
Do you think If incels actually worked out, ate clean and got fit, their shitty life problems would go away?

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What is an incel

Thats pretty much all of fit, and look at fit

Incels rise up

Look up gymcels.


Also, please link article.

No, they would just be in better physical shape.

mean games who abuse women online
and kill too , tho not often
oh and they are virgins

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if above 6 ft tall
sorry manlets

Most of the time incels are decent looking, but are so socially broken that they cant get girls. Most of them have impossibly high standards too. They are like 6/10s looking to get a virgin 9/10 who will do nothing but cook, clean, and suck them off.

It's okay, were used to suffering

Im 6'2 26khhv

Lifting for 2 years, got my own place, fixed hair clothes, trying to improve hard and yet still im khhv. Im not disfigured or anything im average looks.

My biggest problem is that im not going out enough and not meeting girls. I get checked out by girls all the time. But its not like girls will throw yourself at you and ask you out.

Altough single moms are savage with flirting

Probably not. Maybe some who have decent face/height but there are some guys who are simply too ugly.
>inb4 "Oh but I saw an ugly guy with a girl once so anyone can do it just b urself haha"

My dude, if you're to the point where single moms and gay dudes are hitting on you, and youve got 1 aesthetic shirtless pic, get your ass on tinder and find someone

Depends on what you mean, their problems run much deeper than body if that's what you're asking. If an incel suddenly got buff, no. He could become 6"2', have clear skin, strong jawline, massive dick, but the imaginary chad would always be better than him. He would find some new reason why he would be rejected if he ever approached a girl, and convince himself they are all sluts anyways.
Incel is a position of hopelessness. All the muscles in the world cannot give them the hope they so desperately need to lift themselves up. The journey of getting there however, that might.

Im not aesthetic as of yet.
i went for the bulking / powerlifting meme
Also have zero good pics
I got some matches on tinder but no luck.

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I'm an incel. 6 feet tall, 190lbs lean, full time job, own place and car.

Yet I am so socially repugnant to the point of making girls uncomfortable with my mate presence. I have no social skills and people take a dislike to me easily despite me never really speaking. I have no friends or family.

*mere not mate stupid fucking phone

To self identify as an incel is a statement of defeat. These people are broken in spirit and have embraced the role of victim. This is the biggest reason no woman will touch them, because women can instinctively smell cowardice on a man. Their looks don't really matter because they are bitch made.

life as an attractive person is like easy mode of coirse theyd eventually drop their woe is me shtick

>he thinks lifting makes you attractive

Felt like writing this here. Don't care if anyone reads, just want it off my mind.
>out drinking with childhood friends last night
>topic goes to all the girls they banged in middle school, high school, etc.
>a lot of them had like several girls at a time
>they casually talk about having sex with the best looking girls in our schools
>realize once again how big of a loser I am, barely having even talked to the opposite sex

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I’ve met incels IRL before from my work. They’re usually OK looking guys with severe autism or cluster B personality disorders.

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Did it make Jow Forumss problems go away?
This desu. Their personalities are cringey because the have a lot of mental disorders. They're awkward to be around

Like 90% of them. That and they grow up. Look at the stats of any incel site and they're somewhere between 15-19.

so incels is what Reddit come with when they got buttblasted by all the basedbois threads?

It's not worth it all the hassle just to get laid, fuck that

SOIBOIS, can't believe that Hirocunt is still censoring words

actually the best way to cure incels is chemical castration

No more sex drive. No more butt hurt and bitterness about girls.

Better yet just turn them into girls

My problems will never go away. Not even my parents loved me.

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the amount of assumptions and how you portrayed how much fucked in the head you are in a single post is amazing user.

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Lmao betadestiny is the first thing that pops up when you search this

>virgins are laughed at and ignored, nobody really cares
>they're supposedly an organized group targetting women and minorities
What happened?

t.seething incel

It has to be a CIA pysops of sorts. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, you're supposed to get married first. And to the men who go around fucking as many girls as they can? Shame. No sense of honor and is worse than a thot.

