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Fitness #471
Food Thread
Pushup thread
And they said cardio kills your gains!
Jow Forums what are some ab exercises that I don't have to do 9205 reps to feeling anything or planking in place like a...
You thought I wouldn't find out you didn't do your face pulls today, user?
Never drank a soda in my life, just took all the steroids available on the market
So user, what do you do for fun?
Gf coming over for sex
People look at me in the street, and usually girls my age (im 18) look at my eyes for 2, 3 seconds
Tfw no matter how much you lift...
I'm 23, can I still make it?
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with bodybuilding lifting and getting as big as humanly possible
If you had to eat one meal a day for the rest of your life what would it be?
How do I unlock this mode?
How can I help my friend get the girls and be Chad?
15 years. Thousands of dollars. Tapered down from a pack a day to a pack a week. But today's the day
Hey Jow Forums, Im a newbie when it comes to fitness. I jog for 30 minutes every day, and then lift 11...
Reminder this is what SS and SL does to your body
Is whole grain bread a meme food like diet coke?
How do I get rid of my sweet tooth?
Anyone here ever taken zoloft or similar pills for anxiety/ depression...
Took phenibut before work
Ok guys a friend told me about this anonymous forum, so I come here for an honest opinion...
European peanut butter
Pic related is fucking disgusting
The Modern Metrosexual Man
Men with cocks below 6 inches pursue casual sex
Conflicts in real life
Whats the best exercise i can do to fight back againts antifa commies?
Mfw eating pussy
/fat/ fat ass titties edition
What makes an incel? How do we solve the incel problem? Is lifting really enough to help incels?
Where do I even start with a body like this? Can I make it?
Why does bread make you fat?
This is the ideal male physique
/fph/ - even more without the bowl edition
I literally took only 3g of creatine and my hair starts falling. Is this possible Jow Forums?
Can you defend yourself in this situation?
Sup incels? How’s everybody doing today?
How do I stop sweating at the gym. There's little sweat then there's bathing in your own sweat, I'm the latter
Jow Forums hairstyles
Whats her routine?
Miring stories
Guys I'm a fat fuck and I don't know how to start Jow Forums I ask for your help please I tried keto for 2 months and I...
Is anybody hear using the 5x5 program? I was wondering what kind of result's I should expect. Also...
How do I gain weight?
He thinks he made it
I'd appreciate serious replies only
Hello Jow Forums
Why are female powerlifters and bodybuilders so ugly...
How do I fix this bump on my stomach? I think it's muscle, not fat. Is this caused by slouching too much...
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
Coping thread
Hey Jow Forums. Today's my 18th birthday...
Don't forget to eat healthy today guys!
Starting Strength
Hey guys, I am thinking about losing weight (currently at 110kg I am 5'11 (1,80m))
You guys think this is natty?
Lower back pain
Jow Forums redpills that most people can't take
So, now that the dust has settled, which one is the more meme exercise: starting strength or stronglifts?
World Class Powerlifting
Ok Jow Forums so i've had a couple of skin moles removed on my stomach on monday
Cheap protein?
/fast/ #251: Contemplate The Void Edition
I just broke my nofap
Do you browse Jow Forums between your sets?
Is sex a good substitute for cardio?
Poorfag from third world
What yall banging in the gym?
Have you ever used a fictional character as inspiration?
Incels Ideal Form
Growing taller after 18?
Stealing and melting down shopping carts
What's the rule on fapping before/after a workout?
Walk into locker room
Why do I lift? heh, that's easy... I lift for dubu
Is it a good idea to squat every day regardless of your program?
Why is estrogen for men legal and testosterone is illegal? I think this is a conspiracy
You'll be ok, user
Hydrate Buddeh
Had a show recently in May, came second in the novice and second in mens open. What you think fit...
You go to the gym 5 times a week? Show your six pack user!
1 year of progress for this
Post your idea of the true Natty limit
Can Jow Forums cheer me up? My dog passed away tonight
Jow Forums cheatcodes
Stop shaving
See qt grills everywhere
So here's the deal
Deload and Fasting
At what point did you realize you were going to make it, Jow Forums?
