Which is better: butter or olive oil?
Which is better: butter or olive oil?
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olive oil
>Olive oil consumption is thought to affect cardiovascular health.[105] Epidemiological studies indicate that a higher proportion of monounsaturated fats in the diet may be linked with a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease.[106] There is preliminary evidence that regular consumption of olive oil may lower risk of all-cause mortality and several chronic diseases.[105][107]
>In the United States, producers of olive oil may place the following restricted health claim on product labels:
> Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 2 tbsp. (23 g) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil. To achieve this possible benefit, olive oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day.[114]
Neither, coconut oil
Olive oil contains the most unsaturated fats.
Butter is a lot of saturated fats, coconut oil is pure saturated fat.
This is not only for cardiovascular health but also cognitive health an important factor
coconut oil's only advantage is the boiling point
Which ever one is more appropriate for the dish.
You listed some, but which exactly is better for health? Your post seems unclear.
This. At the end of the day you need both saturated and unsaturated fats, and a tbsp of olive oil and a tbsp of butter have essentially the same amount of calories (102 in butter, 119 in oil). Unless you plain on eating a stick of butter, just fry with whichever makes sense in the dish.
butter in every regard, if grassfed
Butter, cooked olive oil oxidises badly and saturated fat is better for you
> What is the single best thing, so that I don't have to put any thought into what I'm doing.
Not the way life works bucko.
Tell me what to do or I'll end up laying on the couch all day every day until I die. I don't want to think for myself.
>more protein
>better omega3:omega6 ratio
>less calories
>alpha enough to protect itself against oxidation whereas the extra virgin olive oil needs toxic vitamin e levels to guard itself from simple oxygen molecules
>more protein
It contains a few hundred milligrams of protein per 100 gram. Not much but still more than olive oil which is pure fat. :^)
Butter for cooking, olive oil if raw
Butter is mostly saturated fat
Olive oil is mostly Omega 9
butter is better for cooking
if you dont cook with olive oil you are sub human retard.
>Protein in butter
Coconut Oil is a saturated fat. Why don't you go find someone unemployed and tell them all they need is gumption.
>tfw use both in pasta
You need a mixture of fats, but olive oil is best
Butter. Polyunsaturated fat in olive oil is low T.
Pork fat. I cook all my food in lard I make from pork belly fat (just the fat, not bacon shoulder) that I render down and chill in the fridge.
Saturated fat is the food of Gods. Anyone who says otherwise is likely retarded
You forgot your trip.
And no, heart disease is not a gift from the gods. What do you think based Romans were eating? A Mediterranean diet.
[citation needed]
Enjoy your chronic inflammation
oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids gives less energy than saturated fatty acids
I like the taste of olive oil better
butter taste better but olive oil is obviously more healthier, you also can't dress a salad with butter unless you are american
if you ever wonder why some restaurant food taste so good its cause of the amount of butter they use, everything is slathered in it
Which one is the best for cognitive dev and T ?
Butter if it's grass fed.
If it is grain fed than olive oil but only extra virgin.
Honestly I can't believe they let that grain fed shit get sold to us as butter.
And lectins take some nutrients, but both have been shown to increase long term health. If you want to burn yourself out for slightly faster gains, then you do you, good sir.
I want to be strong, but I also want to meet my great grandkids.
I can't even stand the amount of fucking salt is in some restaurant foods. Fucking longhorn.