As a 6'4" guy, I feel genuine pain and empathy when I see shorter guys get berated by women...

As a 6'4" guy, I feel genuine pain and empathy when I see shorter guys get berated by women. They didn't fucking ask to be short. I used to be a skinny fuck but I was able to alleviate that somewhat by going to the gym. Short guys can't do shit about being short. Whenever a girl shows interest in me but insults my short friends I reject the fuck out of her. If women insist on empathy for obese females (something driven mainly by lifestyle choices) then they should stop ostracizing any men under 6 feet tall.

End manlet hate now

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Got any spare sympathy for a dicklet? Asking for a friend, hahah...

I'm 6'2 so I'm not that tall but I have never made fun of anyone for their height. I have a friend that is 5'5 or so and everyone always cracks joke about him being short and fat but I always cringe when they do it because I know he must hate it. He basically didn't have a girlfriend until he was 24 and had a really good job. I had tried to hook him up multiple times but even overweight undesirable women would instantly reject him like it was offensive that I brought him along.

I am 6'2'' also and had a 5'3'' something friend whose height everyone made off as well, but I usually told them off when he was obviously visibly upset

thanks based chad, but I like femdom anyways so I've accepted my fate

I have a friend who's 5'3'', 25, has a quantitative psych degree and works as King Sooper's, no gf ever and minimal female contact his whole life. Friends still make jokes about him (and I admit I do too). Trying to cut it out but it doesn't help that he's a complete asshole.
I'm not even that tall either (5'10'').

How big are you?

7.5"x6" :(



Worst thing about being short isn't even any tasteless manlet jokes coming your way but rather how strangers interact with you overall. You always have to prove yourself to get any respect or interest, to an extent way beyond what's normal for men in general. You're simply valued lower by default and it's a constant uphill battle unless you have a fantastic face and so on. Talking about the lower end of the scale here, men that are not only shorter than most other men but also shorter than most women. A way to put it that adapts well to local height averages as well.

But I'm black, I'm below the average for my race...

>moral consistency


> be 165cm, around 5'5
> be in Portugal
> literally never realize I'm a manlet until I start going on the internet

Manlets, come to this country. You're basically average.

Where in Portugal?
I'm Portuguese 5'10 also. Born in Canada never went to Portugal.

North. Anyone over 180cm will stick out like a sore fucking thumb. We also tend to not really notice height like others, though.

Always wanted to go to Portugal.
Where's all the bitches at? ;)

170cm here, I used to live in Salamanca. Whenever I would go to Ciudad Rodrigo on the road to Oporto I could tell the people were even shorter than the average Spaniard.
Too bad your language is fucking awful or I'd learn it and stay there. Pero me parece que la gran mayoria pueden entender la lengua de sus companeros de iberia, si?

Top fucking kek on that picture m8
Whoever made that killed it

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Why are spainitards so weak and stupid that they could never take over that tiny part of iberia?

> Pero me parece que la gran mayoria pueden entender la lengua de sus companeros de iberia, si?

The two languages are definately mutually intelligible, especially when written. Galego and Portuguese especially, since they're practically the same.

I honestly wonder what makes Iberians so tiny compared to other Europeans.

Portugal broke ranks with Catholic Europe and allied themselves with the British for centuries. They helped Portugal whenever Spain tried to invade.
Moorish blood, same reason southern italians and greeks are shorter.
disgusting mutt language

A combination of several factors:

- Highly competent military leaders for the vast majority of our history, from Viriathus to Nuno Alvares Pereira
- Fiercely nationalist people, whenever regular armies weren't available, the peasants fought regular Spanish armies with great success.
- Hard place to invade - the North is filled with mountains where guerrillas can hide and plan attacks from.
- Guerrilla fighting is ingrained in Iberian DNA.

Plus many others.

>start conquering the entirety of hispania
>remove all kebab
>things going pretty good only a small strip left on the coast
>get btfo and have to give up because bongs like their sweet boozy wine
>unable to takeover a tiny rock because bongs have boats.
>give small strip half of S America

Daily reminder that your pity and simpathy is wasted on manlets. They are crafty and mischievous creatures who would cause you to be their height for only an inch in return if they had the chance. Never relax around manlets

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I only hate manlets if they're not white

Manlets are so awkward

>Moorish blood
Depends where in southern Italy. There are parts of southern Italy where the blood has been proven to have remained mainly unchanged since the Greek settlement of the region thousands of years ago. The Moors were never successful on the mainland, and everybody fled to the mountains to avoid kidnapping.

Same. I'm 5'10" but I'm addicted to browsing Jow Forumsshort. It's such an injustice and there's nothing I can do to help them.

