This is for the wholesome side of Jow Forums

This is for the wholesome side of Jow Forums

How best to go about finding a gf. Like an actual gf for a good relationship. Not a pump for a while and dump.

Assume you are social, well dressed, fit, well groomed and generally above average but not chad in all categories. Aka looks aren't the problem. I'm also 23 in Ann Arbor.

I'mma pass on dating apps unless someone makes a strong argument for them.

This is fitness and HEALTH related because being social and having good relationships with people improves mental clarity thereby improving physical capabilities.

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go run errands and speak to women that are doing the same

What the fuck kind of answer are you expecting buddy? Assuming everything you said about yourself is true, then youre likely to be a sociable person, and sociable men dont typically have a problem talking to women.

But youre an ugly beta arent you?

maybe he was ugly as fuck in high school and start to improve himself at the start of college but lacks the social foundation to talk to women as more than friends idk

If I'm not looking to marry or procreate, what are women good for exactly? Sex? Is that all?

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yeah women kind of suck
they're a major waste of time, wish I could just turn my sex drive off for a while and not think about them

When you meet a good woman, you'll understand

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If you’re actually above average in anyway with looks eventually one would come to you after YEARS don’t you think?

Unironically Church.

I met my gf doing martial arts though. She sucked and i told her so and she cried on some Women in Martial Arts forum about me (not that i knew for months). I offered some private lessons and she jumped on my dick immediately and we went from there.

>I'mma pass on dating apps unless someone makes a strong argument for them.

why? whats your strong argument for not using them?

This is accurate. I'll clarify that I am asking for what the successful guys of Jow Forums do. Last year I slept around a good amount cause I was always the boyfriend material type guy. So I edged myself up and worked on pumping and dumping. I got it out of my system and now want to get ideas of what types of places I should frequent to meet better types of women. Aka not bar stars

One guy suggested to me to be in productive social groups. Like sports or dance classes. I'm just curious to what other activities are good ideas to build a social circle that includes women.

Nice pents
But for real, when you find the right one they will become your best friend and an extension of you.

Because self reporting from women is absolutely awful. At least in person it's easier to gauge how true something that is being said is.

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1. Go where girls are
2. Talk to them
3. Profit

>ayy bro think i've made it just need gf now lol how do i do that haha

tired of seeing the same question asked 2980123 ways around here. people are going to tell you: join a class, find a hobby of interest, walk around the mall, check out the grocery store blah fucking blah blah blah. it's all the same answer: get out of your fucking house and go talk to a girl somewhere

just be willing to meet people

and how is a dating app stopping you from talking to them in person? would have thought they made the exact opposite possible

>you match
>you ask if they wanna go out for a drink
>you meet in person

it's thats simple.

>be me
>be funny
>be Jow Forums
>tons of guy friends
>friends with plenty of girls
>they never want to take it further
>meet a qt 3.14
>we hit it off
>so much in common
>always touching
>always hanging out
>tell me she’s legally blind
that was the day I realized I was just ugly. I have height frame and personality but nothing will ever make up for my FUCKED UP FACE WHY WAS I BORN ON THIS GAY EARTH

they're a fucking waste of time it never leads anywhere except "tehee add me on snap so i have more views"

You realize that all girls are generally the same and how she treats you depends completely on you.

sounds sucky. maybe you're just matching the wrong women user

>tells me she's legally blind
>tells me

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yeah haha

well thats just plain wrong

Something that involves you interacting with women on a regular basis. Church, hobbies, etc... Don't shy away from online dating either. "Hurf durf all uggos!" If anything it is free practice. Point being you need to be in an environment where you can talk to women to the point you can become acquaintances and ask them out when you get idea of who they are. Just be completely real with what you want outta the relationship. Set your standards and boundaries in the first 3 months. Doesn't seem to food? Drop her and move on. Don't try to fix shit that is broken already

Literally the most based post on Jow Forums right now

It's not. You just don't like it.

>being starved of female contact for so long you can't even envision a loving relationship with another human

unironically church
i dont even care if you believe in all that shit, just show up for like a month and scope out poon
or somewhere where church girls go
they're freaks and want commitment.

