/fph/ Fat "People" Hate

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Average American Cop

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what the fuck

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fat tucks think that taking these magic pills they wont gain weight from eating like shit, in reality it makes them shit themselves with a nasty orange liquid

fun fact: this retarded behavior is why the shart in mart American meme started

>262g of sugar in a single drink
How is this even legal

>this just in: sales for Oreo Chocolate Shake skyrocket after autistic fitness cult declare it the "ultimate dirty bulk"

>in Shart Mart the other day to buy cheap supplement shakes
>young married couple in same aisle as me
>they had gone down different aisles to get stuff at the same time and now came back together where I could hear them
>wife: honey, did you see that poo on the ground in the other aisle?
>husband: what? wasn't that a candy bar? i thought it was a candy bar
>wife: no, that was a straight-up turd on the ground
>husband: jesus
>quickly select my shakes, pay and leave


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>"I don't even eat that much it's genetic"

lmao. a genius

>Calories from fat
Why does the nutritional information even mention that? Are they pushing the idea that calories from fat are somehow worse? This has triggered me even more than the 263g of sugar.

What's more mind boggling is that people can't multiply 135 by 9

Currently dating a fat girl, we've been together for about five years.

Creativity is essential to maintaining a well groomed obese girlfriend. Every day I have to think of exciting and interesting ways to interest her in showering. At least four or five days a week I have to shower with her, and the only reason she even gets in the shower is because she can lean against me while I finger her. After she gets off, she lets me shampoo her hair, and soap her up.

The worst part though, the part that I cannot even remotely enjoy, is the wiping. She has trouble really reaching back there after a particularly wet bowel movement, so I have to help her wipe. It's not TERRIBLE, but it is unpleasant.

I don't really enjoy it, but it's better than the alternative of having this smelly fat chick masturbating on your sofa and then touching your controllers with those hands. Before I knew to bathe with her and wipe her, I actually found FECES between the buttons and under the analog stick of my PS4 controller.

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I've read this post before

ive seen this pic for years but never noticed that boomer in the background

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I once had sex with a very fat girl at a music festival. I was on quite a few drugs and feeling dirty and horny. While performing oral sex on her, I tried to prise her butt cheeks apart to tongue her anus. Unfortunately (or so I thought at the time) I was not able to do this, as I had been able to on other smaller girls that I had previously made love to.
I also tried to push her legs up to get to her dirty hole, but I was much younger at the time and didn't have the necessary deltoid and tricep strength to push her legs high enough. I managed a few centimeters, but for all my pushing, the fat simply hung down further and filled the void, making it impossible for me to get my tongue in there.

Thinking back I'm happy that I didn't manage to rim a dirty, sweaty, obese girl at Download Festival. But whenever I see my old friends we have a good laugh about it.

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Newfag detected, every time it's posted someone posts the cropped background boomer.

Tell me something lads, how in the good goddamn does someone manage to get morbidly obese? I felt like scum at 96 kg hell i knew i was scum. The fucking discomfort the hot summers, shit I hated to be among people at all. I cant imagine someone feeling the same and saying "Oh fuck you know what? Guess I should eat some more"

>didn't have the necessary deltoid and tricep strength to push her legs high enough

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>The mayo has olive oil in it, so its healthy fat."
I thought this would be pic related but instead it was some snake oil diet supplement

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I've been thinking about this, and this is the conclusion that I've come to. There are sweets everywhere, and KFC and McDonalds etc...
I have a sweet tooth and find it hard to resist the temptation buy buy, let's say, a Mars Bar when I go to the shop. I have this desire and I'm exposed to the temptation every time I go to a shop, for example.

I cannot go to the petrol station without being exposed to my weakness. I cannot go to the shop to buy milk without seeing a Mars Bar. I cannot go to the cinema, the museum, the wherever the fuck without see a damn Mars Bar. There's even two vending machines at my work.

So maybe I can resist and only buy three Mars Bars a week. I stay average and never have great abs. But if I were a fatty. If I had a constant desire to eat anything and everything, the only thing stopping me would be pure will power. I'd go to work and the vending machine would call; I'd walk the streets (or roll the streets in a mobility scooter) and Subway would call. How would I be able to resist it?