Lmao no you aren't bro the BBC meme is just that a meme and don't think all the shit you see is porn is representative of dick size even for blacks

Doomguy is 6' 180

I honestly feel bad for Portugal. The only Iberian kingdom that wasn’t absorbed into Spain.They got a good 30 or so year jumpstart on exploration and trade but missed out on the Americas when they declined Colombus. They owned the Indian Ocean and trade with the Far East for a century before the Dutch tookover. King Sebastien was killed by the Moroccans without an heir and the Spanish king tookover and over the next 60 years ruined the Portuguese empire permanently. Since then they’ve had a religious belief that he’ll return and lead them to glory. By sheer political retardation they lost Brazil. For most of the 1900s they had a fascist government like Francoist Spain but with none of the economic growth Spain had. They fought colonial wars longer than any other nation but eventually lost along with debilitating effects on their economy. Even today Portugal is the shittiest nation in Western Europe. They were on par with bumfuck poor Ireland and residually poor areas in France, Spain and Italy 60 years ago. Now they have a GDP per capita on par with former Communist nations and a illiteracy rate of 5% similiar to Colombia and Venezuela. Most nations cycle betweens propserity and poverty. Portugal, on the other hand, went from being the premier world power to losing everything. It’s like a sick comedy

You wh*tes think that pornography related dismorphia is a problem for you, try being a black man with a perfectly average 6x5.5. College sluts looking to experience what they saw in their daddy's cuck focused bookmarks are all brainwashed by stuntcocks larger than ever medically recorded. It's game over when they find that their above average wh*te high-school linebacker boyfriend was bigger than you.

based lankbro

its bait bruh

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as a 6'5" stud, manlet shaming will never not be funny. you're probably a 5'9 little shit who is role playing as an actual man. kys, faggot.

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The only solution to ending manlet hate is lanklet genocide, and you know it

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The chad Portugal
>controlled an empire 100x the landmass of their homeland
>OG facists
>continued to fight for africa long after larger countries had given up on the continent

The virgin Spain
>can't control its entire peninsula
>regions continue to break away from it
>bye, bye catalonia
>tries to sound superior to fellow iberian bros but reeks of desperation

R u the blue ogre to my red ogre??

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>You always have to prove yourself to get any respect or interest
Thats not true and is the exact reason ‘manlet syndrome’ or ‘little man syndrome’ is even a thing. Im 6’2 and before coming here i wouldnt even think about guys being shorter than me whenever id be next to them or talking to them. Manlets just get insecure and think they have to put on a tough guy act to over compensate and end up looking like a tool. Seriously drop the act, ive seen first hand how everyone will talk about a manlet with little guy syndrome as soon as he leaves the room

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>implying blacks are apart of the human race

I am 5'11
should I kill myself ?

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6'2" is manlet

>manlet cope

But my brother is 10 inches

Manlet hate is probably the most toxic aspect of Jow Forums. Nobody wants to be short. I’m 5’11” and I know I’m not tall, but I am still happy that I’m not 5’6”. It’s not fair ant the manlet hate needs to end.

I’m 5’3 and I’ve honestly haven’t had too hard of a time with women. Might be because I’m a CHI and there’s a large Hispanic population in my city so it’s easier to get shorter women.


4 inches probably feels like 10 inches when you've got a 25 stone obese nigger slamming it into you.

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Avg black is 5.3"

Also 6'4, currently 222lbs.

I find my vertically challenged brethren are usually the ones to mention the height difference when they're around me. Personally I couldn't care less.

t. Lyin whiteboi

t. self reported nig study

Manlet lanklet alliance

I'm 5'9/5'10 and i still get made fun of. That's probably because most of my friends are 6'1-6'3. There is a clear correlation of me getting attention from girls when im with them and when im without them. I probably get more attention than any of them when im alone/with fellow manlets but when i hang out with them women and my friends just keep making fun of my height constantly. I still get called photogenic tho

I get more pussy than my langlet friends around me, I don’t even have a lot money. Avarage height here is 6.2 so I am really fucking short. I am 5.7 and I had six 8-9/10 gf by my age of 18. Currently in relationship with model. Looking at virging langlet fags here bitching about manlets makes me laugh every time.

Pic related current gf

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As a 6'2 master race, all I can tell you is that the women are right, this is based on anecdotal evidence.
Most manlets are insecure af, and have always tried to mogg me in one way or another. My tall brothers don't go to such extents.
Women are correct in thinking manlets are inferior when they get to choose - buyers maker faggot. Models used to tell me that if they can look down upon a man, they are inferior to them, and rightfully so.
Fuck off with your manlet pity, sjw plebbit faggot.

Instagram """models"""" aren't really models m8

>That 30 year old boomlet who false flags being 6'4" on a Indonesian fish tank assembly forum

no, friend. when you have a chip on your shoulder the insecurity is obvious and overwhelming to be around. manlets get instant respect from any decent person if they seem content, but you must forgo the mobs validation for your own values

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