you retards need to stop falling for every flavour-of-the-month meme like braindead housewives
>falling for diets that demonstrably work better than any other diet in existence
Hahaha Lol ok there bucko stick to ur ECA stack and rice
1500 was your deficit or what you ate?
How long was your Journey to 90kg?
see, that's what you're saying, but 95% of people who are doing the carnivore diets are impressionable dipshits who have tried many other fad diets before that such as paleo, vegan, low carb, keto. like all diets they work for a certain amount of time, then they crash, blame it on the specific diet (rather simply because of restricted eating) and look for "the one true diet", rinse and repeat.
"carnivore" diet has existed for decades, it used to be called zero-carb diet. works short term but most people crash long-term and go back to sensible eating, since most of them come from a vegan background anyway.
It's fun to use your body as a laboratory though
self-experimentation is cool, but the problem with doing extreme things to it is long term damage.
>works short term but most people crash long-term
That could be said about any diet in existence.
>go back to sensible eating
carnivore diet is a sensible way of eating for life. the anderson family has been eating nothing but steak for 19 years.
>That could be said about any diet in existence.
yes, exactly.
> carnivore diet is a sensible way of eating for life
what are you basing this one, a single family claiming with no actual proof? given the amount of attention they've been given because of such an extreme claim, it's certainly possible that they did it for attention in the first place (like many vegans do)
evolutionarily speaking, there is no evidence of any group eating exclusively meat. even hunter gatherer groups who ate meat predominantly consumed other foods like tubers, fruits and honey in varying quantities, given the varying availability of each resource. groups such as the eskimo who ate diets with restricted carbohydrates showed preference for carbohydrate rich foods in the form of glycogen, consuming things such as raw blubber and liver soon after slaughtering the animal, with the glycogen still intact yielding a sweet taste that they were drawn to.
When will people stop expecting quick results?
just fast ffs
actually inspirational, simple and clean, it takes time, but that time is gonna pass anyway, so you'd rather have it passing by doing something improving and loving yourself