I broke my back

I broke my back.

Imagine somebody doing deadlifts in the most retarded way you can imagine, that was me 3 months ago.
I thought I recovered, I was wrong.

>back doesn't hurt like a bitch daily
>decide to do squats
>bar only
>no pain
>33 lbs
>no pain
>no pain
>move to 66 lbs
>extreme back pain destruction
>go to step 1
>repeat 2 or 3 times until I resign to never doing legs day

At this point I've resigned to seeing my doctor when the fat bitch comes back from her vacation, but is there something I can do in the meanwhile?

BTW my back is totally fine if I do arms day only, but there's so many benches and OHPs one can do before he ends up looking like an inverse T-rex.

Attached: kitano03.jpg (624x366, 141K)

I fucked up my back a long time ago and ended up training through the pain anyways. dont make the same mistake i did just talk to a doc about this and get checked out
Whatever they say dont fuse discs

I only started deadlifting last month i did 3x3 at 100kg for the first time yesterday today my back hurts a bit. It hurts more than the usual doms but still not severe. How can i check if i hurt myself? Is this normal?

Try to touch you toes or something , limited movility may be a good way to discern if it just Doms or something more serious

While standing up? I did that and didn't hurt at all.

Jesus fucking christ

If you feel the deadlift or squat in your lower back YOURE DOING IT WRONG! You're better off just not doing the exercise

Probably just doms then, if you're worried about your form send a video to /plg/ , they will help sorting that out

deads work your lower back muscles you fucking idiot

Attached: laughingwhores1.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

They are stabalizers. They are not the primary movers of the exercise like the hamstrings and glutes are.

Rounded backs (and injuries) occur when one attempts to move the weight with a stabalizer

what's your point dude
deadlifts still work your lower back even if they're not primary movers
feeling them in your lower back doesn't necessarily mean you're doing them wrong

Upon deeper thought, ive realized that you probably think that belts are supposed to reenforce you're lower back (they don't) and you probably don't brace either. Enjoy using a walker at 50 I guess

Attached: getaload.jpg (750x866, 63K)

The whole point of bracing with your abs via valsava is so that the muscles in your lower back are not doing a majority of the work. I am sure that they get worked in some way by the movement, but there should not be any pain at all. If op cant squat or dl 40 pounds withour feeling severe pain, he is probably failing to do any of the shit i'm talking about and is only lifting with his back

can you please actually read what i'm saying
i agree with what you're saying but that's not the point
this guy said that you shouldn't feel them in your lower back at all
the point is feeling them is ok because they do work in the movement, even if they're not primary movers

Does nobody stretch or do core workouts anymore? Every day there's a new thread about somebody blowing out their back with memelifts.

>core workouts
this is actually helpful for injury prevention
this is detrimental if you already have enough mobility to do the lifts t. dr. stuart mcgill leading expert on spinal biomechanics, consultant to multiple world class powerlifters

>100kgs back hurts
Never going to make it

>stretching is detrimental if you already have enough mobility
Maybe for spinal injuries, but you still have to stretch and work out your support muscles so they can do their job. They won't be able to work if you're going up in weight too quickly or not using perfect form, and I am inclined to believe those two things are what is causing injuries like OP's.

working out for 5 months and doing deadlifts for less than a month, I'm satisfied with it because i have bad posture and it's helping me.

do any exercise that doesn't cause you pain. And if there's a back exercise that you can do that doesn't hurt, do more of that. Do regular low intensity cardio to keep the blood flowing. With regards to bench, do larson presses so you're not involving the back.
