
Fuck you guys I'm not deadlifting again.


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honestly, show some respect for the lunk alarm

Me on the right

if u cant lower the weight properly u are ego lifting and should fuck off

what a cunt. that shit was dangerous

>when the gym hero keeps u from hurting ur back

you clearly don't lift faggot.


He did lower it right. He didn't drop or slam it. It's not even loud.

what a fucking cunt that guy should be shot

Oh thank god, another post on this.

who was in the wrong here?


I admire the kid’s self restraint. He probably could’ve dropped that faggot and gotten away legally easily. Idk though because this is in Canada right? Not familiar with legality of self defense there

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Canada gave millions to an ex-jihadi and allows people to fuck dogs.

What do you think?

Court would rule out he was not in imminent danger to use self defense and get charged for assault the faggot would probably get a trespass notice cuz the gym 'HAS' to ban him (for being disruptive)

Still crazy to me y'all can't just shoot him. Ezpz

You basically have no right to self defense in Cuckada. In my town a kid was charged for POINTING--not firing, an air gun at a man who broke into his house. Unless you're in actual danger, you're better off not getting violent.

well according to internet comments, since the kid was a minor and the guy kicked him in the dick its assault on a minor
and since its canadia, anyone who knows about the incident and doesn't report it will get charged with accessory to assault on a minor
so the owner is fucked if he doesn't go to the cops

He's slightly brown so the case will be thrown out. can't be upsetting the minorities.

Seriously? Where I’m at you can literally shoot, and kill, someone if they break into your home with little to I repercussion

Wow, here in Florida they have a “stand your ground” law. I’ve been told multiple times that if one person is dead then there’s only one side of the story to hear, yours

We are cucked.
If someone is breaking into your house you can get charged if you assult him.

I am so jealous of you Americans just for the fact your country actually allowed you to defend yourselves. Here you have to take every precaution to cause as little damage to your attacker as possible or you risk getting charged too. I don't know how true this is, but I was told that you're not allowed to use violence if somebody breaks into your house or tries to rob you, unless they also attack you at the same time.

And don't even get me started on how they treat weapons. I'm not talking about firearms, I'm talking about dog spray or even a heavy piece of metal. If you get arrested during an incident, and any object you have you claim you had for self defense purposes, it is classified as a weapon and you can get in shit for it. Again, in my town, a woman got stopped for a traffic violation and for whatever reason they found dog spray on her, but because she claimed she carried it for self defense, she was charged with carrying a weapon.

Would unironically escalate to CCW usage.

even in our cucked cities like seattle you are even allowed to fight
the cops show up just to make sure the fight stops when someone yields, but they wont get in your way and interfere as long as both people are fighting

don't you have another 10:01 video to record?

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Lmao but it's true though most states will let you get away with dropping someone dead if they break in

Friendly reminder that Peter Khill shot and killed a native kid on his property, said it was by accident, and got away scott free.

* Gerald Stanley

that twink got mogged

lifters are the most oppressed group of this damn society we live in... we can not lift in peace anymore..

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mad boomer detected


Stop advertising your shitty thread

How is that a bad thing?

no one cares

As a Canadian, I would be shocked if Trudeau didnt honor that man with a cheque for bravely touching that kids penis.

Could a annon living near there, please go deadlift at this gym.

yep that's right we found the culprit.