I think fat people just get overwhelmed by their inherent desires to eat, and we live in a time and place when there is nothing, nothing but the power of the mind to stop us from giving to these desires. It's why instead of studying I'm writing this nonsense. My mind has been corrupted by the fact that I have an iPhone in my pocket, sit 40 hrs in front of a screen at work and come home, only to turn on my laptop first thing. I might be thin but my mind is suffering from its own form of informational obesity.

>select my shakes
what weird captcha is this

You're right mate and I suppose it explains overweight but to me it still doesn't explain morbidly obese even though as you said temptation probably gets stronger the fatter the person is BUT at a certain weight willpower and I would imagine long term survival instincts would have to win out every single time (clearly not the case). I'm interested because I have obese friends who I have found to be smart but still not smart enough to realize that they are ending themselves one bite at a time?

what was your OHP user? need to cultivate necessary strength to part cheeks of any thiccness

Man I was going post that pic

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Not taking the dunkin' pill, never gonna make it.

Honesty, I'm not sure. It was Download 2009, me and a friend bought day tickets because we really wanted to see Limp Bizkit, one of our favourite childhood bands (the promo for Wrestlemania 17 will go down in history as one of the great achievements of mankind). We sneaked in to the campsite even though we didn't have camping tickets and that's where I met the fattie.

I was doing some kind of brosplit at the time, so probably something like 5 x 8 with 20kg dumbells. Certainly not the kind of training required to handle press up to great hams. I was also in an awkward position, on my knees, naked in a hot tent. I'm not sure why I'm making excuses for myself, at least I gave it my best shot, and that's all a person can really do.

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*to be able to press two great hams

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That's pretty much it. It's majorly from drinks too. I don't think people understand how much shit is in soda and typical starbucks-esque drinks. I noticed this because right now I'm trying to gain weight and I'm finding it so fucking hard to have a caloric surplus at the end of the day but it's because I'm eating real foods and I only drink water. A fattie can easily consume over 3,000 calories a day because 1,000 of it is from soda and they probably consume a few hundred grams of fake sugar in the process. Add that to the fact that they only move when it's absolutely necessary so they don't burn any of that shit off.

And as you said, it's so easily available that these people just give in "every now and then" not realizing that it's adding up to like 5k-10k extra calories a week

My man! I also went to download 09, it was the summer I finished college and it was fucking great. Slipknot and Def Leppard were great but my best memory is Devildriver, the pits were huge.

Here, the other version

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And it all adds up too, often in ways that people don't realise. Anyone who's used MyFitnessPal or something similar can attest to that.

Someone from my work recently left, and as a goodbye present put a big box of sweets in a cupboard. Every once in a while someone will take out a bag of Haribo or boiled sweets and leave it on the side for us to share. 20 calories per small boiled sweet! 41 for a MilkyWay mini from celebrations. I had a handful, and my nutritional goals were fucked for the day.

The interesting thing about it was that you could make an excel sheet, plot a graph, and possibly perform some basic statistics to prove the strong positive correlation between the weight of an employee in kilos and the frequency of visits to the aforementioned bowl. And I swear that when people were getting up to get the sweets it was automatic, an unconscious action taking them Milkyway by Milkyway towards diabetes.

But if a person is so overweight, shouldn't they constantly be aware of the issue. Wouldn't they think, 'okay, I've been to the bowl three times now. Next time I have the desire to go to the bowl I'll get myself a glass of water instead, or maybe an apple'?

