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You know what happens to thugs like you?

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why are you flexing so hard, bro?

Has anyone had problems with forearm strength early in their lifting careers and if you did how did you fix it?

>tfw can't deadlift past 200 lbs for five reps.

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You really gotta get a good bite on that bar, I always over grab the bar and then rotate my hands into position it makes them tight af, hold the last rep for as long as possible too

I usually hold for the last rep but I'll try the rotating hands thing. Thanks user.

My bench is pretty weak (5Rx3S 115lb, moving to 120 tomorrow). Is it ok to train in the smith machine until I am confident enough to use the actual bench, or am I just risking hurting my shoulders?
Wanting to deload a little and go to bench, but don't have a spotter.

How important is meal timing? Can I lift heavy in the morning, bike 35 minutes to work, then fast all day and then eat my calories at 6pm?

Should eat something after lifting. Protein to rebuild throughout the day and carbs+fats to fuel the rebuild process. Also, try not lifting fasted. If meal prep is an issue, make boiled eggs sometime and nuke some veg, or just take proton supps.
If you are seriously wanting to get gains, look good, and feel good, just give your body what it needs. Stop starving yourself after lifting because some mongolian fish scaling forum told you it increases test.

Stay on the bench do some db press and dips and eat

In general, if you're lifting hard as fuck and eating, but your lifts are still stalling, then where is all that protein and all that work going to? Is it just dissapearing? do the muscles just get stimulated but never grow? shit makes no sense

You're either not eating enough or not training hard enough.

Cool thanks. Just started a personalized Starting Strength last week of July after losing 30 lbs this summer. I'll find a way to work it in.

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You're not eating enough/you're not lifting enough volume or intensity.

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time after a 3 month break. I'd like to get some cardio in tonight, but dealing with doms and going to lift tomorrow. Should I just put off cardio on in between days until I'm used to lifting again? Also, would running with doms make shit worse or better tomorrow?

Down 45 lbs this year.
When do I get abs?
>6'4 193lbs
Am i even close how many pounds do you guys think i still have to lose to have visible abs?

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Have you been working out your core at all? Congrats on the weight loss but it looks like you've done minimal strength work.

To answer question: probably 15-20 more pounds from where you're at right now.

what happens when you finally plateau/reach your natty limit and you're still nothing to nobody? do you just end it? i'm scared

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pic of body?

I have tendon pain in both arms where the triceps connects to the elbow. How long until I can rock climb again without aggravating them?

My chest is underdeveloped due to being a curlbro, I want to fix this, but how do I do it?

Do I just do chest? Won't I lose muscle mass on my other muscles if I neglect them? If I work them out, obviously my chest won't ever catch up.

Currently around %14-16 bodyfat and need to lose about 5 lbs to get to %12. How much of a difference would these 5 lbs make in terms of definition?

depends on your height
the taller, the less difference it makes

Trying figure out whats wrong with me. Is it hunger?

>tdee of 3700
>eating 2000-2500 per day depending on what I have in the fridge
>Had a hell of a day about 16 hours of intense physical labor before it was done
>only had 900 today because eating before hard work makes me sick
>just got home and suddenly feel like I just chugged a quart of whiskey
>walking down the hall holding walls and shit, honestly feels like I'm drunk as shit physically but not mentally

Im not hungry, but is this hunger? I can't think of it being anything else unless I'm coming down with the flu or something. I don't have much food on hand atm but if thats what's causing this I'll go to town and get some. Is this a normal reaction to not eating enough, or do you reckon that its something else and I should just save the calories for the night and eat a couple more tomorrow.

Can bulking for an extended period of time cause bulking? I've had diarrhea for about a month and a half and I've been bulking for this entire year and I've tried everything. Taking time off of lifting, resting more, making sure I hit my micros, nothing fucking works. I take 2000 IU vit D3 and spend about 30 minutes shirtless in the sun so I am able to fall asleep properly, so it isn't a vit d deficiency

Please help Jow Forums

Reverse curls greatly helped my grip strength.

did you do them by yourself or with a gym bro? also how many sets and reps?

