Lift before or after breakfast?

lift before or after breakfast?

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Before bc fuck vomiting


Eat something light like fruit, oatmeal or a bowl of cereal, get energy to lift, return home and have a nice brunch.

when do you shit?

Once every other day

I shit two times a day when on bulk. When I was a kid I could go week without taking a shit.

Never gonna make it

Is it normal that i shit 3 times a day and have the capacity to shit within the first 20 minutes after eating?

Your body can't turn food into a shit in 20 minutes. It's probably from previous day.

I try to get some food in, preferably carbs and preferably about 30-60 minutes before I lift in the morning. This also gives enough time for the caffeine from my coffee to kick in as well, and gives enough time for my bowels to move around so I can get that morning shit out of the way. Nothing worse than squatting with that pressure in your colon.

This all used to be more important back in uni but now I'm /homegym/ so I can play it sorta loose.

i have a banana and maybe a cup of tea about one hour beforehand so that I'm not running on empty then a big brekky after my post workout shower

It's every meal its honestly like clock work. I hold it in due to work but I feel it brewing within 20 minutes.

You're fucking blessed, user

I can only shit once a day but only if I eat atleast 2 bowls of food with fiber like broccoli, spinach or something.

I meant when in your day's schedule do you shit? Before you lift, after you lift?

before if you don't eat carbs after if you do

>shit before lifting - squat and Deadlifts go down, but calisthenics is better
>lift with a stomach full of poo - squat and Deadlifts go great but calisthenics hurt

I do a pre workout breakfast and a post workout breakfast. I also do a breakfast memorial meal in the afternoon

>falling for the breakfast meme


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Eat high protein, low fiber breakfast if it truly fucks with you. I really don't have a problem with training right after I eat breakfast, but I know it happens to a lot of people.

Do you even second breakfast?

>Cereal, oats, whatever, some carbs
>Work out
>Egg fucking city. Throw in some pork if you are going to skip brunch or elevensies, not even joking

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Sunday - sunday right?

This. Eat big to get big, boi

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I have some caffeine, walk the dog for 20 or so minutes, then go lift. I'm never hungry in the morning so I don't bother with eating before the gym.

Yeah, can confirm. I had a few shitty experiences with eating just before lifting.

Eat a small, high-carb snack before lifting.
Eat a larger meal after lifting.

I just need to get a BM out before I lift, so I stick to four cups of black coffee. By the time I'm halfway through I'm ready to go sit on the toilet for 20 minutes.

I don't need to drink that much coffee for it to happen, but I agree. I fucking hate it when I can't get a shit out before heading to the gym. I always squat first and I hate feeling bloated guts while squatting heavy and even having the slightest chance of causing a shart, and I hate having to take a shit in the middle of my workout at the gym too.