Anybody else worried that they'll be too old by the time they make it?
Does cardio actually kill gains?
What are some alternatives to cardio
Zyzz reincarnation attacks poor chadlite
Routine thread
Why do so many people on Jow Forums want gfs so bad...
Why do random people keep laughing at me?
/CBT/ Current Body Thread CMON
How does Stacy have a 10/10 bod while knowing dick about fitness and just doing bodyweight exercises to "tone"?
want to eat ass
Doc says I'm 2 pts away from being full blown diabetic but I can turn it around somewhat by dropping weight and cutting...
Probably stronger and happier than you
I don't know how you fat fucks get so big, I eat half a pizza and feel like i'm about to puke
Do women still have inspiration to stay fit? Why should they...
Is it possible to go from skinny to this mode? What’s his routine?
Progress thread?
Hey Jow Forums
I'm gonna bite the bullet and take finasteride. Anything I should know?
Day 2 on no caffeine
*blocks your path*
I might be getting the schizophrenia
If women have more difficult beauty standards than men, why are there always more men than women at the gym?
/fph/: Broken Chair Edition
How's your back Jow Forums?
How do you suicidal /fit9k/ fags keep alcohol out of your routine...
I'm a rather fat cunt. How can I start running without feeling ashamed and without it being awkward...
Is it normal to have a high heartrate and elevated temperature the night after you did an intense workout...
Am I the only one who lifts to be more masculine? Or does everybody only lift to get girls
The McDonald's Pill
Running Thread
Does rowing work?
Is higher education required to “make it”?
Why do most MMA fighters have unaesthetic bodies?
He went to the library after school waiting for his mom to pick him up instead of playing extracurricular sports
His well toned body is clear evidence that the rap artist puts quite the effort into keeping fit...
How does he not get DOMS and just fail after doing the same exercise two days in a row? I don't get it...
Tfw want to workout in the mornings but also shower before bed
Sorry gramps this is a zoomer only gym
If you had to choose 2 barbell exercises to do everyday at an appropriate intensity, which ones would you do?
How do I into this mode?
Whats this guys name again?
Teach me about eye contacts, Jow Forums
Take the ultimate neck pill
Stop balding
How to attract opposite sex:
Alpha Destiny is a fake natty. Sister just doxed him by mistake on Insta. Will attach evidence
Is it true that your bones can keep growing until you are around 30 years old if you weightlift?
Hi user who do i get cut as possible before a party have 4 days I have abs and in ok shape just wondering whats the...
Look like this
How does one get higher testosteron levels naturally
Another day
Be me
Is it normal when doing front squats to feel like you're getting choked out...
/feels/ thread
Its winter bulking season
Tfw when there are chads out there who have never lifted in their life
A gym app by Jow Forumsizen
Mogged Thread
My OHP is stalling super early...
Daily reminder to grow your beard with moderation. Alex was a solid 8 in this pic , now hes rocking that homeless look
Do you have a high test waifu Jow Forums?
Hey Virgins
Hey Jow Forums-chads
Do you lift to be core father figure and the pillar of your community...
At super market
Can you get a sixpack solely through the kitchen like they usually say? or will it just be an ugly sixpack?
How did you discover Jow Forums? What other boards do you go on?
Can OHP more weight than row
He lifts for his country, race, political ideology, god, or girls
Be black user
You arrive for the first time in the only gym in the small town you've just moved to, ready to do some squats
Is it autistic to have good posture IRL? Literally about 95% of people I see have bad posture...
How much can you deadlift?
Cretin supplements
Would you beat him 1v1 Jow Forums?
Thoughts on the joocy pale ork?
On day 26 of nofap. More motivated to lift, read, practice musical repotoir, etc
/fraud/ - bloods are for betas edition
Is this true Jow Forums ?
/fast/ #250: McSnake Edition
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
Manlet Cope
Will SARMS continue to stick around after they're fully banned? Will they be legit?
Gain those inches
What's the worst advice you ever got that haunts you to this day?
