The Age of the Mutt is near. Are you ready?

The Age of the Mutt is near. Are you ready?

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bitch, plz
u'r already 25 and I'm pretty sure even if the whole world newborn babies were mutt now you won't get to experience it like you wish
besides, the lighter mutt always hate the darker mutt
just look at latin america, or mulattos in angola


Latin American "mixed" people usually look white or faintly native American. I'd love to live in a world where women looked like pic related though.

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>The Age of the Mutt is near. Are you ready?

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I'm 40, and my only hope is living vicariously through future generations I breed with black women, or being reincarnated.

> latin American
You know that covers more than brown hobbits from mexico that come to the states right?

Most look pretty white but with a little extra added.

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Jews are creating gobli-
oh wait, never mind. Thanks Jews. You are curing us of the plague of white women.

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Jews are pretty good at that. After all they gave us cures for polio and other fatal illnesses.

>live in Brazil
>mutt hellhole

>even white 10/10's are easier to find than OP's pic related mutt

This kind of girl is 1 in 9999999999.

I'm American and I love jacking off to Brazilian mutt dancers on their TV shows and carnavals. I guess the grass is greener or I'm just seeing the best of the best. Brazilian tastes in women align well with mine. I don't like "funk" but funkeiras can ride my dick any time.

I agree. Funkeiras (funk dancers) are top tier ass, and bodies, mostly.
Brazil is a great place for sex tourism if you like nice assets like theirs - a lot of research says our men like big assets.

Try it out sometime, here's a link for studying:
This is from my region (south), so we have a lot of white girls.
But try out Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo. Just watch out for scams and overpricing.

Brazil is a robot paradise if you don't mind paying.

> mutt beauties are one in a million, trust me. 14/88

They seem to be pretty easy to find with a simple web search unlike beauties among native peruvians or abbos.

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I mean overpricing as in: They'll charge 150 reais for a brazillian guy (around 40-60 in dollars), but they'll charge the same for a gringo (tourist), 150 dollars - which would be about 300-450 reais.

Looks like fucking heaven. Of course it would have to be balanced by unprecedented levels of murder. This world can never have a paradise.

Yeah, it sucks...

Still pretty safe if you have some street smarts and don't go around strutting expensive cars, clothing or electronics. The more you look like a malnourished hobo the better (in fact, some rich motherfuckers here look legit like hobos just to avoid crime and hassles).

Gimme a qt thick muttfu gf who can cook fried chicken and burgers for me

Is this thicc enough? Too thicc?

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>Is this thicc enough? Too thicc?
ew, nonathletic people of every race should be culled.

they can't help it. they usually don't even have the social tan (face and forearms) so they stand out like a baboon's ass in the forest

I wouldn't mind a muttfu wheyfu to train with.

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Yeah she is a little on the obese side, but but at least she isn't sporting a huge gut.

Is milf Halle Berry peak mutt?

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I'm glad so many people are trying to make mutts these days. It's only a matter of time before they multiply

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White boy got better taste than the black boy. Check them asses out.

Yes, but not many white girls can get big asses without a heavy squat routine or overall obesity. PAWGs are rarities.

Hence mutts and black girls are the patrician's choice for ass. Low cost product with wide (and wide) availability.

True. If you want big ass but don't want a lot of the less appealing features of black women, then go mutt. If you are okay with everything else, black ass will always be bigger and juicier.

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Obviously the black guy is taking one for the team so that his and his wifes daughters will inherit his butt along side her dainty appearance.

Mutt ass will never compare, but it's light years better than bony cracka ass.

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Race mixing does require a bit of sacrifice, but some would argue that pure races are a little too "extreme" on some features and way too lacking in others.

Truly we live in the best of times. Late enough to not have to settle for a single race, and soon enough to not be overrun by a single race due to muh cultural enrichment.

If all else fails we always have hoes and sex tourism too.
No matter what society says: Having the option of laying the wood in a 10/10 be a phone call or internet browsing away is the epitome of being a patrician.

>some would argue that pure races are a little too "extreme" on some features and way too lacking in others.
yeah, sometimes.
I've got to admit though, when I see a pure celtic blooded woman of pale skin and ginger hair or a pure west-african woman of jet black skin and hair I am truly awe struck.

