When does your penis stop growing?
just a couple more inches...
When does your penis stop growing?
just a couple more inches...
Some people stop growing in their early 20's.
Most stop after puberty.
Has anyone tried penis traction devices such as SizeGenetics? Do they work?
N...no no NO
What's your size op?
Don't fall for the meme that everything under 7.8" is small. Around 6 inch is average.
OP here. I’m 3 inches erect :/
Not op but I am 5 inches...
>tfw hit puberty at 6 years old and have only an average benis
please tell me there's still a chance..
Have you tried looking into penis extenders? Not sure if they work though but you might as well try. If you have the money you can do surgery which can increase an inch or two. If all else fails just go to Thailand and fuck a couple whores with a condom on.
But you already have an average dick? You have nothing to worry about.
Big ass feels right now
it is only average in 1 direction not the other
It scars up your dick and make you look like you got a STD
The scar will heal and who gives a shit about a scar.
hot. post pics
>Scars up 1 direction
There are people with literally 1-2 Inch dicks stop complaining and be happy with what you got.
Stop caring about your size and fix your insecurities, they are 100x worse.
I passed the toilet paper tube test in both length and girth, is that at least somewhat ebin?
Average one direction I mean
Guy with the 5 inches here. Yeah you are right. My insecurity lead me to literally look at micro penises and made me realize how lucky I am. However at the same time people keep saying anything below 7 is pathetic so it kinda fucks with me,you know?
What's your girth cuz length is over rated 7 inches is too much to go balls deep with most women
>tfw 6.4 x 5.4 at 18
>tfw still growing
>tfw taking ibutamoren for dat dere HGH which should give me an extra inch or two of height and some dick gainz
i pity microdick boomers
4.3 inches
Have you seen some gains? Does it have irreversible side effects?
below average but doable. at least you can go wild when in there
>side effects
sometimes i get hungry and other times i get tired. thats literally it. ibutamoren/MK-677 is a pituitary secretagogue, not a SARM, all it does is tell my pituitary gland to release more hGH that it’s already made. honestly i doubt it’ll do anything significant but my sleep is god tier and im recovering from hard workouts like a madman so i’ll stick with it
>tfw 21
>dick has grown from 7.75 to an even 8 inches in 2 years
what god do i thank?
Does it do penis or height growth though?
Can I please a woman sexually?
>what god do i thank?
none cuz most women are too shallow to take that. you could try porn tho
Tfw actually 7.8 inches, but gets thin close to the base from jelqing probably. How do I thicken the base bros.
ibutamoren makes your body produce more hGH, and hGH makes you grow slowly over time as long as your growth plates are open. if youre out of puberty it wont do jack shit
>Can I please a woman sexually
It's mostly emotion for women, enough foreplay and being like their dad and you should.
>none cuz most women are too shallow to take that
don't they... expand?
Are you fucking retarded?
HGH will make everything thicker and grow.
Dicklet cope
>ibutamoren is a test booster
>probably banned high school and college athletics
I don't want to be ineligible for my senior year
Hanging adds girth to the base for some from what I've read. Anyway a baseball bat shape isn't bad or ugly
>dick was 6" my whole life
>lost 130lbs and stopped being a fat fuck
>dick is now 7"
feels good man
>What is fatpad and bone-pressed measurments?¿
No I'm an 8 in. most girls are ow ow with 2 in. of dick left. Better a 6x6 if you wanna beat that pussy up.
Okay so best way to add girth without hormones then?
so does it make sex worse then?
I don't wanna beat that pussy up I wanna have the biggest dick possible to mog dicklets and make them feel insecure
Yes, I have to focus so much on my stokes so much but I wish I could just go to town balls deep
>the only respectable ibutamoren is 200 fucking dollars for 60 capsules
Fuck that noise
Sooooo... Will it make my dick grow?
look harder faggot
Wasn't being rude when I said that fren, but I would like to know what brand you use.
5 is okay. It's not great, sure, but the average vagina is like 4-5 inches deep so you should be alright in bed.
you can do that on internet without it being true,
I mog them here on Jow Forums with my 8,5 inch dick in threads like this
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they found a correlation with vaginal depth an being a pornstar. Because in my experience having a pornstar dick (8x6) has been nothing but a detriment.
Me [23] [140lbs] and my girlfriend [20] [190lbs] were looking to engage in sexual activity [threesome] with her boyfriend [28] [6'4] [210lbs] and I'm [me] just not comfortable [worried] with her [my girlfriend] enjoying another man [her boyfriend] [african American] more than me [myself] [I].
gitgud at foreplay and using your tongue/hands
no one's going to complain HOW you gave them mind blowing orgasms as long as you give them mind blowing orgasms
Being able to bring a female even close to orgasm is the best skill you can have. Then just be in shape and dick size is less important. Oral works great if you can tolerate it, personally i find it depends on the person's hygiene
this thread made me feel good about my benis size. thanks Jow Forums
how to grow your dick 101 (the older you are the less effect it will have)
erections are caused by a rush of blood to the benis, so to increase your penis size you need to improve your bloodflow
>eat healtier
>improve metabolism
>do cardio
>drink water
>promote blood flow to the zone
you can do this at home by promoting the bloodflow in the body with some light cardio, then do leg exercises, followed by ab exercises, this will make the blood flow throught the genital area, you should start feeling a bit horny or get slight erections while doing this, so you know you are doing it right, then do kegels and jelqing for the best results, you can also use supplements, that help to improve your metabolism, bloodflow and erections, this should help to increasy your size, at the very minimum it will make your dick harder and last longer, also if you are a fat fuck, by lowering your bodyfat you can unlock the hidden dick by the fat and incase you are too old and see little to no results then you should get a surgery, there is no shame in it (also, if you get surgery, they will have you do what im writing her as a healing therapy so you can get erections with that sudden new big dick) don't give up bros, i believ in you, we are all going to make it
>a firefighter w a 9 incher that fucks multiple women and a wife who brings him prime pussy
Fuck my life
8.5 inches, girls tell me it’s the biggest they’ve ever had. Most guys are small and chubby
>I passed the toilet paper tube test
What's that
Well girls will care a lot more about your ugly scarred dick than your size. Size is completely irrelevant if you are above 4' and not with a stupid bitch
Post dick or link it idc i just wanna see a fit bois mega rattlesnake
tfw 7 x 4.8
Put ur dick next to a toilet paper tube and measure.
tfw 7.1"/6.3" but 6'7" and fat
obesefag 24 year old here
Got 5.5/5.5 dick at the moment, any way to improve that? If I slimmed down, would I gain more dick?
And ? What if it's bigger then a paper tube
Also erect or nah ?
Flaccid penis size have little to no correlation with erect penis. That means you have to compare erect size to toilet paper tube
>statistical average is 5-6 inches
>Jow Forums average is 8 inches
>what god do i thank?
the one and only of course
Who /virgin/ here?
my dick is 17 cm but quit thin. i've hit all girls' cervix in certain positions so it doesnt really matter that much to me anymore. Wish i had a thicker one tho.
people with bigger dicks tend to talk about their dicks? WOW
5.5 inches bone pressed ? Or nah , because if it bone pressed i doubt you'll gain anymore that what you already have even if you lose weight.
There's a possibility of gaining a tiny amount each way because your ca4diovascular strength improves as you lose weight allowing for stronger erections.
fuck you