>if you ave a healthy sex life you can't say that women are acting like (insert comment here)
left thinks that once you fucked someone you become a slave or something, no idea really.
i even let pass the reddit spacing user, get better bait.

It's a roastie meme gone out if hands.
The "stronk independent wymen" pride themselves calling one another "volcels" for "voluntarily celibate" or something along these lines. This evolved into calling the "altright" "incels" during the 2016 meme war because "these men are angry against feminists because they are losers that want gf but can't get any lmao". This hit Jow Forums where it hurt the most and these unprovoked repeated attacks lead the least stable to commit mass shootings or something, while others decided to cherish the "incel" pejorative nickname and adopt it for shitposting purposes.
But to the normalfag outsider, an "incel" is a shut-in young dude who "hates women" and wears basically any characteristic that would make him a strawman for the SJW.

Bullshit, incel has existed for a while

Not even him, i can just tell that you're a SEETHING incel LOL

incel as a term is rather new
yeah, totally another user

You didn't even bother to open the video, it has existed since at least 2012.

You sound bitter. What, roastie broke your heart? Get out of here. You ain't no Chad. You're just some black... cunt.

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My bad. I first saw "incel" develop as a consequence of "volcel". Maybe it went unnoticed and really took the meaning we know today after the meme war started.

i didn't, popularized sounds better?
been hearing the term massively in the last few months.
i would think that Incels would put women on a pedestal, not hate them, doens't even make sense.

o que um br como voce ta fazendo aqui

I'm an incel, but I don't hate on anyone but myself, a few months back I decided to change:
>go to the gym 6 days a week
>stopped junk food, track my calories
>fixed my sleep schedule
>got a job
And I'm even more depressed than before, I should see a doctor but I have to pay back a friend first, hopefully I'll be completely debt-free in a few months, then I'll be able to pay a psychiatrist.

They're just popularizing it because of the rise of right wing politics and the memes about Elliot on this board, to insult those who don't think the same as them politically. Their direct equivalents are the cuck and tranny, so "incel" is their comeback. They're afraid

i am in the same ship friend, notice that you didn't mention anything that you actually ENJOY doing.
get a hobby for starters.

True, social anxiety isn't helping but I have a few ideas of what I could do.

Looks good. Show us the front.

>just do this bro just do that haha just be urself bro!
Oh fuck off. Most incels just don't make the cut genetically, whether it be their physical appereance or their brains, sometimes both. The urge to find a woman is hardwired into every males dna to and we do everything to get that pussy. However, if you are of lesser genetic quality you will get ignored all through your formative years, by male peers and girls alike. You can't blame ANY incel from lack of trying. Trying to get laid is inherently a part of every male. The instant a male steps into the school system he is trying. He's trying to become a functioning part of society. It's up to the surrounding environment to either accept him or shun him. Hence, you might think some 18 yearold is an incel just because he doesn't try, but the truth is the decision was made years ago by the same people who are now bashing virgin men. It's just the same thing all over again.

Not an incel btw.

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Nah, I'm tall and athletic and still an incel. the problem is in my attitude, not my appearance

90% likely they will. The other 10% become autistic gymcels. People gotta realize that being normie status trumps money and looks. If working out and living a healthy lifestyle still doesn't change your shitty outlook on life or improve your social confidence, you're kinda fucked and should probably seek therapy. Even a scrawny shitfuck can get laid often if they have game.

exactly, it's not the fit body, but the confidence gained from carving your body into something you can be proud of. Also being able to pick her up effortlessly helps

How does one classify as an incel? I’m 6”3, 19 y/o. I only started taking an interest in girls around 16 (I hit puberty late), never tried to get with a girl till I was 18. In the space of my whole life I can count the girls I’ve approached and or tried to fuck on two hands. I’ve never used any dating apps and I’ve been with da wymynz before but I’m still a virgin. To some this makes me ‘involuntarily celibate’, but I choose to spend my time studying, lifting, playing sports and instruments. In all honesty I think a lot of guys could probably relate. I don’t want to date or get married, so Jow Forums am I really an incel? The term seems to have just developed into another way for normies to slur young right leaning men.