>Too thicc?
Absolutely not. I'd do anything to have a gf like Maserati

I'm not totally against the beauty of "pure" races. However, they may not survive the age of the mutt especially since other races will be attracted them to create impure mutt offspring. impurity is basically genetically diversity, however, and generally a good thing.

When I see a melanin queen I get the need to breed with my aryan seed and create some fire half-breeds

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>I'm not totally against the beauty of "pure" races. However, they may not survive the age of the mutt especially since other races will be attracted them to create impure mutt offspring. impurity is basically genetically diversity, however, and generally a good thing.
yeah, either way there will be beautiful people.

Fuck I'm sweating from this fever that's taken me now, the only cure are these melanin angels

It's a problem of exposure really. With the internet, every dark skinned African man can get a glimpse of the beauty of pure celtic ginger women, and vice versa. Dark women are drawn to pale men too. once the internet and television, and photograph were invented, it was over for racial purity. Movements like nazism and KKK were attempts to prevent the inevitable. Now racial purists are in the minority even though they are very vocal on the internet. Most these days are open to dating outside their race, but a large number still find mates of their own race due to convenience or mutual attraction. Mixed race couples are on the upswing though.

None of them can compete with pure white women. And the only reason why they're attractive is because they have white traits (blue eyes, light hair).

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You are experiencing a conversion. There is no going back. You may be able to fap to your own kind on occasion, but you will find yourself enamored more an more with dark skinned beauties now that you have broken the initial taboos.

She looks sickly. I can only fap to white women like prime thick 80s Dolly Parton or fit girls like Mia Sand.

I hope someone doxes the faggots that keep posting this race-mixing garbage and breaks the bones in their fingers with a hammer.

>And the only reason why they're attractive is because they have white traits (blue eyes, light hair).
No, the reason they're attractive is because they have the best of both, the sparkling blue or green eyes of whitoids with the wonderful tits and asses of the blackoids.
Honestly though, I wish there was a law that only allowed the greatest athletes and thinkers of the time to reproduce.

Sad she looks like a skeleton with bolt-ons now.

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>I hope someone doxes the faggots that keep posting this race-mixing garbage and breaks the bones in their fingers with a hammer.
>implying it's only one person
senpai, if OP didn't make this thread then I would've.

>tfw got a date with a cute black girl
>pretty as smile, athletic figure, cute bubble butt and GINORMOUS tits
>fucking blew it before we could smash

Just end my fucking life

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butthurt that people don't like what you like and see societal trends they want to embrace instead of fight like impotent retards? What if it's George Soros and he has beefed up security?

Thick sassy white country women are honorary and I would keep them around in the mutthnostate.

>the sparkling blue or green eyes of whitoids with the wonderful tits and asses of the blackoids.
white women have great tits and asses as well while also being tall and slim. I dont see your point. White people are the best looking in all aspects, this is why every race wants to breed with them

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I'm pro race mixing and pro-eugenics. Hitler and early 20th century Americans had some good ideas but limited it to one race like a retard.

Soros is dead in a few years, but I doubt that old kike is taking the time to personally shill the disgusting trash you niggerlovers push every day on this board. Whatever NGO or "influence consolidation" organization you work for should have its managers and worker drones strung up from streetlamps, as far as I'm concerned.

You say this then cry when white natties get doxed and punched in the street. I used to care about purity, but my options as a robot are too low to limit to one race. I kept finding that the body types I was attracted to were always located on women of color. Then I said fuck it.

Make America Miscegenate Again!

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Yeah, bullshit, el creatura. Fuck off.

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White people have nothing to gain by racemixing. Light skin, light hair, light eyes were a peak of beauty in all cultures. Everyone wants to be white. Sorry to burst your bubble

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You are an immature contrarian imageboard and take it far too seriously. Most here are just loser shitposters having fun with a fetish they have and are creating absurdist fanfiction to fap to. I doubt pure races will ever die out any time soon, but I like to play on the insecurities of nationalist retard doomsayers saying the west is falling and Jews are behind it. I'm also showing other depressed robots that black and mixed women are very accessible while most white women chase chads and are stuck up bitches. Not the angels you fuckhead whiteknight nationalists make them out to be.