How to go this mode?
I posted here a while ago about my ex-gf and childhood friend having gone full slut mode and did stuff like sexted and...
ITT: Post your goal physique
What's your excuse?
Post acceptable Jow Forums tattoos
Tallfags are all asleep
It just a myth right?
NoFap General
How good is this stuff?
ITT: Food weakness
Why is trap fetish so popular among muscleheads?
Where does Jow Forums get their tank-tops?
How do you faggots deal with the deadly stench smell of your farts when you're eating so many proteins? Had broccoli...
An Italian model visiting the Philippines drew mixed reactions on social media after posting a workout video where he...
My trainer wants me to bench like this with my feet up. It's apparently good for your back and makes cheating harder...
My mom started following the diet in Pic related
Sleepless in Jow Forums
Job interview
ITT: reasons why you lift
Mental Fitness and Health
The sticky on fats needs an update
Could connor mcgregor beat a gorilla in cage fight?
How do I become /strongfat/?
Is it okay to be functionally strong but not shredded? Despite heavy workouts I just bulk up with unattractive muscles...
You can make it
Mfw Jow Forums made me realize that men are naturally better looking than women
Why are guys intimidated by girls that are taller than them?
Does anybody else have a power phrase when they are struggling on the last rep...
Can someone redpill me on this? I remember my paretnts doing it when i was younger...
Hot or not?
Viagra increases muscle protein synthesis similar to 100-200mg of test
Why does every full body 3x/week routine SUCK
Anyone eat these fuckers raw?
Never been this depressed in all of my life
Is this really the physique that women want?
My elbow is clicking with no pain. After workout sometimes it hurts a little bit. I do pushups and pullups
STOP body-shaming
Is cholesterol really that bad?
You're in the gym
That feel when your father’s Ancestory DNA test comes back and he is a mix of Nordic and Greek genes...
Can Jow Forums beat a female jiu jitsu black belt?
How come Jow Forums hates deadlifts so much? Every instance I see of somebody mentioning deadlifts...
That guy that wears basketball shorts to the gym
Are they a good fitness youtube channel?
Post 'em
How fit/attractive do I need to be to get a woman like this?
Body modification
Is raw beef based and redpilled? What are the benefits of incorporating it into your diet?
The ultimate alpha meal
19 years old teen attacked for deadlifting too heavy
Take a rest day
Jow Forums fashion thread
Pushups Thread
Hang past the sac
Best CHEAPER whey protein that wont bloat you? I'm tired of getting cucked by the wheymerchant
Does Jow Forums yell anything before a set or when they are mid set ?
What’s your best trait Jow Forums?
/fat/ - chicken breast and broccoli edition
/slg/ - Self-Love General
I'm tired
Why haven't you got after it, Jow Forums?
Should I gain weight?
PPL(6x/week), UL(4-6x/week) Full Body (3x/week) or PHUL (4x/week)? Which is the GOAT? If not one of these...
Enter boomer gym in Texas
How do i get this last bit of stomach flab to go away...
Why do you faggots complain about eating plain chicken?
Gym Annoyances/Pet Peeves
Is Lexx Little natty? He claims he did this in 2 years with no cheating
Who is else is lifting to prepare for the coming political/corporate assault on every single one of our rights?
Living with intense autism
What are the requirements to be seen as buff by the general population?
How to help someone break from Auschwitz mode?
What do you use to get your skin smooth as silk?
Have you taken the buzzcut-pill yet?
Why crossfitters NEVER admit that they're on gear and roided up assholes...
Reasons to lift
What is Jow Forumss opinion on these?
What exercises should I do for neck...
Ctrl+F Fph
Can you really lose weight just eating "sensibly" and lifting... no cardio?
Fat people can't be athlet-
Who do you lift for?
Youre at the gym with your gf and these guys slap your gfs ass and take your dumbbells
How do I get more visible abs? I feel like I'll look like a fucking Nigerian child if I eat less
I coach Crossfit, ask me anything
Mire thread
Winter is just around the corner (Massachusetts) and I need to invest in a cardio machine that doesn't suck dick so I...
