Female Strenght

Can a female become as strong, or stronger even, than the modern average male? I'm female and have been working on slowly becoming stronger, but I am curious is to how far females can actually go with daily training. Thanks in advance to any anons who'll answer.

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stronger than average? yes
stronger than those who actually lift? no

No even sois can get stronger than a trained woman in

A man with the same amount of natty training than you will most likely always be stronger, but that's just muh genetics and you can't really change it. You can probably outdo the average non-athletic/non-lifting male within a year or two, though. A better question to ask is how much of the female population you can mog.

>Average Male testosterone decreasing
>average female testosterone increasing
Maybe in time, if we don't get extinct due to infertility first

It's getting lower because obesity rates are getting higher. we just need to get rid of all fat fucks to fix it.

I follow some chicks on insta that are stronger than most men but also look feminine and are natural.


My favourite because shes 36, can rep out one arm chin ups on both arms, has a 47kg chin up

If that's true, then it's good enough. I think.

Genetics suck sometimes, but oh well. Just a year or two? Sounds about good.

Oh I had that, had so much testosterone that I grew hair everywhere but I was underweight. My hormones are ideal now according to doctors though. I suppose bad habits youth picks up on like bad sleep and sitting all day and the food being full of shit causes it.

Thanks, that sounds motivational.

I'm a dude with all the signs of low test and through my adult life I've maybe met 4-5 women stronger then me. Got my shit wrecked once in muay thai by a 50kg chick (I think she was one of the top 5 female fighters in my country). Friend of mine got his ass handed to him in bjj by a white belt lady and he's pretty stronk. That said the bulk of the women I've seen were slow and weak.

Yes if she bulk.
Also lift really heavy with max of 6-15 reps.
Most girls who workout do light weight with 20-40 reps which will not build real muscle.
Also seriously eat as much as you can and drink milk all the time.
Just try to become a wheyfu and soon you will be much stronger than average man.

>can they become as strong / stronger than the average
Of course, but not likely one that is also trained. The average male has 40% - 60% more upper body strength and 25% - 30% more lower body strength than the average female. Males are naturally larger so have a higher limit too. A trans man who caught it early and went through initial puberty with male hormones would probably be fairly indistinguishable though.

That's what I've thought of doing, but I'm unsure of the safety of jumping into that since I have a mitral heart prolapse to top it all off. Any clue of any risks or different rhythm I'd need to keep the heart safe whilst also gaining muscle?

I'm alright with not being as strong as trained men, although I do both admire envy them a little, but it's good enough if I can be stronger than average men or maybe even mildly trained/casually fit men.
Are we talking about one who's mtf or ftm?

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>I’m a female

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She's super roided and lifts what a natty guy could lift after 6-10 years of serious training.

This. If you train and diet like an autist for years you might pull lmao4pl8 some day. If you are over 200 and pull 365 you are elite as a female, which is like 6 months of training as a male.

Cohen is one of the strongest female powerlifters in the world and had to roid to get to lmao5pl8. The world record for untested equipped females is just over 6pl8. For contrast Eddie pulled about double that.

Thanks for all the info anons, it is greatly appreciated.

The average man is weak as fuck. Anyone can become stronger than them after training.

But a women who lifts will never be stronger than a man who lifts, just genetics.

You seem to be asking in earnest so I'll give you a no BS personal anecdote.

I've been training weightlifting for a while (year and a bit) and there are some girls that outlift me at similar bodyweight like Ali Ludwig. Some are at the really elite level like Kate Vibert and outlift me even at a lower bodyweight and probably a result of their a) gymnastics background aka train from child, and, b) comparably high leg strength (I've never really been able to squat comfortably after a knee surgery 8 years ago).

So in some cases, particularly with girls with an athletic background, they can outlift guys with some training behind them. I only total 230ish and Vibert totals a little more than that. Vibert probably totals more than most amateur males who do weightlifting actually.

>You can probably outdo the average non-athletic/non-lifting male within a year or two, though.
Probably not desu.