That stupid fucking hair, I just can't get over it

it's a reflection of reality, sorry bro. maybe if white women didn't have so much interracial sex people wouldn't care about this anymore

I have more to gain from racemixing than being a robot permavirgin relying on overweight white cows for my dating options.

Just because you want to breed with white women only doesn't mean they only want white men. And the idea that black women are only attractive if they have white features is fucking retarded. There are hideous and gorgeous women from all races. It's arguable that breeding women of different races is alpha as fuck

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I'm white but can't settle for the "bodies" on 95% of of white women I see in everyday experience.

Dating non-white women is fine, just dont have kids with one. You can find tons of posts on the internet from mixed people about how they hate being mixed and you'll notice that they will always wish that they were fully white instead of fully asian, black, etc. Don't do this to your kids and to yourself

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Men or women participating in bestiality is fucking retarded, and you telling robots that they should sully their ancestry with sub-human pavemanet apes is a recipe for fucking disaster. Women are not angels by any stretch of the imagination, but doesn't men should be encouraged to make abominations just to satisfy their dick. I wish you nothing but misery, you disgusting racemixer.

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White women would be a hell of a lot better if they looked more like lighter versions of black women from the neck down. Their bodies are pathetic in general. This pic is an outlier of outliers. Most look like skin and bones or obese mounds of disorganized fat deposits.

> le bestiality
Black women look human enough for me. They actually hit chords of my inner psychosexual wiring that were lost in thousands of years of aristocratic breeding of white sluts. They got the jungle features my dick craves.

Tfw got light skinned mutt gf from Sao Paulo and destroyed her hymen with my dick.

Sorry Brazilbro, it's not my fault boomers couldn't raise their daughters right.

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> posts a baby. For all you know that kid could turn out looking pretty good as an adult. Most babies look like hairless monkeys.

White women will always be superior. Black women are a minority and they're already the least desired race, they have that exotic game going for them but what will happen once dark skinned mutts become a majority? White women are a majority now and they're already the most desired women, once they become a minority, even the most attractive black/mutt girls wont be able to compete since their exotic game will be gone.

>White women would be a hell of a lot better if they looked more like lighter versions of black women from the neck down
I really doubt you actually wish for that, pic related

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>Nothing can compete
>They don't even want to fuck most of us
I'll stick with Asians, thanks

I love how the only arguments against race mixing are a caricature cartoon, a blonde and blue-eyed baby, a litter of teen boys from a movie star (one of whom has a disability), out-of-context religious verses on "bestiality" and a socialist South American country with a history of political turmoil which was the last to abolish slavery.

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Wow, reddit trash enjoys race-mixing? How surprising.

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Dishonest comparison, an the top left is fuckable.

I never use reddit. I picked up le from here.

>white women have great tits and asses as well while also being tall and slim.
sure white women CAN have nice curves but on average, no.
Which race has the most people in the NBA, a sports league that needs the tallest players.
Which race is famous for have amazing asses, which race made the term thicc?
>White people are the best looking in all aspects, this is why every race wants to breed with them
no, sure some of you whitoids are great looking but the majority of the time other races want to breed with you whitoids because your countries are pretty successful, we'll see the same happen with the chinese when they become the no. 1 in the worrld.

Well, do whatever you want dude. Im out. Just cant understand how can someone that isnt self hating cuck can want children that will look nothing like him

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Oh, I forgot the famous shit and milk analogy.

>muh pure white race
If you have access to a search engine, you can find out in a few seconds, that white people are actually the only "racemixing" going on.

Black people: Homo sapiens;
Asians: Homo sapiens;
Arabs: Homo sapiens;
Commies: Homo sapiens;

WHITE PEOPLE: Homo sapiens + homo neanderthalensis.


In fact, every "aryan" feature (strong jaw, wide shoulders, chiseled face, etc.) are NEANDERTHALENSIS' FEATURES.


>That stupid fucking hair, I just can't get over it
What do you have against the beautiful ramen sisters?

Deniro's middle kid has acne and a bad hairstyle. Plus his wife is an ugly mutt herself. No one ever said they didn't exist.