Headphones that came with my phone broke
Energy drinks with creatine in them
My resting heart rate is 80. What's the fastest and easiest way to bring that down?
She wears a thong to the gym
Autisitc Dating
Is it alpha to have a gf that look like a teenage boy
How do I avoid turning my OHP into a push press?
Jow Forums humor thread
About to head out to gym drinking SIPS
Thoughts on female bodybuilding?
Just a reminder that no girl has ever rejected you because you lack muscles
Lifting and turning homo
Anyone else lift to honor their ancestors?
I'm 5'5". Is it over?
I hate all the negativity on Jow Forums and misc...
Started lifting 2 months ago
Just learned I'm half an inch shorter than I thought I was. Also learned that I won't grow anymore
Music for lifting
Walk into boomer gym
Have you taken the longhair-pill yet?
Switching from a purely free weight routine to a military prep routine?
How do I improve my blood circulation?
Explained protein powder to my grandma
Did you get mires after losing a significant amount of weight, Jow Forums?
/fraud/ - permablast edition
ITT: Exercises gay people always do
What is the manlet cutoff height?
From the 1950s to the 1980s there were basically no AIs, no estrogen control, no pct
Which is a bigger gainz goblin?
Stop watching porn
Is there a fitness plan that will help with video games performance? Hand speed and coordination
FUCK Jow Forums
Actual natty limit
Get Jow Forums
What is your mid workout meal? Me? I like to bring some table sugar and chocolate
Push Up Thread
What's the best way to get social interaction gains? Got 20 years of autism piled on how do I lose it
Daily reminder to do Front squats + Romanian Deadlifts instead of Squats and Deadlifts
"You can gain muscle eating at maintenance"
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
When I see some "strongfat" fag deadlifting near me
How tall are you lads? I will start first, 197cm
Its too hot to train lads
Has anyone managed to stay lean whilst bulking and having a social life in college? Finding it fucking hard mayne
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
What's with all the muscles?
Suppose Alex Jones hired you as his trainer. What would you make him do in order to change him from this
/fast/ #249 - Stop letting the general die edition
*blocks your weightloss*
Can we drop the manlet hate already...
Skinny fat
One pec is bigger
FACT: If you're lifting for aesthetics or to get girls and you don't work out your neck, you're missing out big time
Is sleep deprivation the key to unlocking confidence gains, if only for a little while...
Make it thread
I unironically only work out so I can eat more
How much weight is this?
One chance at life
Been going to the gym a while, made good beginner gains. Haven't gone for a month and a half or so...
Okay Jow Forums wtf is going on
The Fitness Secrets
Remember to eat only meat and clean your room user
While you are straight back deadlifting PADAWORM is getting stronger than you
Lifting Belts
How do you approach other men at the gym?
Okay hold the fucking phone, why does this nigga say cutting calories hasn't ever brought about weight loss...
Taking shrooms next week
If I eat at maintenance on a keto diet, will I lose weight?
Anyone else have feels mid-lift?
Post age
Redpill me on coffee. Is it more beneficial or harmful? I've heard that it can improve your metabolism...
Tfw accidentally ate an entire jar of peanut butter again
Top three
Gay guy at the gym trying to holler at me
Some part of me, if not all of me, is usually sore
Does cardio do even a damned thing? Am I wasting an hour everyday?
I sent this picture to my gf and she broke me up
What redpills should I know about?
Mfw i've noticed a slight uptick in the black qt demographic of my gym over the course of the year
How do I achieve male dancer mode?
/fat/ - go for a fucking walk edition
Just got my heart shattered
Jow Forums please tell me how do i get 30 grams of fibre and 60 grams of protein in a day under 400 calories
If you keep doing that exercise you will die
Why can't men handle larger women? What makes tall skinny women so much better?
Female Companion Stories
/fit approved music videos
Is it possible to make your penis grow?
Do I look like crap?
Where do you get your haircut at? I'm banned from Great Clips and don't know what to do
What the fuck, is this what happens when you lift?
