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Squat/DL: 225
Bench: 135
OHP: 105

Background: I’m doing SS. 4 weeks lifting although this week was shit so it’s honestly more like three.

Is this normal? I didn’t deadlift this week because I got scared of breaking my back, so I started doing assisted chins instead so I can DL a higher weight without much problems.

Also, would you recommend stalling some of my lifts so I can get the form down? Will I lose out on noob gains if I do?

Do you really need a belt if you're deadlifting heavy? Approaching 2pl8 and the gym coach told me I should try to invest in a belt since it might help me to have something to brace against. He observed me whily doing diddlys and told me form was fine, just concerned for my safety since I'm a dyel manlet who only started lifting three months ago. (Not his words)

Is it impossible to gain weight in a caloric deficit? (other than water weight)

Not talking as a novice lifter by the way

I'm just starting to lift, been going to the gym for about 2 weeks now.

My hip mobility is shit (and my ankle mobility as well, probably) and I can't squat properly, so I never load on any weight. Any stretches/techniques I can use so I can get to parallel or lower? I'm 6'5'' 250lbs.

Arms have been a bit shaky with bench, I think it's because my grip is too wide and my triceps are now lagging behind my chest, I'm going to narrow my grip a bit, add in some more tricep isolation, and do some dumbell bench as well, is there anything else I should do?

you won't lose noob gains, it's more of a strength limit, rather than a time limit
your lifts are good for 4 weeks (deadlift should probably be a bit higher than squats), there's no real harm in leaving your weight as is for a week or two IF your form feels off, but if your form is fine, then no need to keep the weight the same

Is there anything objectively wrong with sumo deadlifts? I'm thinking of trying out sumos for a bit to see how they feel, but I don't want to fuck up my progress on the other lifts or hinder my lower back strength or anything like that.

>work out a lot
>find a girlfriend
>sleep with guys on the side

is this movie, dare, i say, /ourmovie/?

Form is very important, so ask someone to check your form. If it's bad, deload 10%, fix it, and continue progression. If your form is good, keep on progressing as normal. You won't lose out on noobgains, and you'll be stronger in the long run.

You need a belt once lifting beltless becomes too difficult for you. That moment is different for everyone. I needed a belt at 2.5 plate squat, but my buddy got one at 2 plate squat, for example. Once you start struggling with beltless, then check if a belt would be a good investment. If your belted lifts go up, so will your unbelted.

6'4 220lbs here. Check out Starting Stretch (pic related) or Becoming a Supple Leopard. However, I personally also have issues getting to parallel without weights. If I have >0.5 plate on the bar, it's no problem. So check how your mobility is if you put a little bit of weight on the bar.

IIRC, your elbows should be at ~90 degree angle at the bottom of the bench. See if that's the case. If it is, and bench is still shit, do some DB bench and some triceps.

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Lifting beltless ain't difficult, probably just doing it as an act of courtesy since I'm one of the younger dudes at the gym. Actually having more problem with my grip though. How do you fix that?

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I gained too much fat during my short periodbulk for error, should i keep going with less kcals or cut again for 2 months and re start bulk slower?

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your body reminds me of someone's face in some game, but can't place it.... hmmmmm....


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Any advice please

If your grips starts to get weaker, you can try doing mixed grip or hook grip. You can also try doing plate pinching, (weighed) pull ups and chin ups, or fat grips/fat bat work for grip strength or farmer's walks or static holds for grip endurance.

Also, if lifting beltless ain't difficult, you don't need a belt yet.

You can also eat at maintenance until you have some muscle, then cut for summer next year

Please answer. I'd hate to send you all to the shadow realm.

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eating at maintenance will make me get muscles? thanks for reply

Lifting hard, getting sufficient food, and resting enough will get you muscles. You don't NEED to bulk to get muscles, it just kinda helps, especially when you're getting to advanced levels of strength/muscle building, which you're not.

Unless you have some fucked up illness or some shit or you're not counting calories correctly, it's impossible to gain weight on a cut


No problem, now go and lift heavy and get shredded


Are salted nuts too salty?

Don't make this question weird. Before I buy a shitload for protein, tell me I'm allowed to buy the salted ones.

They're often really fucking salty, so you're probably better off buying unsalted

ive got around to 35kg OHP, 50kg bench, 60kg squat and 70kg deadlifts from fuckarounditis for a couple of months and decided to get srs and start on phraks greyskull lp next week.