>You can find tons of posts on the internet from mixed people about how they hate being mixed and you'll notice that they will always wish that they were fully white instead of fully asian, black, etc. Don't do this to your kids and to yourself
The only mixed people that hate themselves are those that weren't properly taught the beauty of both sides of their heritage.
t. a self-loving mixed guy

Clint has done his fair share of mixing as well.

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>White women are the majority
no they aren't. And cherry picked pictures make you look retarded if that's what you consider evidence

>Which race has the most people in the NBA, a sports league that needs the tallest players.
White people are the tallest, I dont know why would you even try to argue with it as its well documented by studies.
>Which race is famous for have amazing asses, which race made the term thicc?
So that why your kids to be mutts? Because if they will be females they would possibly have bigger butts?
>but the majority of the time other races want to breed with you whitoids because your countries are pretty successful
what does that even mean? You dont need to be white to live in white countries

Oh, there are plenty of good arguments against racemixing. Studies done in all 50 states that refute the supposed "hybrid vigor" argument that you fetishists like to push that clearly show out-breeding depression when it comes to susceptibility to disease and psychological disorders, as well as higher tendencies toward incarceration and so on. That being said, keep pushing your revolting narrative. Enjoy your new sub-human inlaws trashing your home and beating you to death.

these pseudo propaganda threads are like internet ads somewhere around when the internet started getting popular.
kill yourself reddit faglord nigger

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Most Eurasian people have neanderthal DNA in them. The Chinese actually have the highest neanderthal DNA. In fact its been proposed that modern humans might have a bunch of different hominid DNA in them from a bunch of different species. For example, Australasian people have 3-5% DNA from a little known species known as the Denisovans.

t. Anthropology student

Also: All of us have a 47th chromosome, in our mitocondria.

It's passed down generation after generation, but only by females (mothers to children). It's the only chromosome of ours that NEVER mutated throughout the ages, thus allowing for a clear examination of our origins.

And the origin is an african woman.

No matter how pure the white race is made to be, it will never be completely cut off from another race: African.

This is his sons mother though

I was refering to the united states, where white women are indeed a majority

Good for you. But how do you cope with the fact that you cant truly identify with any side of your heritage?

By pure aryan race people mean light skin, blue eyes, blond hair which indeed would dissappear overtime if white people would continue racemixing.

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Whites may be taller, but black are better at coordinating tall limbs. Just look at how clumsy tall white guys are in the NBA compared to the coordinated black guys. I must be a self-hating member of antiFA for noticing things like that.

Thank you for your clarification.
Bottom line is: There is no pure race. Africans would be the closest thing to "pure" in that regard, and they themselves originated from something else.

>implying tens of thousands of years of environmental isolation isn't sufficient to make distinct differences between races
>implying Arabs are pure homo sapiens and don't have Neanderthal DNA
>implying Asians don't have Denisovan DNA
>implying that africans aren't their own distinct genetic branch, and that the out of Africa theory got BTFO years ago

How about you kill yourself, brainlet.

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>By pure aryan race people mean light skin, blue eyes, blond hair which indeed would dissappear overtime if white people would continue racemixing.

And why is that such a biggie if it can still be replicated easily with genetic manipulation and cosmetics?

let me guess, you browse Jow Forums right? The whole board is born from stormfags spewing propaganda from the safety of anonymous chans because the usernames on spermfront were getting them doxed.

Wow! Really?
What race are you again? Human? Homo sapiens?
Really makes me think.

Because race isn't skin deep, fuckface.

>White people are the tallest, I dont know why would you even try to argue with it as its well documented by studies.
Are people in the netherlands, iceland and finland the majority of white people?
>So that why your kids to be mutts? Because if they will be females they would possibly have bigger butts?
wut? not because they'll have bigger butts but because the person I'd be with would have a bigger butt, I like big butts.
> what does that even mean? You dont need to be white to live in white countries
it wasn't even a complex statement, how don't you understand it?
If you move to a country that has majority white people then it's more likely that you'll mate with a white person.

My sub-species certainly hasn't had any taint from apes of the plains of Africa for at least the last several thousand years, if that's your question.

Yeah, every mutt is a deranged killer and untamable ape. Good logic my man.