And the greatest lifter of all time pops up too. Blu Blu ble blue BLAHA

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Incel = a guy that is a virgin because he gets rejected by girls.
Volcel = a guy who could get a woman but chooses not to. Mentalcels sometimes like to call themselves volcels to cope.
Mentalcel = guy who looks good but has mental issues so he doesn't get any.

Some incels are naturally repulsive though

No their problems would go away if they went to a dentist, fixed their bite, and started mewing

Are you guilty of wrongthink? Then you're a dirty nazi incel.

>if you ave a healthy sex life you can't say that women are acting like (insert comment here)
Oh boy, bro this is the truth. The level of stupidity is just unreal when people try to spin your argument as, ‘well ur only saying that cause you’re a virgin/incel/can’t get laid’. As if sticking my dick in vagina will suddenly rewire my whole brain and i’ll change my whole outlook on life. God, anyone that says stuff like that unironically really needs to do the world a favour and jump in front of a train.

>tfw mentalcel

Planning getting on anti-depressants soon when I have gathered the courage to go to the doctor. 3 years of suicidal depression and complete stagnation in every part of my life, hope it will help me to stop giving a damn and break through the insanely high dread barriers.

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Statistically an above-average height white male has a greater advantage over asian, black, and latino counterparts.

No. I know by experience

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yeah I read elliot rodgers manifesto, the dude was only ever going for 8-9/10 aryan girls.

>19 y/o
Too young to be anything

came here to post this

Nice another meme to get my name under

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>Do you think If incels actually worked out, ate clean and got fit, their shitty life problems would go away?

In 85% of cases yes

In the other 15% either their mindset or looks would still put them at the bottom of the pile

Make sure that the kind you get works because prescribing anti-depressants is a complete crapshoot at first

let's see who the loser is when you shoot up their class

You just need initiative, if you're getting mired it means they're sexually interested in you. If you're not a total sperg you should easily get pussy.

based and black pilled

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>tfw talked to 3 girls in the past 5 years

The guy in the video doesn't look too bad. I'm sure if he worked out and stopped talking to those shitty "friends" he'd be a chad.

How do you cure autism?

You mean Jow Forums migrants?

It’s not an article, it’s a Vice documentary?


Hapas often are so obsessed with white chicks, probably their dads shouldn't have had yellow fever in the first place. In one generation everything your ancestors stood for is wiped out to create little incel goblins. One generation wasted for porn fetishes.

Hahahaha they got the fetal alcohol syndrome reporter to interview him holy shit hahaha

Bullshit, their forums and r9k existed long before 2016.

Go back to r/t_D and stay there

It’s a start. But they have to change social attitudes first.

Incel has been for quite a while now newfag

Imagine spouting delusions as facts. Sounds like something an incel would do

I feel like there should be programs to help them out.

hapas is just a meme for a bunch of larpers on Jow Forums, if you look at the school shooters 90% of them are white

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Nobody even mentioned school shootings, quit projecting mongrel.

No. Braincels will never escape from the prison they've built in their mind.

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he was replying to a comment talking about elliot calm down mutt

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Kek they're not 90% white. Stay mad

literally me few weeks back, two of my friends were casualy talking about girls they banged in HS and I was just sitting there hoping they won't start talking to me, realizing how big of a loser I am and how I wasted best years of my life

A comment talking about elliott in relation to his obsession with white girls. Fucking samefagging creatura, again, quit projecting

They are. Even the stereotype for a school shooter is a weird looking white nerd. no one calls blacks or asians school shooter for a joke
youre the one getting all emotional and defensive then saying im the one thats mad. lmao

you sound like your typical 56% larper

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search Gymcel on google images

lol at thinking you will make it if you have muscles with a busted face.
you only look more comical.

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Mongrels like you sure do watch a lot of tv and follow buttfeed

I swear I saw these exact posts yesterday too word for word