Is feeling like this the final stage of robothood?
Is feeling like this the final stage of robothood?
Other urls found in this thread:
>remove oneself from all earthly pleasures
I deeply believe reaching nirvana and achieving Buddha level enlightenment is the robots final form
it's getting the courage to pull the trigger
Yes. The monastic life is the robot life, but at peace. Sometimes I think our shortcomings are trying to lead us away from material attachment.
>The monastic life
It's incredibly hard to achieve though
ha blue feels guy is on the moon
put on a sweater jackass it's cold in space
shut up you jackass maybe he doesnt want to wear a sweater you fat fucking faggot douche
Yeah. As far as I can tell, yeah it is.
One of the core tenants of a lot of enlightenment cults is for the men to castrate themselves for exactly that reason. Gets rid of all sexual desire and clears your mind.
>Gets rid of all sexual desire and clears your mind.
Can I just use antidepressants for that?
Doesnt absolutely do the job completely removing your genitals obviously does. again though im talking about cults this is not normal shit.
>this is not normal shit.
Well yeah I don't want to cut my dick off, but I want to stop thinking about women.
No its the first step of turning 16 and thinking that youre somehow above it all
>hey guys look at how much of a failed normalfag sack of shit I am
looks like I hit a little too close to home there buddy. go ahead and prove me wrong
>projecting this hard
>"you're underage, p-prove me wrong!"
keep pretending to be smug while you're actually seething :^) maybe you can find peace someday and stop being so concerned with fitting in
Yeah desu. A couple of years back I finally started to come out of my shell and be able to socialize after growing up friendless, but I was so subconsciously repulsed by all of the disgusting shit people get up to that I've regressed back harder than I ever was before. I don't talk to people IRL at all anymore, I just play lots of vidya, and I'm happier and less worried than I've ever been.
>be neet for a few years
>start working on a certification that requires me to be around other candidates
>talk to a few of them
>only thing I can think of during all the interactions is how badly I want to get the fuck out of here and not even because of anxiety
what have we become?
right, well, gauging from how defensive you are after two innocuous posts I can tell youre healthy and well adjusted yourself. Im seriously not trying to rile anybody up, its just cringeworthy when people see this shit and think oh wow thats totally me
the final stage of robothood is losing any feeling at all and becoming completely void of emotions. just an empty husk
it's not something you want. it really isnt.
>make passive aggressive first post with retard-tier assumptions
>keep projecting then pretend you weren't trying to start shit
ok m8 whatever
"Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self sufficient as to not need to, and therefor does not partake in society, is either a beast or a god."
- Aristotle, Politics
>tfw I'm a beast
feels pretty good man
and I don't think we're gods, user...
Can't decide whether I liked Rorschach or Ozymandias more
I feel like Rorschach is morally more right, but Ozymandias is realistically right about the general population not being smart enough for the truth
The only right answer is to go true neutral with the doctor and never look back
Thanks, doc
Nothing was passive aggressive. Its a neutral observation that the sentiment in the pic is emotionally infantile. If anyone came flying out with baseless assumptions it was you on my life. You may feel offended because you think youre like dr Manhattan. Youre acting like a child who just had his favorite toy called stupid
>the sentiment in the pic is emotionally infantile
I'm certain you'll be able to back this claim with valid sources right
>implying this scene + Philip Glass in the background wasn't quintessential kino
the scene is absolute kino and phillip is undoubtedly /our guy/. You can see why it draws in autists by the dozen
Koyaanisqatsi was his best
>You can see why it draws in autists by the dozen
Why, because it's beautiful?
yeah but aristotle was also kind of a massive cock so there's that
good taste
no, mostly because they like to think of themselves as dr manhattan
>no, mostly because they like to think of themselves as dr manhattan
That's retarded
I've always seen the guy as a kind of ideal rather than some dumb self-insert fantasy
i.e, Im alone and unhappy because Im smarter than other people and they dont/cant understand me
That's the first step
The next one is to realize you're alone and unhappy because you're just too fundamentally broken as a person to function among others and that it has nothing to do with intelligence or lack thereof
And that the misunderstanding is mutual and profound
>thats retarded
and yet you see people like op making this thread
>muh so smart and great
You're a narcissist and deserve to be alone
There's no implication of self-insertion in the OP, just finding the character relatable on some level
>what does i.e. mean
You're a literal retard and deserve a quick death and an unmarked grave
robothood -> wizardry
>aristotle was also kind of a massive cock
t. roastie
and theres kind of my point. I think most people here are surely emotionally stunted, but the typical poster is at worst early 20s and nowhere near fundamentally broken. That line of thinking is more like a self defense mechanism to prevent further pain that might come from trying to better yourself and failing
I don't care about your stupid ie stop projecting. You're just like all the other and you know it
keep going down your meme list if you want but that doesn't change the opinion.
>There's no implication of self-insertion in the OP, just finding the character relatable on some level
yea I guess youre actually right here
>unironically being this fucking dumb
Holy shit I was only joking in my previous post but you actually deserve to die for being such a massive fucking moron
>early 20s and nowhere near fundamentally broken
Being a mere husk of a human being doesn't have much to do with your age
If you're schizoid you're fucked since your early teens and there's not much you can do (or will want to do) about it for example
>a self defense mechanism to prevent further pain that might come from trying to better yourself and failing
This is a failed normalfag thing. Robots don't see value in self-improvement because their condition isn't fundamentally dissatisfying on such a level that they'd wish to change it
>condition isn't fundamentally dissatisfying on such a level that they'd wish to change it
i'm fine with what and who i am, it's other people that aren't.