Anyone else here work out 7 days a week? I do a 3 day split chest/tri/shoulders - back/bis - legs/cardio...

Anyone else here work out 7 days a week? I do a 3 day split chest/tri/shoulders - back/bis - legs/cardio. I’ve been seeing decent results

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I do full body twice a week

mon-upper body
tues-lower body
wed-upper body
thurs-lower body
fri-upper body
sat-lower body
I can’t stand off days desu

That's the dumbest fucking drawing of a human torso I've ever seen.

Attached: 1531741992981.jpg (1080x961, 125K)

That's actually a back believe it or not

are you taking anything?

>doesn't like baki's art style

spot the karate cuck

I workout 2 times a day 7 times a week

all squats

Sunday - chest, legs
Monday - bicep, abs, obliques, back
Tuesday - deltoid, tricep, trap
Wednesday - back, chest
Thursday - bicep, abs, obliques
Friday - chest, legs, back
Saturday - deltoid, tricep, trap

Every muscle gets a day to rest and im getting a full body workout twice a week
Its fucking great

Kino taste my man.
You been watching the new series?

Attached: Yujiro.png (849x460, 537K)

Jog one day
Lift the other

Attached: 1529368899149.jpg (564x811, 55K)

>Anyone else here work out 7 days a week?

This is retarded if you're a natty master race

Eat big lift big
Leave humanity behind user

Yeah, full body everyday. best gains you'll ever get.

Now before you retards jump to conclusions thinking it is PPL everyday and therefore an injury/deload incoming, it's not. Rules to follow are no slow reps and no going to failure.

Just pick a weight you can lift till failure at the 9-10th rep and do it for 3x5/5x5 everyday. After one week add a bit of weight and keep going.

This is basically the same shit as greasing the grove. You body doesnt care if it benched 50, 52.5 and 55kg 3 times in a week for a total of 45 slow starting strength grinder reps. It cares about you benching 45kg 7 times a week for a total of 105-175 good quality fast reps. Thats what will make you grow fast as fuck. No deloading when you add 2.5kg, as the week would've made you strong enough for an increase of 3-4kg. Easy 10-15kg every month for you noobs. People benching in the 100s(no one here) gotta follow a different rout similar to Bulgarian but with high volume days.

I wanted to watch the newer series, but haven't gotten around to. Is it any good? (aka as good as the last)

not the guy you (you)'d btw


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Mon- Chest/Shoulders
Tue- Back
Wed- Bi/Tri/Forearm/Core
Thu- Legs
Fri- Chest/Shoulders/Core
Sat- Back/Bi
Sun- Forearm/Core/Traps

Had to give up weed 7 months ago, and I found myself with absurd amounts of free time so i had to replace it with something.
Havent missed a day since, i fucking love going to the gym, it is my favorite part of every day

Animation is really good outside of a few scenes.
As far as the story goes, I like the last one better, but it's only 6 episodes in so I really can't judge it too hard yet.

What exactly does the story go off of? Is it beyond the tournament bit?

It's the death row inmate arc.
Basically they're fighting outside of the tournament with no rules.

Oh swag. Excited to see then.

Excellent get user

so can i do PPL with 3x5-5x5 everyday and make fast gains as skeleton?

I do full body every other day


Make sure you fucking sleep at least 8 hours. Eat enough, preferably omad 100-120g protein, 200-300 carbs and whatever else in fats. Only take the protein powder if you're vegan.

Start off with bench, barbell row, ohp, lat pulldown/chinup, and alternate squat and deadlift. Do everything 3x5. After a week increase everything by 2.5kg and 5kg for deadlift. Do planks everyday by idk how much use google and do face pulls.

After 4-5 weeks you'll be used to it, so add something for lower back, bis, tris, side/back delts and forearms. The accessories you'll do would be for 3x10. increase by a small amount after a week like 1-2kg. Change the main lifts from 3x5 to 5x5 and deadlift to 2x5.

Idk how you'll cope but the whole gist is no slow reps, no failure, get your goddamn sleep and only increase after a week. Adjust using these rules. As a skelly you could get your 40kg bench to 100kg in 5-6 months Have fun.

Way better in terms of production desu.