I want to marry and have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of recreation with a girl next door type whose wardrobe is 100% sundresses, but I get rape fantasies every time I see a twink/passing trap. What's wrong with me?

You're a well trained fag. Quit doing that.

I did them all by myself. I started off with 3x5 just to get some actual strength in my forearms, which turns out I was severely lacking. Today, I did 5x5 with them.

I personally use an EZ curl bar because it forces me to load my forearms without changing my grip if the weight is heavy

Imo it sounds like what I'd go through all the time leading to full on skellitosis
> Be hungry but don't eat
> Go to work for long ass stressful ass day, don't eat because too busy to even think of food
> Stress kills appetite
> Finally eat dinner because you're supposed to eat dinner, stomach feels stuffed after 2 bites
Dunno for sure, but sounds like a mix of hunger/stress

Whenever I get the shits I eat a lot of bread/starchy foods. Go have a slice of thick crust pizza or a bowl of stiff mashed potatoes or even just a couple slices of good hearty bread and report back tomorrow.

OK thanks. Appreciate the advice user. I hope to eventually deadlift 3 plates someday.

It really wasn't a stressfull day though, it's just a long ass one because everything had to be done for tomorrow. It took a while but it was easy on my mind. Either way I just got back from the store and got some ground pork. Gonna force down some food and see if it helps any.

Is there a rule of thumb for generally progressing on weight?

I keep trying to maintain 5x5 with all my lifts, but hear 5x3 is sufficient when you are trying to increase intensity, and then hear that 3 reps is literally a waste of time.

Farmer walks, rock climbing, hanging from a chinup bar as long as you can.

Rock climbing is the most fun, if you have a rock gym nearby you should try it out.

Does anyone else's collar bone pop when they lift their arm? My brother noticed it when I was doing lat raises but I thought it was normal lmao

No but my shoulder crunches and scrapes when I raise my right arm

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How to grow my pathetic lats?

Fall in love with rows.
Sometimes I find enjoyment in doing the thing that everyone/I hates like squats.

So row everytime you go to the gym. Get strong on the lift(it should be the same weight/reps as your bench) and just row your ass off

The exact same thing would happen to me when I was in 9th grade and had begun lifting. I didn't bring lunch to school with me, so I would go a very long time without eating (and sometimes drinking), and by the end of the day, I would feel exactly like how you described.

tl;dr: drink some water and eat some food

Who tf hates squats? Squats are my second favorite lift.

Is back/ biceps and chest/triceps a good routine for ovefall gains? Been lifting for 8 months doing a arm day, chest day and back day 6 days a week it been seeing little results

Hey lads been working out at the gym and a couple of things have been bugging me, when i do my 4 sets of 12 for 45 degree leg press and hack squats my knee's are being the main focus for burning (others are too but not as much as the knee area),

And for upper body my body is very bicep dominated so they try and do most of the work so does anyone have any advice on how to make them chill out?

When doing stuff like pullups and chinups, my wrist hurts (usually my left) until I'm not holding the weight. Is this a grip strength thing? Do those grip strength squeezer things work or is there a better way?

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Because you’ve been skipping leg day.

Unironically training your legs can improve your other lifts. Also, how are you sleeping and eating? How much volume are you doing? I'm assuming you are following progressive overload.

Is HIIT useful? I've looked on Google and some people say it's "better" than steady state cardio, some people say it's not, the sticky and some posts here say weight training is strictly better than both.

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Have you considered massaging the area with a lacrosse ball or other item, and iced it occasionally? That shit actually works .

You need to see a doctor asap and get tested, brother. It could be something very serious.
> t. Crohnie

I agree with Had similar symptoms and got diagnosed with Crohn's a few years ago. If it's untreated too long you could get cancer or might need some of your intestines removed.

Sounds like you're done with 'Starting' Strength. I, an internet tough guy, give you permission to do some real lifting, like this link: youtu.be/Dcr-JtlmtVc

It is a tool. What is your goal?

