If you don't do this, you're basically committing slow suicide
If you don't do this, you're basically committing slow suicide
Who finds drinking water this difficult
>Drinking water is now a cool diet trend
I bet you can't drink a gallon of anything in one day, wuss
>plastic jug
enjoy your gyno
(((Americans))) who are used to drinking jumbo cokes and milkshakes as their hydration
Female handwriting is so cringe
Everyone here has drunk a gallon of milk in one day at some point
if you breathe oxygen you're basically committing slow suicide
>fatties thinking water is their problem
This is undoubtedly cringe but who really cares what people have to do to help them maintain good habits. Most amerifats don't drink nearly enough water and drink way too many sugary juices and sodas, this is a step in right direction even if it is lame as fuck.
For a lot of fatties, it's true though.
They drink soda and juice all day. That shit adds up fast
I did once, my first and last day trying GoMad. One of the most miserable days I've ever had. My nose was running constantly after the first half-gallon and soon later my throat was so damn sore from all that milk going down my throat. Never again.
i drink 5l daily. 7l when cycling.
Only 1 gallon a day?
That's pretty weird. My only side-effect was mad gains
>I bet you can't drink a gallon of anything in one day,
This is not nearly as difficult as you seem to think it is.
Pussies saying "Americans" can't chug
There's 128 ounces in a gallon, and I jsut drank 120 ounces of malt liquor in the last hour. Fag.
to be honest i would find it more annoying to have to write all that shit down on every single gallon that i drink than having to drink a gallon
Oh I get it, it's one of those r9k themes where everyone in the thread is supposed to act like you can't drink 5 gallons a day if you're actually moving and sweating
You reuse... the same... jug...
Water is harder tho
how tf do you refill it then? And don't you dare say use the tap
My water filter.
I drink like 1.3 gallons a day.its fairly easy.
The tap
Only a gallon for the whole day??
This gave me an idea
I drink more water than that....
Unironically Americans. It's not uncommon for an American to go through life hydrating himself only with juice, soda, and milk.
>he doesn't filter his water
>be American
>can't drink tap water
>get shot
Do you live in fucking Mexico or something?
>no 'shit blood'
>no 'have stomach washed'
>no rich pianoman honors
Strongly dissapointed
you're a fucking idiot and will die from a heart attack from low electrolytes especially when it's a hot day if you drink a gallon of water a day
i hope you salt your food or drink your own piss if you are doing this
Do you expect me to carry that jug everywhere for 15 hours?
I would get fired from my industry job from running to the bathroom too much. I'll pass.
Go away Gatorade shill
Your race is the cause of our suffering and I’d tell you to fuck off but you’re everywhere.
I mean water is good for myriad reasons but is this person retarded? Women really will believe any meme shit they read on instagram
congrats, you're the dumbest person on Jow Forums. how does it feel?
Americans for sure. I see it often here in nevada. But I imagine it's only because of the Amerifat stereotype. If this is what someone needs to quit the caffeinated jew, then so be it. But hell at least get a water bottle.
Better than the diet trends that can legitimately do harm to people. Putting coconut oil on everything is just gross and stupid, but asshats getting people to go on extended fasts or down their snake oil aren't unheard of.
What is that, 128 oz? That's basically two pots of coffee (a 12 cup coffee pot is calculated at a wacky 5 oz). Almost anyone who's worked a night shift, pulled an all nighter at school, or is a computer geek in any capacity has drank that.
How could someone be so dysfunctional that they can't just drink water when they're thirsty?
Literally no reason to drink that much in a day. Even 8 cups is unnecessary. It's just "bro science" and advice from "YouTube intellectuals".
>be me
>realize that im drinking like 6 l. of water daily
>make an effort to only drink 2-3 l.
>its hell
I cant understand how there's people who have to make an effort to only drink 2 l. of water a day
>Varying my usual routine is stressful
What a discovery!
If you're full of water you feel too bloated and stuffed to eat, so you inevitably reduce your eating to a healthy level rather than stuffing your cakehole nonstop like usual.
>being so weak willed that you need to bloat yourself and stuff yourself with something to prevent you from eating
Yes, a lot of people are that weak willed, and for them this works. What's your point?
>What's your point?
*if you do this
hyponatremia is literally slow suicide
Kek this
>unironically saying “Bruh”
Back to Fortnite, child.
whats wrong with fortnite?
You wont develop hyponatremia from drinking water you fucking idiot
subhuman detected
Unironically this
That's the most boomer thing I've seen all week
Underrated kek
literally the cringiest comment on this thread.
>not drinking a small ponds worth every day
If you write this on your milk jug, fair enough.
Water, that's just retarded. Just fucking drink it.
this is cringe.
but also that doesnt look like very much water
>Live in small Finnish city of 70K people
>In an effort to get a major beer producer to build their factory into our city the city completely reworks it's whole water system to be state of the art costing shitton 10 years ago
>tfw fucking spring water from the tap through modernized water system
>the factory called it quits a few years ago but the 5/5 tap water still remains
Man it feels good to be living in a first world country that provides clean water
reusing the same plastic jug more than once has to be one of the most unhygienic things you can do u fucking disgusting PIGS
have you never drank a bunch of beer and had a massive craving for salted peanuts or crisps or whatever? your body makes it very obvious to you when you need salt.
I can drink a gallon of milk without puking. What a pussy.
quit your job desu
This unironically. No amount of money is worth being treated like cattle. Have some diginity.
Those notes are so cringey
Sometimes you can just tell when a woman made something
yeah like all us fucking losers
Post your determination jugs ;)
Depends on the pH level of the bedrock
A gallon of water a day is a meme bro. When you're thirsty, drink water. That's all you need.
This is so based
I sit in a sauna regularly and sweat a ton and i barely drink more than 1.5l a day of salt water, if i drank my piss i could drink even less total fluid
Drinking water is a meme
I sit down and drink a gallon over the course of an hour normalfag
you're not supposed to drink it all at onc-
oh shit wait you're LARPing
t. manlet, us real men need to keep our big dicks hydrated
That water isn't cold after the first hour, though. I just refill my water bottle every hour or two and that gets me to 100oz before 5PM
A quart is all I need for my piss to be pure white for the day. Whole gallon is meme
I literally drank more than that before I started getting Jow Forums. Not because I have to, but because I'm fucking thirsty.