What weights should I start with? I was thinking of half of the plates I have on the bar for starters

I find most salted nuts to be too salty if I'm wanting to eat a heap of them, if I only want to few then it's not an issue though
If you're really worried then just salt them yourself (though you'll want really fine salt for that, like popcorn salt, or give regular salt a few pulses in a spice grinder or blender).
Or if that's too much effort, buy a bag of salted and a bag of unsalted and much then together

They have salt in it.

Any good stretching/mobility routines? I'm already quite flexible, but need to make sure I don't neglecct mobility work while getting stronger.
Is the stretching you do on a rest day the same stretching you do after lifting?

When I do leg press, I feel it more in my glutes/hamstrings than in my quads. Any reason?

Any tips on fixing sleeping schedule. Few days ago I started to wake up at noon, feel extremely lazy all day. can't bother making quality food or going to gym and feel like shit. Can't fall asleep before 3-4am. (student btw)

stay up all night and go to sleep early the next night

A sound idea. Would it be bad if I used caffeine to get trough the day?

No worse than regular caffeine use
it's how my old roommate fixed his 10am-7pm sleep schedule

I was a 145lb skelly.
Now I'm a 165lb skelly.
When will I escape skelletism? 185?
I'm 6'2" for context.

>is it impossible to save money if I spend more than I make?

is 2 minutes between bench sets too much? i want to lift as much as i possibly can. i lift 165 for 5 reps of 5 if that matters.

Today i did back and biceps as any other day during my bulk phase but today i had MUCH less strengh and enery, i allmost was not able to do 6 pulls up with out any weight extra but 2 week ago i was doing like 10 or more pulls up with 15 kg on my back, how is this possible ?

Keep it between 2 and 5 minutes. It's basically a question of how much time it takes to your muscle to get back their ATP.

see Look at label. Avoid eating more than 6g of salt per day (or 2300mg sodium).

I'd say start at 30/40/50/60.

It wholly depends on morphology. If you have broad shoulders vs narrow shoulders the limit won't be the same. Lift. Eat at maintenance or slight bulk (+250kcals/day, or 0.5~1lbs of weekly weight gain) until you like what you see in the mirror. Be careful, lurking on fit kinda changes your standards and your perception. For fit standards I'm small and weak. By normie standards I'm pretty decently muscular.

Sometimes days are shitty. Lack of sleep and dehydration are the main cause.

2 month beginner here, want to do a 3 x week routine and cardio and ab work on the days off. How's this routine looking? Planning to go heavy on the main lifts and lighter on the other ones.

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thanks for reply, but the thing is that the last week was like this too,

Just do SS/SL/GSLP.

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Should I do it even though I don't care about strength and only about aesthetics?

No the one who answered, but yes. At least up to a point. For a whole lotta reason I'm too lazy to explain. Plus in any case if you lift 3x a week a full body routine is better.
Once you stop progressing, change for a more hypertrophy oriented routine (most likely something along the lines of UL split, or PPL, though I kinda like Arnold's golden six)

13:30 mile and a half, getting their boyz

cut cut cut

for beginners strength hypertrophy aesthetics go all hand in hand.

any negative effects on health and muscle building/performance if I eat low carb most of the time? no keto fags please
It seems >science claims low carb affects test negatively

asking since if I intuitively eat I mostly go for fatty meats and fish, vegetables and fruits.
fuck, I could live off of meat and fruits if I had to, been eating a lot of figs and watermelon gotta abuse it while it's in season. But what worries me is I don't eat many carbs, sometimes 4 small potatoes or some shit like that and I'm worried I might be fucking myself up

Thanks guys. Going to give it a shot. It just feels strange to me doing few exercises but I guess then being compound is gonna give me what I need plus being a newbie I should go with what's proven.

You seems to be eating way enough carbs. Track your macros and you'll see, but there's no detriment to eating moderate carbs.

100g-150g it seems, to hit the goal of 45%-50%carbs I gotta really track it and have white rice or something on my meals

I always weigh less after a night of heavy drinking, even if I smash a fuck huge double bacon cheese burger on the way home, why? I'm not puking, I do pee a lot though

How much of my bulk can I expect to be muscle? I eat good amounts of protein and I work out hard every other day.

Any good books about swimming?

"Dive in" - You

I swim regularly but i want to swim FAST AS FUCK and I need good explanation of technique.

Have you completed the Atlantis world on Kingdom Hearts yet?

Just tweaked my back doing front squats with 20LB dumbbells in each hand.

My form isn't perfect, but it's not bad, and this is the fourth day doing these exercises (3 days between each). What do I do to strengthen those tiny muscles in the low back? This seems like a ridiculously low weight to hurt yourself on.