I'm sorry brother. How bad is it?
>Two Little Pepes hugging.png

Can you cum with a girl while doing nofap noporn?

It only flares up when I'm actually climbing and for a while after. It makes sense that it started happening, given that I haven't had a rest longer than a single day for the past two weeks.

Badly bruised my elbow, now I cannot do planks and side-planks. What should I replace them with until it heals?

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You understand the issue with soft tissue pain is that the areas don't get a lot of blood and heal slowly? Read up on tennis elbow, for example (not saying you have it, just that it's a bitch to heal). That said, massage and ice gets more blood flowing (no more than 20 mins ice, I like to shower right after to warm up, wrap the ice or icepack with an old shirt so you don't burn your skin). Besides that, you can do high volume (8x8, 20s rest) low weight body builder meme exercises like tricep ex to get blood flowing in a controlled fashion, once the swelling decreases. Idk, tendon injuries are tough man.

You must be new to lifting.

You need to balance your workouts so that you're hitting all muscles adequately. This can be done by putting yourself on a push/pull/legs routine. Work pushing muscles one day (chest, triceps, shoulders), pulling the next (back, bis, erector spinae), and lastly legs.

Mmmm, except carbs won't really help you with the shits. The only thing that helps solidify your shit is dietary fiber. Eat more vegetables, ESPECIALLY greens.

Anybody here have any experiences with DNP? Planning on going on a cycle and just want to know if working out and eating lots of protein will spare my muscle

An exercise called hollow-body. You lay on your back and bring both your legs and torso up off the ground until you're pretty much in the shape of a banana. Then you extend your arms out over/behind your head, if that makes sense. Hold for time.

V-Ups are also good. Lie flat on your back, arms and legs extended. Bring your legs and shoulders up, but this time pull yourself into the shape of a V and try to touch your toes. For reps.

Is it SORE, or does it actually HURT... as in, it is painful?

If it is sore, that's normal. Your connective tissue is getting used to hanging from that position. If it HURTS, you need to chill out for a bit on the pullups/chinups. Probably tendinitis.

Thanks a lot mate. Do these also work the obliques like the side planks do?

I'm fairly certain if you hold the hollow body for long you'll feel every ab light up, including your obliques. If these don't work though I'm sure there are tons of exercises on the internet. Best of luck!

Cheers, will give them a go. I do wipers for extra oblique work, just been doing planks/side planks since forever and it feels weird not to do them.

Goal is to build muscle and lose weight. I have a little bit of a gut, though lower end of average BMI for what that's worth. I still do weight training, but on "rest" days I do HIIT. I don't do weight training and HIIT on the same day.

Flares are pretty bad, having to shit at least 5 times a day regardless of meals, but my flares are really rare (once or twice a year avg) so I'm thankful for that. I'm on some anti-inflammatory meds that seem to have helped a bit, too.

Anyone got an beginners guide to cardio? There used to be an image lying around, like 5 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, repeat and then the next day it gets harder. Thank you in advance.

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If i can't do a single chin up should I do negative or assisted with the machine, which will be the most effective way to do my first chin up?

Use the v bar pull down, find your approx 100% weight (1RM), do your 80% weight for 8-6 reps with a 3 second negative and body rows with supinated grip. Worked for me i began to able to do 12 chinups within a month

I'm /fat/ and starting to get in shape tomorrow. Really just wanna put on muscle. Is it really necessary to follow a routine, or as long as I'm eating well, is it okay to sorta fuck about and do whatever I feel like?

So Im 5'9 and almost done with my cut, went from 200lbs to 165ish. Im wondering if i cut too hard and lost muscle. I don't have any pics from when i was 200 otherwise id just post them. Anyway, i haven't lost any strength except on my squat. Im wondering if thats enough to assume i haven't lost too much muscle. Can you lose a significant amount of muscle on a cut without seeing a significant drop in lifts just from developing neuromuscular efficiency?

