bow down to your god and emperor
the king of all health experts.
After having gone through 5 different diets and every single one made him feel like shit
I present to you Sv3rige the master mind
bow down to your god and emperor
the king of all health experts.
After having gone through 5 different diets and every single one made him feel like shit
I present to you Sv3rige the master mind
hehe, I see you started this thread with nice trips, hehe
>completly malnourished
>dyel faggot who sucks off blood from another autistic faggots leg
Wow what a mastermind
Based and redpilled
Not an argument
What happens when you turn one of your enemies into your light?
not watching the vid but give me a quick rundown on the diet.
Yo Sv3rige fans represent!
I love the way he roasts vegans. I dont' know whether to laugh or cry.
Sv3rige eats a raw carnivore diet Vam. Raw meat, raw liver, raw eggs, what more could you want? Raw milk etc etc.
He also spends lot of time laughing his ass off at emaciated vegans and their psychosis. Just start watching his vids, your's going to love him.
Sv3rige converted his arch-enemy Vegan, into a carnivore meat killer. These happenings in the Vegan wars are amazing tune in bro
tldr we're winning
>become vegan
>look like shit
That's fine, but fuck, leave kids out of your twisted ideologies, poor fucks will grow up wrong
so this basically is the carnivore vegan gainz
>locked out of Jow Forums
Ate a steak the other day.
Lightly seared on the outside but completely raw on the inside.
I was great. I felt a jolt of evergy course through my body, I felt wired after the steak.
I was not hungry nor felt felt any cravings for anything, like sweets for the entire day.
I gotta admit it was great.
I always had my steaks bloody. It just seemed right
Nah sv3rige is genuinely entertaining. vegangainz is reddit humour mixed with vegan insanity and bipolar disorder.
That particular brand of
>2ironic4u kiddo
type of humour.
Sv3rige is crazy aswell but he's the fun kind of crazy and he's at his best when he rambles about fringe conspiracy theories
He makes the Vegans rage, and between him and Shawn Baker, and Vegetable Jow Forumsice coming over to our side, the Vegans are basically done.
>Yeah we're unhealthy as fuck,
>But here's why you should stay vegan
fucking based placebo and personal anecdote I think we finally got our answer guys raw meat is the way
How many times have you posted this now?
Lmao dude jfc.
This dude looks like shit despite lifting weights for almost a decade and eating like 300g of protein a day, what a joke.
Laughing at emaciated vegans is just so fun lad, I literally cant stop lol. Sorry.
they are delusional for thinking they're healthy.
but the vast majority of those clowns if not all of them(can't be arsed to look them up one by one) are fruitarian or raw vegan weirdo retards and do not represent the average vegan that is much fatter on average.
considering how most of his followers are ex-vegan extremists covered in tattoos and riddled with health issues, that should let you know of the unstable minds attracted by his ideas...
I agree, the farther they go down the crazy ladder towards Fruitarian, the skinnier and more emaciated they get. The raw runner, seems to have a normal size body, but emaciated face, and teeth? yeah they fell out.
Eating only plants, is just stupid, unless you have four stomachs, or are made for plants (cow etc)
that one was on the "raw till 4" cult that's literally a bananas+rice diet little shit group of fuckwits lmao, I remember all this retarded dumb shit spewed by all of those.
Even vegans eating processed shit like onions protein burgers are healthy in comparison.
She has literally castrated two of her zoyboyfriends, one abortion and calls for the death of all meat eaters. She's a real piece of work. Her second castrated male, significantly younger than her
>Lad, you castrated yourself for a 50 year old post menoopause cougar
>spend your time on internet making fun of others and talking about conspiracy theories
wtf where cna i find more info on them??
Are you lost?
based hehe poster
On Freelees channel lad, she is witch-Queen of the Vegans, and her Zoyboytoy admits he gelded himself for his dowager queen.
If you go into this, look at the pain on the zoyboy's eyes. It hurts, just looking at his eyes the pain is so profound.
holy shit
this is scary as fuck
Freelee has 784,000 subscribers.
Almost a million cougars and castrated zoyboy cucks. Not much we can do but laugh, or cry.
And yes, king of the 'lads' Durian rider? A castrato lol.
Seriously lads, how can we lose this war? (Carnivores vs vegans) our "opponents" is a white girl suicide cult.
veganism is supported by the world governments and pushed because of muh climate change even though they get bananas and coconuts shipped across in tankers the world whereas meat is grown locally everywhere
(((someone))) is paying for and producing all of the vegan propaganda on netflix
It is being pushed but it's also self-deafeating as fuck.
>taking health advice from a literal insane person
i agree, vegans shouldn't be listened to.
they have cholesterol deficient brains (25% of the cholesterol in your body is in your brain)
>wasting nootrients
>cutting your balls off for this
>sunken eyes
brain is shrinking hahaahaha happens to all the long term vegans