Deadlift induced jealousy
I bet with my bf that I am gonna beat him in arm wrestling
W..what do i say?
Dan Bilzerian
In gym, lifting to naruto music
You may only post in this thread if your resting heart rate is lower than 60 BPM
Is Intermittent Fasting useless?
There's no proper evidence that nofap has a positive effect on anyone beyond saving time
As a 6'4" guy, I feel genuine pain and empathy when I see shorter guys get berated by women...
Going thru hard time financially
Do a set of these every workout and you will have abs
/FPH/ - Fat People Hate
Have you ever identified a fellow citizen at the gym?
I live in a rough neighborhood...
Is it noticable?
ITT: Exercises manlets always do
What’s for dinner boys?
I recently had to get rid of my dog because he was killing my gains on long runs...
Friendly reminder that if your program/routine is not barbell compound focused...
ITT: We laugh at the faggots who have insomnia and won't be sleeping well tonight
ITT: Exercises you fucking hate with all your soul but you still do
I heard y'all were talking shit 'bout soýlent. What do you think built this body?
I fucking hate my body
How will AI change fitness?
How did your body look like during your early puberty years (14-15) Jow Forums?
What you have in life is all decided by genetics
Getting fit through hard labor?
Do I REALLY need to think of some special snowflake joke or pick up line to get one of these counts to respond to a...
I unironically love every single one of you
I'm trying to prove a point so help me out:
30 days on nofap
I only do two types of exercises. Bicep curl and then lifting the weighs above my head. I do 15 reps with 10 sets each...
3 times/week or 6 times/week is considered better for maximum gain if you are a natty?
What mode is this? How do I achieve it?
Monday Feels Bar is Open
You're in the gym and this guy kicks you in the dick mid deadlift, what do?
Be me
Am I mentally ill for wanting to be a complete freak?
I-is this the natty limit?!
Is there any point to the Bench Press when you can do Overhead Press?
Tfw ex-rower watching normies hop on this and try to use it
What's the point in getting Jow Forums if you're under 5'10?
Won't NoFap just lead you to blow your load immediately upon first contact with a qt...
How do you guys feel about this?
Redpill me on the decline bench
Does one ever really "make it?" Or is that just some hypothetical goal to keep yourself motivated?
Gym Asshole
Be 6ft 288lbs
Lifting for a year
Sumo deadlift for the weak
Current year+3
Jow Forumsfitness just had a meetup. say something nice
Are getting erotic massages a good way to polish your gains? Where do you go to get yours?
Who else here cutting on 4000 calories a day? Feels good to eat pizza and ice cream and still lose weight
Literally has his sweat glands taken out so he looks better on camera
Hey Jow Forums i need help
Can i make it through calisthenics? I don't wanna shell out 30 euro every month to go to the gym. It's so expensive
Reminder that soi isn't the only culprit, all of the following foods raise estrogen:
Daily reminder that alcohol is literal poison
That's my bench faggot
From Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes
Hot as fuck, no doubt
/fast/ #248: Nobody made the new thread edition
You're not a shitlet, right?
When did you realize chronic starvation and over-exertion ("eat less move more") are complete bullshit that just don't...
Itt: worst place to live while cutting
Powerlifting General - /plg/
Jow Forums, I'm probably being retarded but hear me out. My squat form is terrible and i cant figure out how to fix it
Go to a new gym
ITT: autistic reasons why you lift
Cancel my gym membership?
Are you at 100% right now? If not, list your injuries or ailments
Lift before or after breakfast?
Going back to the dating world, after being in cacoon mode for so long
If 1/2/3/4 is fit standards, what's the commercial gym standard that will impress 30-50 year old boomers?
Finally had sex. Nothing changed and it didn't feel that great...
Based and redpilled
Get it off your chest
Guys help, what the fuck is this shit, its itchy as fuck and like an inch of skin came off with my sock this morning
Exercises that makes you look like a tool
Mark Rippetoe and the Jews who used to work for him say you should supplement 5g of creatine for the rest of your life
Post your personality type and get feedback on how you can get Jow Forums from other anons...
