I'm here for you robots

The chosen one who gets trips will be blessed with my power for one day, and you will finally get some pussy. Quads will become permanently a chad.

Attached: chad.jpg (651x800, 86K)

rolling i hope i can become chad

Cant give us Chad power if you yourself arent one retard

What if I don't want pussy and believe in abstinence?


Rolling for pussy. Please, chad.

Then don't post here nibba

Mmhmmmm yes

iI will be needing these chad powers tomorrow.

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I had sex last week but thanks chad


Please chad oh god oh please

Im not leaving this thread without chad powers!

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non-Chads not only don't get pussy, but also get shafted/cucked at every aspect of life.

GIVE TRIPS!!!! origi

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All mighty chad, I humbly ask you, should I shave my head?

They see me rolling origaganolly

gim,me teripsdr dsgfhbjkhbidsgfhbjdzfg

The trips, Chad. Give them to me.

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what if i'm already a chad

I am become chad

Behold my beautiful digits

Gotta knock a little haeder...
Gotta knock a little haeder

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If you are balding then yes, do it now.

bless me almighty Chad

gibb me power

Lol I dont even know what I would do if I was a "Chad". Prob-probably just bang hot girls. Like the 18 year old I work with. Fuck man, life should be a choice.

I have nothing else to live for, please give me just a scrap of your power

Come on chad worth a shot


Ok origanl

please bless me oh based user

Just for one day please sir

I don't want your powers, but I'll take those numbers

ez chad

Not balding but my boss tells me I need to clean it up, I have very long hair, what is your verdict?

I need your strength

Thanks chad. Ill be taking these.

Long hair is kinda gay imo
Get Chads official hair cut, at the same time though chad wouldn't obey to his boss, it's one of the most beta things in the world.

Hi everyone, I am Chad.

i dont even want chad powers, i want to become a full wizard.

Chad give me your power now ahuahahuah

I got a gf 2 months ago and we had oral sex the entire night if i don't get trips this is a scam

Grant me the power of the chad

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Close one user :)
You can get trips if you just believe!

>training your body instead of your mind
This is a silly picture, don't post it again

rollin rollin rollin


As soon as I get my chad powers I'll post whatever the heck I want

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I am already not virgin but lets get more power.

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Make me a chad please user I need this

Rolling for chad powers indefinitely

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Attached: a real man.jpg (1200x853, 705K)

You're not getting off this ride, Chad

So close you were

no one gets these powers

Take a chadce

No Chad powers for y'all

>dub dubs
LIterally fool's gold, it's nothing

I hear your prayers robots, the true believers will be blessed, but persistence is the key.
If at first you didn't succeed try, try again.

Attached: 1.jpg (900x900, 85K)

Trips indicatea decent level of Chad powers

>my power for one day
Yeah, and knowing my luck that will be on a day I decide to stay home and play vidya.

Maybe take another

And we have the first winner of the chad games.
I bless you user.

Rolling to have my dreams


Thank you. I already have a gf, money and a good physique. I just come here from Jow Forums to make sure the robots stay in their place

Too late I got blessed

Quads for chads

Roll for the future of my dick

Chad's quads

Tomorrow you will wake up as Chad, everything will go your way. Every woman will want you.
Blessed are the true believers.

>Jow Forums not virgin


Lets get real, none of you are ever going to be chads.

I still have a pure hear, bless me chad

pls god help me find a way out of this misery.

It seems like god wants you to be miserable, I'm very sorry.
I'm not happy about it either.

rollers and oreganos

If i get trips, i will approach a woman tomorrow.
Bless me o great one.

888 plelees

Never give up robots.
I know you can make it.

999 ailhfklhf origi

let's see
oregano origami pls be original now

i could care less about some scuffle between monsters

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Gimme Chad powers now

hellow this is chad, going to fug bigges

Please help me god


Quaddssssssssss very near please be me


I am legion, thots


I knew that I`d get quads.

gimme gimme please


give me and this is original so give me

I just want a thot to

op is still a fag and a nigger tho

I will get quads cmon son ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Just warming up. Check these digits

Roll nigga, need some chad in me

Digits and this "Chad" is faking