If you haven't lifted at all you'll make gains doing basically anything unless it's incredibly retarded. That being said it's way better to do an actual routine instead of just fucking around and wasting your time and noob gains. Check out SS, SL, 531 for beginners, reg parks 5x5 for beginners, or something similar with a focus on barbell compound movements.

Just bench and eat ass. I did the roll of shame at 145 and it wasn't a big deal.

Google couch took 5k.

5'11" lanklet here contemplating fasting one day a week in addition to half marathon training. I'm 144 lbs.

Stupid idea? I want more defined abs so I'm doing around 100 sit ups a day but I want to get results faster.

Look into weighted ab exercises user.

what are exercises that make the abs really pop out?

Cable ab crunches, weighted decline sit up, and hanging leg raises

You have better things to do like catching Miami Mutilator.

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For the past couple of days, every night my calves have been doubling in size and seizing up to the point where they are as hard as rocks. They are sooo tight, and they mainly start tightening as soon as I stand up. The only thing I could think of causing this is an electrolyte imbalance, but that doesn't make any sense. I am properly hydrated and haven't changed my eating habits at all.

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Late reply but thanks user

I started running every workout .
I need 10 minutes for a kilometer and this is pretty bad. How do i inprove ?

What is the Jow Forums consensus on keto?

Having trouble getting to 10% BF, been stuck at 12% for a couple months now and am considering trying keto.

Should I go keto or just low carb? I feel really shitty on low carb. Will I still be able to train hard on keto? I lift 5-6 times a week with 4 cardio sessions (HIIT and LISS).

eat more bananas, possible potassium deficiency.

And planks.

How do I get girls bros? I've had the opportunities present themselves but I'm so awkward and nice that I accidentally friendzone girls and make them feel like they're ugly.

How do I get sauce? inbefore >just be yourself

To keep it fit related, how many minutes of cardio do you do per week

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Theres a study that suggests HIIT is better for burning fat. Also, HIIT is more time efficient than LISS. You essentially can make the same gains in 15 minutes of HIIT that you would with 45 minutes of LISS.

Depends on what you want, also. Do you want to be able to run sprints? Then you should porbably run sprints.

Clean your room, clean up your look, realize that you're an intelligent, witty man with lots to offer a woman and then speak to a girl like a normal human being.

Everyone is intelligent and witty compared to someone, so just find that person. This might be hard if you happen to be a completely autistic turbo retard. Make a tinder, get to swiping.

The most important thing girls look for initially is NORMALCY. Behave like a normal, polite human being and don't do anything autistic. Girls are just people. Relax.

The dating game is 90% flat out rejection, even for chads. Don't sweat it. Focus on your life goals, practice good posture, take pride in your appearance. If a girl rejects you, move on. There are millions of girls out there and you're a confident, capable man with lots to offer the world and one lucky lady.

Making that last sentence true is the tricky part.

>block the toilet with monster dumps three times last week

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How shit is my poverty dumbbell routine?

Lunge 3x10
Floor press 3x10
Dead lift 3x10
Bicep curl 3x10
Lateral raise 3x10

Lunge 3x10
Shoulder press 3x10
Bent over row 3x10
Bicep curl 3x10
Lateral raise 3x10


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Is this exercise any good at all?

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I'm about to buy, prepare, and eat fish that isn't vissticks for the first time in my life. I plan to buy some mackarel and salmon to start with. What should I look for when buying fish, e.g. is there some equivalent to grass-fed beef that I need to buy? Should I buy fish on a skin or not? How do I know if my fish isn't raw anymore? What spices should I use on fish?

You can look up what seafood has the highest mercury content online. If you are going to be eating alot it first regularly prolly worth it to get some that doesn't have a high mercury content. I usually get shrimp and scallops and cat fish for this reason. They are bottom feeders but still taste great and have awesome ratios. The higher up the food chain you go the more mercury accumulates.

*if you are going to be eating alot of fish regularly

Sorry phone posting.

I have an inch of a bloodied mark on both my upper pec and under my arm, I did all kinds of personal records on chest day yesterday
No pain though and didn't notice anything before I got home
Is it a mild muscle tear?
Is there anything I should do?

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