>go to cousins house since he's having a house party
>show up pretty late and talking to cousin when hear "is that user? whoa you grew so big!"
>don't recognize the voice so turn around
>the biggest prude bitch in HS that was easily a 9/10 that every dude wanted to be inside of and SHE KNEW she was the shit blew up bigger than Violet in Willy Wonka
>spaghetti at the sight and say heyyyy
>find out she got with another fatty like her
>can't help but feel sad and heartbroken staring at her from across the party

That freaked me out so much an what's worse is she still has an amazingly cute face

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>block a big portion of the carbs and fats from being absorbed

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So not just fat, fat metal chick. The smell must have been ambient

>But if a person is so overweight, shouldn't they constantly be aware of the issue. Wouldn't they think, 'okay, I've been to the bowl three times now. Next time I have the desire to go to the bowl I'll get myself a glass of water instead, or maybe an apple'?

I think this has to do with the "unnatural" shit added to processed foods. I'm not 100% sure but I've read before that some things like "natural flavor" and high fructose corn syrup can be addictive in the sense that it never actually leaves your brain with the satisfaction of having ate the food, hence why people can't stop eating this shit.

Like I said I'm not 100% sure on that but it doesn't sound wrong to me

Ad related caused a downright immense amount of butthurt, so much so that there are about 50 vandalizations like this on google

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>Watch superfat v superskinny for britain
>EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME its their "Cereal plus heavy cream"
cereal needs to be labelled junk food

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Didn't they replace this one with a bunch of fat models?

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damn look at the shitter on that hog

All time favorite one.

not even milk, fucking cream. vile. cereal is like a bag of chips with sugar instead of salt as well. just a box of garbage

Didnt even check the coast was clear. What if someone had been walking behind him?

americans need to be gassed

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>fuck dieting as long as I take this pill I can eat all the fast food I want!
>Fatties would rather take a pill that probably doesn't even work and makes them shit out oil rather than change their eating habits

>shaming someone for something that can't be changed is ok and funny
>shaming someone for something caused by bad eating habits makes you a monster

i've never seen the followup for this fat fucks story
did he learn anything at all?
>sneakily select traffic sign over highway as "bridge"

Umm, did you know that I'm a dietitian?!

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B-but his healthbar is still full D:

Not for long

Get thee behind me Satan

>38 g of protein

Perfect recovery shake

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Just eat some meat

>5 points
>first one is just restating the title, second 3 are all the same statement that eating makes you sleep or something. and last point is another restatement.
>butter helps you lose weight

also its out of focus but the hand holding that chocolate icecream thing is fat as fuck

But muh heart healthy whole grains

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They've even gotten to wikipedia

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>health equity

sounds like bringing everybody to an unhealthy level.

one day i'm going to find out who took those pictures

>A Tweet ruined my life.
Lol, Western bitches need to get some fucking perspective and try and whore around like they do in the Middle East.
Then she'd be getting stoned, and not the kind of stoned she's experienced before.

>Three actual journal articles and the other sources are blogs

Has she tried the Ethiopian diet? If not, then she'll finally understand what is and what isn't inhumane.

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forehead fat still blows me away

That isn't how the free market works, if you want those things, order custom. Expect to pay more, after all, rebar isn't cheap.

The cope here is unreal

>if an entire store that sells clothes for different normal-sized people doesn't have anything that fits you, the store needs to change, not you

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the sane edit of that comic

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Boomers btfo

Well, actually, you mightn't be as muscular. But you certainly wouldn't be as fat if you walked and a bit and didn't abuse your body with unhealthy input.

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It's mine too.

Should've shopped in a coffee next to it.

>monster zero has all of that sugar
we only drink the true monster, white.

is there a Jojo To Be Continued... one?

Source? Is she Jow Forums?

She put a camera on a time lapse and put it in her orbit

I dirty bulked at an internship I had (I was states away from home and in the winter, forced cocoon mode). They had a free soda fountain at the office. Gained 10 pounds in 2 months (5'11" 165lbs->175lbs).
Of course I was going to the gym literally every day, as well as snowboarding every weekend, which your typical fatty will not do.

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1 wipe champ!


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I read this in Chris Parnell's voice.

>self inserting in comics
>not having mental problems
pick one.
people like him don't even know they cope
>I don't have 2 hours to go to the gym
>I have 2 hours to draw a comic about not going to the gym
>fat = interesting personality

That should be the name of the next McDonalds burger:
>Interesting McPersonality

soda is shit