Name some Jow Forumslit/ that is under >>>>>>$100

Name some Jow Forumslit/ that is under >>>>>>$100

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Impressive digits.

>Would recommend my last 3 books

Man's search for meaning
12 rules for life

/lit/ here
if anyone of you is interested in politics you should check this list
maybe one day we can purge this place from brainlets

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>12 rules for life
lol get the fuck out of here

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On Becoming a Person and A Way of Being by Carl Rogers

Bonus points for Peak: Secrets from the new science of expertise

Why? It's a good book.

Do you have any reason to dislike it other than reeeeee normies?

>/lit/ here
>I am Board
>I have no social life therefore I Identity myself with a board
>Le Jow Forums board culture


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Delete this

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Because it's literally a steaming pile of shit? No one's denying that cleaning your room, being sincere etc. are good things, but the book itself has neither quality nor substance. It's good that the collective imagination of a bunch of disillusioned losers has led them to taking positive steps to improve their lives. Jordan Peterson is only successful because these people had already decided that something was wrong and so they needed to change their lives, but the guy is SO stupid and lacking self-awareness that he actually thinks he's somehow responsible, and even more stupid is that he thinks it's his intellect that led people to take these steps. People just need something or someone to project this desire onto, and he happened to take the initiative.

The only success he's ever had has been as a businessman, never as an intellectual or academic. He has to fraudulently push the idea that he has exceptional intelligence, even though genuinely intelligent and educated people can see that he often has no idea what he's talking about, and lacks the self-awareness that's indicative of someone who is seriously smart.

You haven't read the book, have you? Does somewhat undermine your criticism.

I've heard Peterson being called many things but not self aware is a first. You know your whole paragraph is a big ad hom? You didn't actually talk about his values.

You write like a man with a ton of resentment. Who hurt you user?


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>Why? It's a good book.
It's really not. I stopped halfway through because it's so useless.

Imagine being this mad over people enjoying and finding value in a book

t. retard

Arrogance: the post

If you're a more based intellectual mind than Jordan Peterson why aren't people buying your book

threads like these always end up a shitfest

Yup. Everytime. People should just post their recommendations. Ignore the people trying shit things up.

Why can't you niggers just post suggestions without sperging out when you see a book you happen to dislike.

Because he's smart enough not to reside to writing fairy tails for incels

>paying money for a book when the author is already dead
Well, the money isn't going to the author now is it? Project gutenburg.

>Because he's smart enough not to reside to writing fairy tails for incels

Isn't the point that he isn't going to do exactly that, brainlet?

>You haven't read the book, have you? Does somewhat undermine your criticism.
I can smell a turd before I've seen it.

>You know your whole paragraph is a big ad hom? You didn't actually talk about his values.
The real truth is that when something sucks it's fine to just say that it sucks without going into detail. He's boring, a lot of what he says is completely ignorant or shallow, which makes it super boring. I'm not interested in breaking down why something that's boring and lame and wrong is boring and lame and wrong. That's just not appealing at all... why waste time doing that now when people are constantly demanding that you justify your criticism of his shit.

What I do think is interesting (kind of... barely) is why he actually has such a big fanbase, and the whole movement of people wanting to get their shit together. So I mean, read the book and get your shit together, I'm all in favour of that, but let's not pretend that it actually has ANY intellectual rigour.

And yeah, he has no self-awareness. He thinks he's actually a top intellectual of our time and his behaviour shows it. He's absolutely obsessed with the smell of his own farts, and can't contain himself now that everyone else is smelling his farts and nodding in agreement that they are in fact delicious farts.

Read this if you want to know how to be a man

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is this 300 the book?

300 is based on some graphic novel. This is something else entirely.

>who hurt you
literal reddit response, fuck off

>reddit spacing

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Nice roll.

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u wat?
"lets revolt then rebuild the exact same shitstain government we revolted from"

Any book that deal with lonelyness? No matter how much I get new friends / reconnect with old ones...I still feel alone at the end of the day.

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The stranger - camus

Bukowski stuff might also work

Thx. I have a french version of the stranger in my library. Never bothered with it in college.

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reddit here. have my upboat sir xD

This is a patrician book.

Just read Moby-Dick for the rest of your life.

t. swole leftie

>i Dont like vegetables
But little user have you ever tried them?
>no But i know they will taste bad

You are literally a child

False equivalence

the one having no social life is the one taking that much out of a person saying that they are ''from'' a Jow Forums board. sounds autistic to me