Where does Jow Forums work out? and how much does it cost
Cutting for summer: Now or later?
/fph/ - 4 hour fast edition
How come some people eat like shit and never put on weight?
U mirin rare pic of the king ?
Very High Progesterone Levels Halp
Do you box?
How to lose weight when you have depression
I mean, this is a solid point guys
Had my 8th trio last night
Tfw 19 and 5’7 manlet
He doesn't Juul between sets
What's the best way to clean the back of your mouth/tongue...
No wheyfu thread
12 hours in /nosmoke/ and it's really starting to sting
Hey guys im on a new diet do you think i will lose weight on meals like this
Guys I'm going on a third date with a chick in a few days. I'm taking her to a pretty nice restaurant...
Just ruined a family dinner
ITT: Jow Forums approved anime characters
Just do excersice bro!
Jow Forums's body goals
Tfw drank 6 cups of coffee today
/fraud/ - roidfu edition
"300 lb bench club"
When does your penis stop growing?
Ideal Body Fat % On Women
Be me
How do you treat your varicose veins after leg workout?
How cringe is it to get the valknut tattoo if not scandiavian
Are you Army strong?
Bad Posture
Madonna/Whore Complex - Psychological Health
Lifting for a year
I have struck gold Jow Forums! Found the perfect way to hide autism from the ladies
Reminder: Women want this. Not 16 in biceps. Not 3lmao bench. Start focusing on facial aesthetics to make it
Walk into boomer gym
Do you guys have any hobbies besides going to the gym alone? I make music here and there
Is it really gay to swallow semen? It has high test and will definitely boost your T levels...
Does anyone smoke weed to lose weight...
Trap fitness
Seriously not trolling
What mode is this?
Post a picture of the most aesthetically pleasing man you can find...
How do I increase my vascularity?
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Chad Haircuts
Just a reminder that no girl ever rejected you because you lacked muscles
Which Bale is your current goal?
How can I achieve 5pl8 OHP?
If you don't do this, you're basically committing slow suicide
Show up at the gym that keeps asking you to stop slamming weights
Why do people still waste time with this meme meat...
ITT: Meme Exercises
Does Jow Forums carry a gun at the gym?
AlphaDestiny channel dying
I've literally never seen anybody who looks good at my gym deadlift
What mode am I/bf estimate
I have a date in an hour. What do, Jow Forums?
I’m an alcoholic. How do I get the motivation to drink less and get into exercise...
Knowing what you know now. Would you have gotten fitter at an earlier age?
Which is better: butter or olive oil?
6'0 vs 5'11''
How do you avoid getting fat while aging? Every middle aged dude I work with looks terrible. Is it just inevitable?
What's the alcoholic beverage that's the less abrasive for your gains?
7 days of nofap
Tinder and pof
I'm putting together a team
Weekly Failures/Victories
There's absolutely nothing better than looking in the mirror and seeing a functionally strong body with tattoos that...
Uncomfortable truths that trigger Jow Forums
Why do girls like this guy? He literally has none of the facial features that are traditionally considered attractive
You reckon he sneaks and eats meat?
He got married before 30
Yo Jow Forums, let's get kind of a CBT except if you post body I'll sketch a picture of you, pic unrelated
Instagram "fitness coaches"
Hot take: they were both in the wrong here
What's your skin care routine Jow Forums? Any skin care tips?
Alpha Destiny, the 5'2 manlet is juicing, too
Gyms in your country/region
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I'm not skinny because that's just not by body type!
Stop drinking Alcohol
Anyone know the guys youtube channel?
Hey user how's my form
Which meme diet do you pick and why
How does anyone smoke weed before lifting? I feel so much weaker after smoking anything
What does Jow Forums think of long hair
Be fatass with low sex drive gf
Tfw lifting cured my depression
The bar is open
For those of you in the 1000lbs club, how long do you estimate it took you to reach from the time you started lifting?
How come some animals are bench as fuck but they never work out?
What motivated you to get Jow Forums?