Hand-grip strength of young men, women and highly trained female athletes.
>Mean maximal hand-grip strength showed the expected clear difference between men (541 N) and women (329 N). Less expected was the gender related distribution of hand-grip strength: 90% of females produced less force than 95% of males. Though female athletes were significantly stronger (444 N) than their untrained female counterparts, this value corresponded to only the 25th percentile of the male subjects. Hand-grip strength was linearly correlated with LBM. Furthermore, both relative hand-grip strength parameters (F (max)/body weight and F (max)/LBM) did not show any correlation to hand dimensions. The present findings show that the differences in hand-grip strength of men and women are larger than previously reported. An appreciable difference still remains when using lean body mass as reference. The results of female national elite athletes even indicate that the strength level attainable by extremely high training will rarely surpass the 50th percentile of untrained or not specifically trained men.

A woman has to have exceptional genetics to beat the average man.

Some Scandinavian armies have female only special forces, you can find them on youtube giving interviews.

They openly admit that in CQC they stand zero chance of beating any male combatant so they specialize in long range combat.

You realize average male is an overweight 100 iq office worker right?

Modern athletes and such folk at the media; Steroid Chemical mutants. Females and Males.

Reality; Females cannot even remotely become that strong even with steroids. They can gain some basic potency strength-wise they reach their limit rather soon. When compared to men, you could say they are very weak men.

>the modern average male
If he's untrained you can get past that, but that doesn't say much about ability. Put the biggest basedfaggot on six months of SS and already none but the top % of women can compete natty.

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Why are all of these studies grip strength?
Feels biased.

Because it's a great proxy for total body strength in the general population. It doesn't require training to do, like squats or deads. You can carry around a grip dynamometer very easily, and show somebody how to use it in seconds. Low risk of injury. No special facilities required.

They are not sof, they are lrrp, the purpose of the program was to train them so they could cope with the real sof selection and training period after, but none of the females have made it yet. They might use them to interact with muslim females while deployed though.

>those legs

pure cringe, looks like a teen ottermode who doesn't train legs

I'm all for calisthenics but ffs remember to also squat. And squatting as a woman is win-win.

yea it feels that way. Instead of feeding my ego like the rest of the commenters I'm going to say that men and women have very similar lower body strength and you will be able to surpass the average male if you train more than the average male. Pertaining to upper body, men have about almost twice the natural strength a woman does assuming both have no training however if you train and the male does not I dont see why you wouldn't be able to surpass him within half a year. The only massive factor that differs is grip strength which is useful when getting to bigger lifts in lifts like deadlifts it's not fair citing this though and not taking into account other factors, like grip strength doesn't affect certain lifts like squat. To answer your question it very much is possible muscle is equally powerful in both genders so if you have more than the average male you will be stronger than the average male which is becoming increasingly easier to do considering the average person is overweight and out of shape.

Because without grip strength you can not perform the majority of exercises past a certain weight. It's easy to translate a 1RM to that grip strength. It's also very easy to measure.
A man holding x poundage in his hands for ten seconds equate to y 1RM.

Men also have more testosterone receptors than women by a lot. One of the reasons why strength hasn't decreased by 60% whilst testosterone has.

>I'm going to say that men and women have very similar lower body strength

They don't. At all. Look at any "strength standards" for the squat or deadlift in men vs. women. Look at the world records in those. Women are immensely weaker than men.

I pull 585 weighing 193 lbs. I'm just some dude that lifts recreationally without a coach or anything. There are like 2 or 3 women in the world that have deadlifted more than me, regardless of weight class or how many grams of steroids they're using.

modern average male is likely a guy that never went to a gym
I am starting to lift again after few years, so I think that I am average as well

So if you can lift more than
55kg on BP
70kg on DL
60kg on Squats

Then you should be stronger than average male

I refuse to believe that a fully grown man cant DL atleast 100kg without much problem. I would argue 120kg DL is llikely the norm for the average male if they truly gave it their all.

As for BP I would also argue its more like 70kg 1RM instead of 55kg. Squats I dont really know, it might very well be 60kg since most people have no coordination and balance and woould likely not be able to do a real squat to depth with much more than that. You should definitely be able to DL 100kg the first time you go to the gym if you give it your best effort.

The only way your gonna be stronger than a man is roids

you are probably right, it was all for 5 reps at least
on DL I am not 100% sure on my form and grip strength and lower back so I will rather build it up.
I dont want to be kicked in the nuts for DL too much and dropping weight

>Stronger than a soiboi

>Stronger than an average guy
It will take a lot of work

>Stronger than a guy who strength trains

they can, but only when defending their brood from the town's rapist

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Because grip strength has a high correlation with overall strength. Read a book.