ITT: Exercises manlets always do

ITT: Exercises manlets always do

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They try this exercise but it never works

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100% of guys doing this are under 5’10

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>leg extensions
>manlets trying to extend their legs

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mfw my personal trainer makes me do all of those

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I do that and I'm 6'1

These are great for rehabbing from knee injuries, that's pretty much it.

Everyone should do that, great Tricep exercise.

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What do these do that I don't already get from bench/ohp?


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>putting heavy tension on your acl
Yes very good for your knee

You do them for high reps at low weight to rehab the knee before you can do heavy squats, you absolute retard.

Why not just do more bench/ohp volume?

Climbing, and lanklets are unable to keep up.

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google isolation niggaa

>he thinks bench is a good tricep exercise

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but wouldn't their spider like limbs give them an advantage?

Why do you have a personal trainer you knob?

Not on a Betacycle

To help create and maintain an effective exercise/diet program?

Not realy since on climbs it is just power/weight ratio.
A 50 kg manlet pushing 250 W can BTFO a 80 kg rider doing 350 W.

However that typicly reverses in the flats, where power/resistance ratio is more important.
Here taller riders have a advantage since power increases with weight, and weight increases by cube of height, while frontal area increases by square of height.

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I do tricep extension all the time and I'm 6'1" lmao

>proud of being 6'1
>manlets when will they learn

He's just trying to get you a better ass to fuck you and you pay him for it

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However if the manlet has a long upper body and short legs, his aerodynamic drag is rather low as well.
This is due to the fact that a rider with short legs can get much lower, sometimes with the handlebar just over the front tire and only has his head, shoulders and rather short legs exposed to the wind.

pic related, a manlet from /n/ rides bars that low.

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Literally brainlet, all you need is to read the sticky twice and that's it

Not knocking it but whenever a short male is in the gym, dollars to doughnuts that motherfucker is going to do tricep pushdowns. You can bank on it.

Actually a great shoulder exercise only second to the shoulder press

I do none of these, but I'm 5'7. Can I get my manlet card stamped? How many stamps til I can be King?

You got it wrong, most people belive the tallest manlet is the king, however it is the opposite way around.
The smallest of us is crowned the king of manlets.
At 5'7" you barely get above peasant rank.
To even qualify for notable ranks you have to be no taller than 5,3".

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Yeah. It wouldn't even be advantageous on foot.

guess how i know you've got a shit bench, retard

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5'2 but he'll kick ya ass man

grow grow grow 3xF

Also good for warming up legs for squats

even better with the weird knee bend and them watching themselves in the mirror going oooohhhh

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is there a better retard filter than the tri-extension? I've never seen an exercise performed with such shit form by so many people

what the hell is going on with his wrists? other than that, form looks decent

Sometimes I wonder what this shitty board does besides dumbbell curls and bench presses.

Are you sure you are not retarded?

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I'm 5'2" as well, therefore I challenge you for a duell.

Cycling and running.

>tall-lets doing rack pulls cause they can't pull from the ground like men


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Post tris and bench

They are called lanklets...

Giraffes BTFO

Im 5'7 and I do this exercise and now imagine my face when someone on a vietnamese rice farm board tries to make me think I cant

Lmao @his face

I do these and im 6'3
I guess the new manlet cut has been decided

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OK this actually made me laugh.

If only the manlet bant was more of this and less of the retardation you have to read every day... fit has really gone to shit

lmao you cuck just make your own routine read el sticky and quit giving your shekels away

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OP might be on to something

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>almost everybody does the workout
>manlet does it too
I already knew people on Jow Forums are dumb as fuck but this thread tops everything

is that fucking seth rogen?

who is the readheaded CUTE?

We need a manlet genocide.

This is how women will always see manlet regardless of how much they work out

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Holyshit this me wtf. I even have a particular spot where I like to do them, so I stand sideways to the mirror, and the mirror is bent in that exact area so it makes my arms look thicker than they really are. I am 6'0, technically not. a manlet.

>implying they don't do this enough throughout their normal day they need to do it some more at the gym


this is unironically the reason I have massive calves. stay mad lanklets
t. 17 inch calves at 5'7

How to hover ominously?

You can GTFO. The manlet king does every one of these every day.

This this a meme? Do people not isolate their tris and bis and burn the fuck out of them?

>chin ups in the smith machine

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b-but that's for lats

I wish I had cables , this exercise is so much superior to skullcrushers


Gonna need more of that redhead.

Fuckin newfag manlet neck urself

Flyes until you can fly

what a dumb question, pullups and dips of course

>"I wish I had X"

well obviously not mate

I have bands tho

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lurk more

Keep telling yourself that bud

so I'm not an awkward lanket? Thank God!

i do that before sleeping, but faster and my cable doesn't go through a gallows contraption