Plastic Surgery
Anyone else here work out 7 days a week? I do a 3 day split chest/tri/shoulders - back/bis - legs/cardio...
Why do some fit bodies look so weird?
Seriously though
Is it gay if I like the feeling of my ass being sore?
You there
Just finished listening to How Not To Die convince me that I'm wrong to eat only plant based whole foods diet for the...
High heels should be banned
Post albums you listen too while you lift
What if i started doing only
This is what I end up with after 5 years of lifting
Is Yoga bullshit?
Fasted Cardio
Tips for Improving Jawline
Exercises betas cant into
You're trying to....gain weight?
>Jow Forums autistic posts thread
Be me trying to improve my life
Name some Jow Forumslit/ that is under >>>>>>$100
Are pigeon chests the alpha chest?
Does any of you guys have gyno ?
Bow down to your god and emperor
I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any sexually transmitted diseases...
Does YOUR dad mire you?
Just use myfitnesspal to track your calories bro
What is this facial expression meant to convey?
Does Jow Forums swim?
And that was that, lads
How old are you and how old do you look?
When you're fat, it's all anyone talks about you. It's all anyone thinks about you...
The only people who like zyzz are 30 year old boomers, he wasn't that great
Zyzz death
Sleep Jow Forumsness
Snaps and general gym accidents
/fat/ - Ball is Life edition
Useless exercises
Natty or Juiced?
Core training progressive overload
Why don't we talk about the fact that meat has carcinogens and that we shouldn't eat it?
Routine critique thread
Dad bods are in
Is mate a better source of caffeine than coffee?
I ate Dominoes Pizza every day for 7 months...
Brehs my glutes are shit and underdeveloped, what's a non meme way to get my glutes up to speed?
What's his routine Jow Forums?
Any Jow Forumsizens join the Canadian Military?
Is this body type achievable natty?
Do you guys use your phone wallpaper to remind you why you're lifting? Pic related is mine
He can't OHP plates
Can I replace drinking milk by taking Calcium vitamins?
Seven years today
This is why it’s so hard to get lean while living at home
All of the employed anons, what do you do? What did you go to college for...
It’s insane how much your lift and rep range goes up if you scream while you lift. Anyone else notice this?
Whats it like to have a GF?
How much do i need to lift to ensure I don't get mogged by girls?
/fast/ #247 - Doctor Visit Edition
How you holding up, Jow Forums?
Jow Forums Recipes
Three months of lifting
Saturday night feels. What’s on your mind, Jow Forums?
Who's /nosleep/ here?
This is how you look when you use the Smith rack. Just stop it. Fucking stop it
Ketos say fruit is unhealthy cause of all the sugar in it
How do you stay fit with a stressful job?
Whats the line between High Test and Fat?
Some advice I got from a girl I slept with a few times
Why do you REALLY lift? Be honest, we're all anonymous
How do I eat healthy on a tight budget?
This is what I look like after 5 months of trying to improve myself
What do you do between sets? I either stare at the ground autistically or browses Jow Forums
Lift consistently for two years
Femanon General
I don’t want any jokes, I just want to know how to achieve this. Please
Is it better to be a manlet or a lanklet?
He's finally doing it! All aboard the Bugez cruise
Tfw lifting will never bring her back
Guys I got my test levels checked in a blood exam, what do they mean? Should I be worried?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
As his height (3'6") a healthy weight is between 46 and 62lbs
Tfw girls go for this now
/fraud/ - degenerate insecure junkies
Will lifting protect me from BLM thugs?
Who do you lift for, bros?
Christian bale american psycho bf%?
How would you of had handled this confrontation at gym?
What's the closest a girl can get to a wheyfu body if she has dumbbells, a barbell, a lifting bench...
He lifts for women
Finally got Jow Forums and a girlfriend
Which sign is the most alpha
Calorie deficit: reality?
High test thread
How does Jow Forums consume their onions and what kind do you guys eat?
Hey guys u jelly of my new body? 5'11" 155 lbs <10%bf. Used to be tubby mode, lost about 50 lbs...