It's okay to add accessiories if you feel like it, but never add enough that your main lifts suffer

Asked this in the last thread but didn't really get a response
Anyone know of a way to reduce vascularity?
I'm trying to avoid vascular abs, but the more shredded I get the more my ab vains pop.

Been doing SL/GSLP for five months now, my lifts are:

OHP: 37.5kg (0.6x BW)
BP: 50kg (0.8x BW)
SQ: 77.5kg (1.25x BW)
DL: 102.5kg (1.65x BW)

I'm intermediate on everything for my age and body weight when I log these into Symmetric Strength.
When is it time for me to hop onto an intermediate program? I don't want to increase my body weight to more than 70kg (am at 62kg now) so doing this until 1/2/3/4 is out of question. My main goal is hypertrophy/aesthetics, so what routine should I do? I think PHUL is interesting but they don't specify the weight progression.

Join a swim club or team

Family can you recommend a good PPL routine? I look like pic related, just finished my first couple months of SL. Would prefer something that doesn’t involve dumbell curls, side raises, unless you can convince me that I should. Total novice here.

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When did Jow Forums turn into social media for autistic larpers? Should rename the board to /tnt/ trips and tryhards. lmao

Can't say really. Depends on your BF level, and then it's hormonal. With a lean bulk I'd say 60 to 80% but that's a guess.

bumping that guyz...

can I make gains on a dumbbell (and adjustable bench) only program or will I just get fat?

I don't know how to get lean.

I was 106kg at my highest weight. I was 68kg like 5 years ago when I started.

I've cut down to 92kg and I still look as fat as I did at 106kg

I don't understand why I look NO different. If anything, my legs just look smaller now...

I'm so fucking upset and demotivated and don't know what to do

>raw eggs in proton shake
Yes or no?

id only do it if they're pasturized

Couple dumb questions here:

Do I need a routine for both cardio and weights? Is it alright if my cardio is more or less unstructured as long as I'm getting my minutes in?

How accurate are the calorie meters on things like fitbits and wearables?

if you dont have much extra muscle, you wont look lean till youre around 70

How can I tell if I have pasteurized eggs if I live in a 3rd world country

White eggshells

I'll teach you, user.

I want to leave Jow Forums for some time. The last two digits are for how many days I won't come here.
Ignore this post. I chose this thread because it's currently at the top. thanks.

I heard that distance running reduces gains, my question is does it really affect me if I am a fat? I currently work out 3 days and run 3 days, I eat at a deficit and make sure I hit my protein goals daily, will I even see gains on top of that?

fuck. rolling again.

bout 4 scoops

again. third times the charm.


that's more like it. also, there won't be more posts from me here but if the last two digits of this one are a higher number than 43 then the number rises.

see you, fellas.

Im really confused, whats the best way of lose body fat from 18% to 10%?

Fasting? IF? Tdee -500? Tdee -800?

Fasting/IF won't change anything without a deficit. Only that matters. TDEE-500, is the basic calorie count. IF is a potential eating plan time wise, not calorie wise.

Sorry i dont understand, so -500 is the way to go? How much time will take? 3 month? I really appreciate your reply

I'm a cashier for the summer how can I not die from boredom today? Most customers are old white people so my gains aren't useful for anything there

If you do the right exercises, yes. You can get gains. Read the sticky, look over the programs suggested in it or the wiki, and choose one that you can do with your setup. You may have to search around for how to do some of the exercises with what you have: none of this was made for people who need handholding.

After that it's make a plan and stick to it.

do some drugs
or meditate


a dumbbell program from r*ddit

Buy good eggs, or pasturized ones. The factory farm eggs have a higher chance of carrying things like salmonella. It's not that they're somehow dirtier, just that they have a lot more birds per square foot.

Free range eggs are probably > 90% safe. Pasturized ones are 100. So are powdered eggs. Usually the cartons of egg whites are pasturized as well, so read the label, because those might be 100% safe, and really convenient.

It will say. It costs money to pasturize them, so they charge more, and will print it on the package. If it doesn't say, they're not.

Well it's relative. Depends how much you have to loose. though 18 to 10 i'd say more like 5 or 6 month.

so much? thanks

evaluate how much fat you need to lose, and consider that you need to burn 3500kclas to loose 1 pound of fat (or 8000 for 1Kg). (fat tissues hold water, hence 8000 and not 9000)

What exercises should I be doing on my rest days?

Maybe change feet positioning and see if that helps