The guy who kicked Charles in the nuts during deadlifts
>In this vid the kid is benching >Fatigues out eventually. >Gets trapped under bar. >Nut kicker runs to save his ass. >They talk for a bit, cant hear what theyre saying. >Kid gives the guy an attitude Source
Most recent vid >Benching again >Gets trapped. >Someone runs to save him. >The kid manages to roll it off him. >Tosses the barbell and lets it roll away without paying mind to anyone who may be nearby >Ignores the guy that tried to save him Source
After watching these videos dont you think the nut kicker simply did it because he had enough of this kid's shitty attitude? Perhaps there was ALOT more that happened right before he approached him.
Yeah the guy in yellow shirt seems to be "that guy" from nearly all the videos I watched. And the fact that other guy hit his nuts was probably an incident but touching someone while they're lifting is still unacceptable
Aiden Moore
lol he immediately corrects his form what a fucking asshole
also why would you film your boring ass benchpress? and at that angle at that
Andrew Hill
Judging by his videos, such as him taking his shirt off in the middle of the gym while spreading his lats out, screaming FAURRK YEH after hitting a lift, pacing around like an autist, etc how do you know if he didnt do some shit like shoulder bump the guy during his workouts? then play the victim when the guy snaps at him.
>After watching these videos dont you think the nut kicker simply did it because he had enough of this kid's shitty attitude? You dont get to assault someone because they give you a shitty attitude. If you cant control yourself in that situation then leave. If you put your hands on someone instead you deserve to be locked up.
>>They talk for a bit, cant hear what theyre saying. >>Kid gives the guy an attitude think his telling him to arch his back more? or perhaps his arching it to much? it's something to do with lower back. Guy in yellow then gives attitude because as you know, gym advice is a big no no lol
James Flores
there's nothing wrong with the first one
Cooper Edwards
What happens when you continually push a man over weeks or months with this kind of autism? Of course he's gonna snap one day. This guy had it coming imo. Probably had enough of his bullshit in the gym and needed to end it once and for all
Brandon Brown
Wow what a fucking beta faggot Why are 99% of asian such scumbags
Jacob Brown
yeah but that doesn't excuse kicking the bar in the middle of a heavy deadlift
Samuel King
he probably films them to give to his meme online coach that charges him 100 bucks a week to look at the video and go "looks good or straighten your back a bit"
Jaxson Brooks
wtf are you talking about. the kid isnt doing anything wrong, and even if he was how is it the other guys business? hes not pushing him until he snaps, hes not even fucking interacting with him
Adrian Adams
you should literally be recording all your lifts to check your form you retard
Adrian Long
I haven't read anything like that in my gym's house rules.
Andrew Harris
>filming 225 bench >biggest set is 4 >ass off bench immediately reee
kids an obnoxious shit, shame the guy only gave him a love tap
Gavin Campbell
you should be recording all your lifts, not just impressive ones to post on ig you faggot. and his ass doesnt come off the bench, hes using leg drive
Grayson Garcia
its obviously a joke video
Kevin Diaz
Great way to wreck a barbell instead of just putting safeties. Jesus christ, why bother wearing heels if your foot and head aren't making contact anyways. Fuck this kid is a retard.
Why? To show my nonexistent followers that I don't want anyway? It's possible but it looks like his basketball shorts are just hiding the fact that his ass is never on the bench to begin with.
Jayden Sanchez
to check your form and in his case to show his coach. and his ass is on the bench
Daniel Wilson
The kid did absolutely nothing wrong, he never initiated contact with this moslem freak, and its likely this thread is filled with Moslem loving shills trying to defend the freak for randomly bothering someone minding their own business.
Do not bother people while they lift unless its a hoe to get some sweet pussi.
Zachary Collins
you're right senpai. the reason this kid films his sets is because he's coached by pete rubish who is the guy that first uploaded the video. which would also explain this kids pseudo aggressive behaviour.
Jaxson Mitchell
This shit is all a ploy for this autistic faggot to launch his utoobe career bullshit, all an elaborate plan to bring drama and attention to himself plus ruin some random dudes life. this is worse than instathot attention whoring
Adam Smith
He seems like an absolute dickhead, the worst type of person to make in to some kind of martyr like all these YouTube channels jumping on the next trending video are trying to make him out to be. He seems like a kid with bad attitude problems and I don't doubt he's caused conflict in that gym before until that one video where it all comes to a header.
>hes a dickhead because he finished his set wtf is wrong with you pathetic twinks???
Luis Richardson
Damn this actually changes this quite a bit. Seems like a classic case of bandwagoning. Guy actually seems nice trying to help the kid.
Jordan Anderson
that kid never got kicked in the nuts in the deadlift video how fucking stupid are all of you?
Xavier Gutierrez
I'm out of the loop. Is this the kid that was doing deadlifts "loudly" and the guy came over and put his foot on the bar to make him drop it and make him leave?
Jacob Martin
good people dont attack you when you dont accept their help. actually sounds like a "nice guy" meme desu
Nolan Martin
why is there a fence in the gym?
Jaxson Anderson
Is this guy Dexter in real life? Because if yes, then he greatly baited him under camera Never lose your temper Jow Forums or someone will own you
Andrew Carter
>gym rules don't explicitly state not to assault people >therefore national laws don't apply to the gym hurr
Camden Ward
If someone tried that shit where I'm from, they'd get fucking shot. And guns aren't even legal here really.
Jaxon Lewis
Manlet pit under rennovation, need somewhere else to hold them
Isaac Nguyen
literally empty gym
Adrian Allen
this is how I see the video. watch how kid acts when he fails a lift. small grimace, slight shake of his head to himself. I do the same thing, and I get aggressive and antisocial when I blow my lifts. I'm not giving you(the gym goer) attitude, I want to be left the fuck alone to lift and fail alone. luckily for me waving my hand and someone and saying "nah i'm good thanks" isn't taken as "attitude" where I'm from
Jace Garcia
People just want to make sure you're not going to fucking die, you should be grateful
Jayden Sanchez
This is correct. Of course if you miss a lift your gonna be slightly pissed off/upset and having a random gymgoer try to correct you on your form without you asking for is annoying enough already
Adam Peterson
golly gee the kids a fucking douche bag who would have thought
Jonathan Watson
i think the retard in this vid tries to tell him to keep his back straight on bench press lmao
Colton Wilson
dude come on that's 'Serious Gym Footage' better recognize
Dylan Walker
this faggot is that guy, the total gym loser who thinks he's a god
Ryan King
He wasn't kicked in the literal sense of the word, manlet rage guy placed his foot over the bar and since a deadlift has the bar close touching the legs his toes went into his balls. Having a slight touch is enough to make someone flinch because balls are sensitive as fuck, so him placing his toes on the bar and slightly touching the balls at that speed is enough to make them hurt.
Lucas Green
Isaiah Fisher
>titled "SERIOUS GYM FOOTAGE" He's obviously trolling. Anyone who thinks he's serious should go to a doctor to get their autism bux for tendies
Josiah Wood
He has a coach. Putting videos of his lifts on youtube is the easiest way to share them with his coach. His ass is on the bench.
yeah, his balls were definitely hurting. Even if his toes didn't make contact with his balls at all, interrupting someone mid-lift by pushing down on the bar could have seriously snapped his shit up
Hunter Gomez
how is he giving anyone attitude. he's kind of just making it clear he wants to be left alone at the gym. Plus he's like 19 so maybe he's just shy and awkward
Jayden Collins
So the kid who got kicked is named Charles? Is that the kid in the videos here? Your point is that they have a history? Someone fucking explain.