Does being a manlet really hold you back in life like Jow Forums says?
I broke my back
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
How to get bowling ball delts?
Tfw child of two mixed race parents
/mirin/ thread
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Why dont we breed people with perfect bodies
What is the point on being Jow Forums if you are still autistic and depressed?
eating all of this
This picture is so fucking sad I whish it had never been taken
I'm almost to the point of no return. Should I take fin?
What do you do for sleep bros? i have trouble getting sleep at nights
What video games do you play Jow Forums when you're not making gains?
Why does Jow Forums have such a low opinion of tattoos?
This happens to you/you're a witness to it, what do you do?
Daily reminder that a calorie is in fact a calorie. For you ketofags, if you eat more calories of steak than you burn...
A mischevious wizard gives you two choices. Third choice is dearh. Pick one
What's your boomer status right now? I'm 27 and i drink nearly 14 monsters a week...
Fitness Humor
Going against Jow Forums
Dont like Jims. What do I need to get it done at home?
My DAD started miring me
Can never reroll
Why haven't you joined the keto masterrace?
Not getting blessed before workouts for the holiest of gains
How far do you guys drive/walk to get to the gym? Ive been driving around 4...
Is paleo Jow Forums approved
Jeff cavaliere is 5'8" 190
I fell for this stupid fucking meme
Have you ever been in a street fight? did you win?
True dat
How do I fix this shit? I'm skinny and I feel that I have a severe lack of nutrients. Just weak overall, what do?
What do you see people eat while trying to get fit that make you cringe?
He thinks a 2pl8 bench means he’s strong
What’s the point of all that muscle if you can get knockout by a 5’3 126lbs twink?
Tfw you walk into the gym and all the Squat racks are taken for some meme exercises
Semen Retention thread
/CBT/ thread
Remind me why you fat retards are still drinking raped cows puss again?
Carry on with your isolated movements, 8-12 rep sets, and visible abs...
Mfw a sub 6'0'' subhuman tries to breathe near me
I started living alone a week ago cant help faping 5 times everyday how do i stop faping without feeling depressed
What would you say my body fat % is? I've decided to start tracking my macros intake and lower my fat % to around ~11...
Why do people pretend like weight loss is hard?
Wh*Toids can't compete
Daily reminder to fuck off to red dit if you lift for women
If a girl roids but retains her thiccness, can she still be attractive?
Goal bodies:
Lexx Little: natty or not?
How does Jow Forums feel about girls with boyish bodies?
Female Strenght
No one is allergic to meat
Donating blood
5 years of natty lifting
This bloke reckons hes an aesthetic god
Why i deadklift small boy weight
Is it realy like this?
/fast/ #246 - Weekend Willpower Edition
Post brutal mogs
How dou have sex with a virgin?
Why are women half naked at the gym?
Best workout regime for 6 packs?
How do I eat a healthy breakfast?
Where's your fit chick gf Jow Forums?
How to become a normie?
What does /fit think about pic related ?
Lowering the deadlift
What should the age of consent be, Jow Forums?
This video is fake lmaoooo
Day 3 of Nofap
Kid attacked for deadlifting
ITT: pullups and chinups
What type of body does she have?
Enter early 2000s gym
If you're not 6' minimum, just give up now
> What flavor knight are you, and what’s your favorite lift?
Has anyone else found that when they break nofap after the week that their orgasms don't feel as good compared to when...
Is it time to start taking rogaine?
Whats the craziest thing you've heard a chick say/do during sex?
Help me out Jow Forums Nation
Heartbreak is the best way to cut weight. I can't eat fucking anything right now. I'm dropping weight like crazy
How did you get your gf user? Did have anything to do with being Jow Forums?
How many things are you addicted to Jow Forums ?
James "LB" Bonner of My 600 lb Life found dead at 30 of self-inflicted gunshot wound...
Hey Jow Forums, have any of you gotten stronger going to the gym on a slight deficit...
Which workout program is best to look like the 2018 Terminator?
The ultimate cut
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship