Post them, or suffer the consequences
Weekly Failures/Victories
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F: Haven't worked out in a week, sucking ass at my job, eating garbage to cope.
V: Made it another day.
V: pushed myself extra hard in my workouts this week, especially with my legs
F: ate like a pig last 2 days
F: spent 3 hours shitposting on Jow Forums yesterday
V: New deadlift PR, in my last semester of university as of this week, gained 0.5kg (fatte??)
Check your test levels my dude
V: I am doing GOMAD until I reach 90kg
F: My left wisdom teeth is going to be removed tomorrow, then I cannot work out until Thursday
V: i did not missed any workout the whole weak, not even cardio while the weather was extremely hot.
F: today and yesterday i ate spagetti in the evening after 20:00
Easy/cheap way to do that? Or do I need an appointment with a specialist?
V: Fasted whole Saturday
F: Turns out I was a total dick to my gf and didn't recognize it.
Spent whole weekend playing Dark Souls
Still didn't go to the swimming pool
F: Skipped on a swimming session because didn't sleep well the night before.
V: Total tally for this month was 5kg lost
Victory: Fasted Wednesday and today and fit in a small lifting session on a rest day (had tons of energy).
Failure: Had a burger and fries with a beer for dinner last night, plus tons of chocolate.
-Got a ton of great job prospects
-Have stayed sober
-Things are going well with me and GF (got out of a rough patch)
-Ate like absolute shit
-Good job prospects, but no job to feel secure about yet...not quite a failure, but keeps me vigilant to keep that in mind
I had a cheat day yesterday (drank a lot of beer and ate garbage restaurant food), and I am already 1500 calories above my cut today with roughly 250 grams of it being fat in content. My only excuse is it is my birthday weekend but I still wish I hadn't.
I mean I have been pretty damn good with my cut, lost 50lbs so far, but the last 15 or so lbs are taking forever to come off because I am hungry all the time now because eating >1,500 calories a day fucking sucks. Hopefully all the extra food will go towards some PR's at the gym tomorrow.
V: Training harder, sleeping earlier.
F: Eating at night, still haven't found a job.
F: Woke up late both yesterday and today so I missed my gym time. Tried to compensate at home with curls and jumping rope.
V: Noporn/fap day 11. Made out with a girl just for fun yesterday.
Sometimes while cutting when I get a good workout in I'll eat at a caloric surplus because I don't want to 'waste' the gains. The next day I back to cutting. Does this make sense or should I stop?
I need to know asap cause I'm gorging on steak and green beans at 2 am right now
Victory: fucked a bitch off tinder
Failure: fucked a bitch off tinder
F: bombed last few minutes of an interview, got blown off by girl I'm dating
V: at least I'm trying
F: skipped cardio one day, ate a bunch of kit kats, spent too much time on vidya
V: fucked a fat chick, had a great chest day, set up my camping gear for a trip to yellow stone next week
>fucked a fat chick
shine on you high test son of a bitch
V: Lost 20lbs due to not eating
F: past 3 weeks have thought of her every single waking second
F: Haven't taken any action towards improving financial or social aspects of my life. No applying for jobs or study, no doing my study. Also room is a mess and I've again put off some repairs and work that needs doing around the house.
V: Stuck to lifting program, made progress. Have been working on and improving my mental health hygeine and thinking.
Thanks user we had a great time
V: haven’t missed gym time in ages, diet on point, women are starting to get super obvious with flirting
F: haven’t closed on any of these leads, found out ‘mires were obvious secondhand. Got promoted but still underpaid in my current position (based on industry average). Want to leave Chicongo but am stuck in a lease
>constantly fucking up socialization at new workplace
>broke cut hard on friday
>dissosociating like crazy especially when driving or when by myself at night
>was handed the mic during a concert and got to scream a sick ass line
>slowly getting better at guitar
>havent smoked weed in 4 weeks
hang in there brah
V: Have massive chest doms after godly incline bench sets.
F: Minor sperg with hot Brazillian chick i met on the train.
V: Learning how to sail the past few weeks.
F: Not working and constantly feeling depressed.
V: still making noob gains, interviewed for a new job
F: got blackout drunk and missed the last two fights on last night’s card.
Drank when I said I wouldn't.
I now have no alcohol except for expensive whisky.
I'm not allowing myself to buy any for the month.
F: Girl I've been dating for a little over a month and intended on gf obviously ghosting me, couldn't bring myself to chat up any girls despite knowing its probably not salvageable
V: Might hook my roommate up with a dog a the shelter I volunteer at, pullup PR, started learning programming
Snapped my lower back repping 3 plate squats, i'm 165 lb
took me 3 weeks to heal, and i had to take a week off because iwas scared it was some serious shit.
This saddens me a lot, not all of us are built for this.
I hit 135 for reps on OHP. Pretty happy about it. I have a shoulder injury from a long time ago that usually prevented me from lifting too heavy.
Feeling stronger.
You'll get there user, a lot of people get hurt, it just makes the process a little longer.
F: Super depressed, don't even want to go play indoor with the boys
V: Probably up a small amount on my investments/trades
V: first week trying to get Jow Forums and managed to jog for 10 mins and swim for 20 mins breast stroke, started practicing my butterfly stroke, and also managed write 20 or so pages in my book.
F: Ate like a pig for the past three days.
I work in a kitchen and hate talking to customers and I get one meal for free so I’m tempted all day. I’m going to try and fast Tue-Thur to clean my body out.
Is that her? Is she still cute without the filter? Also how fat was she?
Failure: , only did physical activity 3 days this week, ate shitty foods and pigged out a bit this weekend
Victories: still lost 2 pounds, getting better at portion control, finished summer uni classes, picked up reading again
V: Grandpa told me I was getting big. Still dyel but at least noob gains are starting to show.
F: Still no where close to getting a gf. Family including extended are starting to think I'm gay.
Moar pics? She'd be my 10/10 if she lost some weight
F:Realized oneitis wants nothing to do with me
V:I managed to removed my feelings for her with meditation and self reflection , and It was without a doubt the most painful thing Ive ever felt in my entire life
overheard a few girls say that i look like a dork or im still a dork. i dont know what they really mean but its not good.
i can really do much but make money and fuck hookers while all my peers get it for free. and i also live in america so its double suck here. cant have fun here, gotta bible cuck that shit.
victories: started reading regularly, and while im not reading anything ground breaking like the greeks it feels good to atleast read a nice book
-i managed to secure more hours at work so i can make more
-started working out again after a several
month lay off
Failure- havnt been proactive enough in my goals and i keep stalling on finding new women, plus a lot of other shit
>was handed the mic during a concert and got to scream a sick ass line
What a great feeling. Got to do that for my favorite artist for the first song I ever heard by him.
F: truck is spilling gas in the engine compartment so no car, girl I thought was interested will/is already fucking my boss, sent ~30 applications and no calls
V: 30 miles walked to work this week
what line and post song senpai
F: I haven't been sleeping enough
V: Back from an MCL tear and I'm retraining my body to lift heavy things.
Not too many this week honestly, except today I hurt my knee, threw out my shoulder, hurt my neck. I'll be out of the gym for the next week easily, but I'll just run a ton
Spent 4 hours at my cities Art museum on a rainy day (That's a win for me)
Finished a rather dense book (The road to serfdom)
Hung out with group of people I know but that I normally don't and I think I just made like 15 normie friends this week, which is rare for me because I've become a shut in
Went to the strip club (I know this might be a failure but here me out). Got 3 free lapdances from an Amish stripper and she gave me her number and wants to hang out. I think that's pretty neat.
i didn't kill myself this week
g-good job buddy
Good job friendo. It's a struggle, but what's life without suffering eh?
F: I let myself get so fat. (5'10, 256lbs)
V: On day 5 of my water fast. Plan to do 1 month.
>gave you her number
Two days ago I handed in a job application to a grocery store and got a call today for an interview tomorrow. I got the interview because they need someone there for 5am shifts and I specifically said I could do that. NEET life is coming to an end bros
>Trying to stop being a brainlet
>Bought several books
>Only read a few pages a day
I live in the Northeast. I havn't fucked a girl in 9 months. Got dome like 4 months ago and made out with a girl last month but I just missed seeing a pussy.
Went to my local stripclub, new girl who looked like Cameron Diaz with a big butt started chatting me up. We ended up talking about art and farming. She was Penn. Dutch. Threw some ones at her and got a drink for her and then we sat down again and joked about movies. Then she asked to give me a lapdance, I said I was heading out, she said it's on the house. Ended up giving me three. When the song was over she leaned over and said "I really like you" (I've heard this nonsense from strippers before I ain't no newfag). But then she asked for my phone, put her number in it and said that if I wanted to hang out not in a dirty striplub to give her a call. She said she'd really like to go to the museum with me. So who knows. Might get some free stripper poon. Or maybe she's an escort. Fuck if I care.
>It's a struggle, but what's life without suffering eh?
y-yeah ...
Chad fucks strippers just sayin
Cheer up kiddo. It helps to put things in perspective and find out what ails you. This year I buried 3 friends, parents split up, ex got engaged and called to tell me she loves me, and I got a shitty but well paying office job I hate. None of this matters though because what bothers me is I have no companionship. So I'm going to find that. Find what hurts and fix it.
V:Lost an inch off my waist and dropped 5 more pounds
F:Ate out more than one time this week
If your calling me a Chad, thank you. I've fucked two strippers before, for free mind you. But this ones pretty cool. She was doing the Cameron Diaz hair jizz gag and she laughed with this funny Goofy like hickup. Her story was messed up, she grew up in Amish country, her Uncle tried raping her and no one did anything so she ran away from home, ended up becoming a stripper in Miami because she was hot and needed money, moved up to my city and has been here for 3 years. Works Saturdays at the strip and works Mon-Friday at a coffee shop. She taught me some German words and how to properly milk a cow.
>Haven't gone to the gym in a week
>Ate shit food yesterday, Friday and Thursday
>Been getting laid regularly.
>Making good progress on my application
>Spent the day in Seattle yesterday, went to a Mariner's game with the bros. Had a good time
Do not do this. Stick to either cutting or bulking. You can eat slightly more on days you train to maintain a -500 deficit. But don't rotate surplus/deficit by day.
F: Slacking on my studies, still not getting enough sleep
V: Meal prepped for the whole week, motivated to work out this week
>tfw 26y/o NEET
Godspeed user
>havent taken a day off from the gym in 2 weeks.
>Been Running, Watching my intake, supplementing.
>Lost about 10 pounds. Almost sub 200 now and muscles starting to pop and feeling better in general.
>Went to a party last night,
>smoked weed and drank alcohol (mostly ate vodka infused watermelon if that helps.)
Only upside were some slight social gains. Made the room laugh once or twice. Talked to some decent albeit not the most wholesome folk like a normal person and didnt spaghetti once. Almost used my hungover state to take it easy on today with bad good and more degeneracy but after some vidya and zucchini and meatballs I crushed the leg workout.
its an ebb and flow
enjoy your flow but dont let the good times make you lazy.
F: bought another pack of cigs
V: got a gf
>mostly sorted out my new flat, it's looking good
>been sleeping badly, missed morning gym and sleep sessions as a result
really depends what you mean by gorging but a good meal isnt bad to have after breaking ground in the gym.
Thats a victory brother. The odds for that arent good unless you have at least some sort of apparent face value. She wasnt a fatty or anything we need to worry about right?
what german words.
you sound like a cool dude btw
That’s not a V bro, you need to eat... I worry for you
>Been working out harder than ever before and have stopped taking rest days to see how long I can keep on
>Kicked alcohol completely
>Getting better at talking to girls
>Diet is shit, I think I'm eating less carefully to fill the hole alcohol left
>Promised myself I'd approach at least one girl every day if I saw a cute one until I was texting at least 5, but have pussed out half the time (still an improvement over my usual full time pussing out)
I hear you brother. I just sat next to a hottie on the train but didnt say a word. Babysteps.
Didn't contemplate just throwing it all in and ending it today. Started seeing a new shrink and I think this one might work.
Saw a slim, large breasted, fashionable red-head; my exact kind of women. Didn't approach, and in fact averted my eyes thanks to years of beatings being associated with daring to look at women. Went home and started reading basedandredpilled rhetoric. Now feeling angry and resentful at women again.
>On holiday but missed three days of gym whilst travelling and getting acclimatised
>The only nearby gym is mostly about cardio and doesn't have a single barbell
>Been playing a bit fast and loose with the diet since the right foods are more expensive here
>The holiday is brilliant
>Having fun experimenting with different exercises since I can't do some of my usual ones
>Getting a few mires, especially from petite asian girls
>The hooker I rented couldn't get enough of my body, was gushing loads and extremely handsy even after it was all over
All in all, pretty good.
We're gonna make it brah
Failure: matched with qt on tinder set up date. Snapped her and she thought i was a catfish. Got ghosted
Win: Have not fapped in one week. Old fling came by to touch pee pee. She has a bf i think
I broke my No-Fap August yesterday and my mood today went to complete shit. Gonna try again, but fuck bros, how do you niggas last so long?
went to gym a lot in the week
failed nofap 3 times. not doing well with depression.
probably have low T
What the heck man, that fuckin sucks
met with a girl from tinder, kissed and fugged on the first date, she's great and possibly gf material
I'm kinda wasting my holidays with dates and unrelated shit when I should be doing cool stuff, idk
>making serious strides with my business, we are now the largest producer of our products in the country (food commodities)
>got a date next week
>cut is back on track
>just bought new car
>kinda unconventional but this sweet little girl from my work gave me a valentine's card even though it's not valentines, my heart absolutely melted
>want to acquire another business but the investment required may be too high to justify to our investors
Part time job didn't call me so made no money
Sleeping in too long
Made progress with drawing, painting and 3d modeling skills.
Had multiple coming of age adventures over the week.
Rekindled a friendship with a friend after a 3 years long falling out.
creative job look openings look promising on the horizon.
I think i might make it lads
F: keep going back to smoking weed concentrates as a sleep aid even when i know full well it doesnt do shit. royally fucking up my sleep schedule generally. eating more than i should at my husky 20% bodyfat level
V: finally getting TRT and for the first time in my life im actually fucking making gains. abstaining from porn and fapping is surprisingly easy lately. meditating every night and generally feel badass
maybe one day i’ll make it
>fugged on first date
>gf material
you gotta let her go senpai. she’s not yours, it’s just your turn
Try meditating, link related.
I noticed that after try it for some time it definitely helps with addiction. In my case alcohol and fapping,
F: failed to get it on with a girl that was into me Because I’m a pussy
V: made 2k in a day
Hit a 260 bench, 460 deadlift
prolly need a specialist
howdy partner
F: eating like shit
V: new ladies on me and job hunting daily
>Made progress with drawing, painting and 3d modeling skills.
godspeed user
F: Been drunk 4 times last week because we did a lot of barbacue and i wanted to cut the amount of alcohol.
S: Had a nice date with a cute girl.
V: FINALLY lost my virginity for real tonight. It's done and fucking dusted. And a thank you to porn because without it, I wouldn't have almost made her cum (we only stopped due to bodily fluid reasons). We're fucking again later in the week which is good too.
F: Skipped the gym today and had ice cream.
Congrats mate. Was she cute?
nice bro. sex is the best. just wait till you cum inside a girl bareback. best feeling a man can experience.
2bad soon enough youll be too good for your friends at Jow Forums :(
But this is the moment every parent comes to dread
Very cute with a Jow Forums body. I just used game, won her over and we fucked. Luckily I was naturally good at sex.
Oh yeah, we're going bareback next time.
Once an user, always an user. Jow Forums helped me so I'll always stay unless I can't for some reason.
It helps to know people, which means you can probably get it for like 1/4th the price. Alternatively you can try and get a referral from a bulk billing doctor to a specialist, and you should pay very little.
That is
>go to doc
>"I think my T is low, can I get a referral because i'm a poor fuck?"
>get referral
>go to specialist
>test T
>Be college fag
>work at Summer camp during my break
>have 4 little Aryan 10 year old boys last week from my cabin tell me they want to be as strong as me when they grow up
Who else has done their part to ensure another generation of strong white men?
I know this is pathetic, but I can do 20 pushups now. I couldn't even do 10 a few weeks ago.
Finally managed to do a chin-up yesterday, feels fucking good.
Nice job, user! I should see if I can do one yet.