to consume any of the chemicals and mind controlling substances they put in it.

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Just drink bottled water you fucking retard.

>dude just drink out of (((plastic bottles)))
The state of this board.

>just drink tap water
What are you trying to say?

As for OP, just boil it. If you're really autistic, you can boil it to collect the condensation.

boil water
get some clean clothes
fold it
pour boiled water over clean clothes 32 times
safe now

Just drink it you dumb cunt, still miles better than what you probably eat

Nice try but this is how you create mustard gas.

get a brita filter

Holy shit.. so the tap water really is fucked in the states (assumption) finnish tap is aight to drink

>Just ingest all the chemicals they put in the cloths

>drinking the liquid Jew

>just use a Jew filter

>get a brita filter
>brita filter
>brita """""""""""""""""""filter"""""""""""""""""""

What about reverse osmosis?

Just collect rain water and run it through a filter. You can make your own filter or buy one that has been tested and approved by alex jones, preferably.
rain water is completely free and unless they are spraying chemtrails in your area it should be chemical free too.

>drinking water from (((they're))) clouds

fucking kek

>not going to a glacier yourself and cutting up a deep ice core every single day to ensure purity
Laffin at u

>falling for the ice(((berg))) meme

Everything is controlled by jews. Including the clouds. Don't drink water goy.

why do you think collecting rain water is illegal is most states? because they want you to drink the estrogen water. rain clouds are clean

if anyone could collect rain water couldn't that potentially be eco-system disturbing

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>why do you think collecting rain water is illegal is most states?
Fuck off. Are you serious?

they make money off water moron

Of course it fucking wouldn't. {{{They}}} just want all the water to themself.

Drink whiskey instead. It has enough water for a man to survive off

>rain clouds are clean
hello (((shareblue)))!! here to spread more disinfo??
>implying the (((government))) dont create clouds with their own estro formulas
>implying (((they))) dont routinely spray said clouds with fluoride and lead compounds to turn you into a sedated zombie

drink river water

>being into watersports

>not synthesizing water by reacting liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen
fucking newfags

>drink tapwater, ingest government chemicals and other shit
>drink bottled water, ingest plastic and female hormones

literally cannot win
>inb4 filter all water then boil it
Like I've got time for that, I only drink water and I drink a fuck tonne of it

>drinking THEIR rivers

Juice cucumber. Or eat it

>eating Jewcumbers
The ABSOLUTE state of this board.

How bad is the water in the UK? I've been drinking tap water for ages.

>consuming THEIR crops

absolute state

dunno, I try not to, don't trust this mongy government not to try to fuck with it

Depends on the area. I like in the Lake District and the tap water here is pretty good.

At least you don't get a monthly injection of antipsychotic medication in your ass, OP

I live in the West Midlands, don't know how bad it is but at least it's not London. I might look into getting a filter if I need one, because I drink water all the goddamn time.

It's pretty good in the north.

This guy gets it

what does that even mean

just boil it to remove any jew chemicals inside

>not drinking BRAPP water

boil it
pour through filter
leave to cool
put in fridge (glass container is ideal)
drink at your own convenience.

some basic chemistry,
just boil it and evaporate/condense it. I always drink bottled water..
Don't get tricked by the water Jeww anons...
Mustard gas is no laughing manner.

Are you people fucking serious?
They put fluoride in the water to strengthen your tooth enamel.
If you were actually being mind controlled by "da jooz", there would be a difference in your behavior vs. the behavior of people in third world and Jew-free countries.

>being this brainwashed
>not filtering your own piss through a sieve and drinking it

>They put fluoride in the water to strengthen your tooth enamel.
What the actual fuck lol? You really think the government gives that much of an actual fuck about your fucking tooth enamel? Bitch, they havent fixed shit in Flint in terms of clean drinking water and you actually think they give a fuck about your teeth? Not to mention there have been numerous studies done to show fluoride in the water does jack shit for your teeth, and can actually make them worse.
> there would be a difference in your behavior vs. the behavior of people in third world
uhhh except there most certainly fucking is a difference

You believe that brushing your teeth with toothpaste is healthy too lol?

>The government loves me!!! They want me to have clean teeth!!

You have to be a complete brainlet to brush your teeth , even more so to use toothpaste

Build a water refining machine thingy (don't bother buying one, your paranoia should've told you that they have messed around with that too) and refine water in from the ocean, or refine the tap water, whatever.

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don't trust this guy.
building a proper one is really hard, he wants you to fail and sink in a pit of despair.

>he wants you to fail and sink in a pit of despair.
If I wanted that I would've just left this thread alone, OP wouldn't come up with a solution and would give in and eventually fall into despair.

You're gonna have to go to your nearest mountain, find a spring, and bring a shit ton of iodine and containers with you.
Then start the laborious process of purifying a year's worth of spring water with iodine. Bottle it up, throw it in your car or truck, and bring it all back home.
Repeat the process next year.
Or stop being a conspiracy tard.

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he would either push that problem by side like usual or succumb to your ploy.

Despair? What's this about despair?

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RO system or water distiller

run the water through a sponge
squeeze the sponge out in to a container
the squeezed water is safe to drink as the (((additives))) will be soaked up by the sponge. sponges are nature's water filter, along with rocks and dirt.

So they tell you...

It's illegal in some states because big corporations essentially bought the rights to certain river systems and they argue that people collecting rain water will impact their ponds and streams.

>accidentally making a rocket while trying to avoid the chemical jew

don't know if this is any good

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help I drank acid rain and I don't feel so good
are the jews brainwashing me into not being a retard or is water unhealthy

>They put fluoride in the water to strengthen your tooth enamel.
So why do I need to brush my teeth
>inb4 "fluoride in the water doesn't do enough"
so why put it in at all?
If it's only there to affect my teeth, why shouldn't I be concerned that it will now enter the rest of my body?

I'm pretty sure it's all satire dude. Just funny to shit on fags who constantly whine about jooz