>you match
I can't get here

>tfw sociable man
>not nice guy or w/e, just friendly
>have lots of girls that are friends but no girlfriend
this is like being skinnyfat

Cast out as many lines as possible. Tattoos are a bad sign as well. Never happened for me yet. They will probably be whores nost of the time. Good luck

Some people's brains never developed to need or understand human companionship. It's not really his fault

Have you tried your local mosque? Sure, You can't see their bodies, and their services are segregated, but maybe Mohammad or Omar could introduce you to one of their sisters

They will also want you to commit a bunch of time to the church and God.

you could probably talk most of them out of going.

and if they get pregnant you'll have to give her the old cunt punt to get out of it

>goes to church to get a good girl
>gets a girl who can be talked out of her convictions

not anti-christian here from an ethics point of view. i view actual commitment to christianity as a lost ideal because it involves giving up individualism which no sane human being does. but in church i've learned to keep my mouth shut about that enjoy the cultural benefits of that type of community.

ive also noticed in church that looks might be even more important than outside of church. in general i appreciate there being less tattoos, less trashy looking people in modern churches.

I think i got a good idea of where to start:
-Yoga classes: good for supplementing lifting
-Dance classes: same as above but i also enjoy both these activities and they have worked well for me before.
-church: again, something im not opposed to either and have a background in.

not going to church =/= giving up their religion
they can still make instagram and fb posts about it

almost like girls look to men for leadership

>This is fitness and HEALTH related because being social and having good relationships with people improves mental clarity thereby improving physical capabilities.
the straws lol

>no sane human gives up individuality
except every single one who made society great until the 1600s

Go to school retard. American colleges have the most eclectic mix of women, from total whores to genuine virgin christian girls.

t. Dirty slav who did his Master's in America and ending up getting married to a girl of the latter variety.

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>four year relationship with girl you thought was the one
>cared for her even through the toughest moments
>always supported her morally and economically
>planned your life with her
>absolutely no signs of conflict
>get dropped by text message
>she's dating the next week

Maybe there are good women out there, maybe, but relationships are a risk I won't take anymore, honestly I don't even think I could withstand another one.
Never looked at women the same since that experience, getting stabbed would have felt better. They are grown children. Unfaithful, emotionally driven children.

>Abandoning the moral structure that made her into a good girl
>thinking she wont conform to the degrenacy around her once she is taken out of it
>being a fedora that doesn't go to church in the first place
You probably think all religions are the same, that being gay is a-okay and cant seem to make the connection that the decrease in church attendance is the reason for all the modern troubles in the world.
God didn't abdon us, we left him.
Return western men to Christ

So what the fuck do you need the church for? Just date a girl who you like and be a good leader. You guys are making it weird.

You don't need the continuous support, you just need her to get a good base.

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>I dont need to keep working out, i have a good base already
Many anons like myself were very religious as a child and then drifted into nihilistic atheism. Acceptance that all truth isnt subjective and there are universal laws made me search and i found the catbokic church.
Work on your spiritual gains bruh.

I met my wife through friends.
If you don't have friends then perhaps family can i troduce you to people.
Failing that, get involved in some non-degenerate clubs or social activities.

Also thank you for striving for more user.

Shit, alright I'll post.

I'm 23, and got out of a 2 and a half year relationship about 6 months ago. Since then I've been on roughly two dates, and I haven't fucked anything. Not because I was too hurt or destroyed, I just wanted to focus my energy on myself. I worked harder in school, I worked out more, I started reading and cooking and becoming a high functioning individual.

I think I'm ready to get back in the dating pool, but I've basically spent the past 3 years without going on a date or approaching someone. I really have no idea how to display interest in a woman, or even to tell if I'm actually interested or just lonely. I'm in college, but I'm older than most of my peers, which makes me feel like I stand out, but it feels like I'm making it too hard on myself.

Any suggestions?

fucking this. sex is for procreation within marriage. if you really want that become catholic and find a qt to wife up and breed the fuck out of. the good ones are probably already taken, but you might get lucky if you pray hard enough. all in all though, women are pretty much junk aside from being mothers to you and you already have a mother so you don't really need women at all unless you're a bitch. eve fucked us all and jesus never got married, that's all you really need to know right there

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>I'mma pass on dating apps unless someone makes a strong argument for them.
i guess I can't really make a strong argument for them, because they are in a way passive, but that's why they're great. they offer you access to an entire pool of women you otherwise wouldn't even meet, and you can talk to them at your leisure. i use it when i'm taking my morning dump, and one can't really chat up a woman during his dump any other way, can he?

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This unironically

jesus christ man are you me??

literally spot on expect my relationship was only a year.