How do I achieve male dancer mode?

How do I achieve male dancer mode?

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>Not cross-dressing twinks

Never gonna make it, NFL

This made me laugh unreasonably harder than it should have. Fuck you user

They're doing an amazing effort in killing their brand

this only makes watching football a tiny bit more gay

>How do I achieve male dancer mode?
by being a cumdumpster and dying of aids in you mid thirties

As if football wasn’t gay enough

>NFL lets niggers do unamerican shit on national TV
>now letting fags prance around on the field
holy moly do jews know how to shoot themselves in the foot

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>be sport almost entirely supported by white boomer men fans
>let niggers disrespect america and introduce prancing faggots to replace hot girls
It's like they want to kill their sport

Maybe they'll promote the shit out of it until you like it you insensitive nigger.

They do. They want no white safehavens for men to retreat to in lands designated for their globalist vision. White men are no longer the intended demographic for any market other than insurance and porn.

Fucking faggot. Roger Goodell needs to be gassed for allowing this.

I miss when male dancers weren't faggots

dick in ur ass for 5x12

This isn't your average boomer..

>le Jew boogieman

I don't get it at all, the core demographic is still white men.

>Disrespect America

Being a white American isn't much different to being in a cult.

T. Booty blasted negroid

AKA white brit (of German heritage cause I know that gets you guys stiff), living in Canada.

again and again, like clockwork, they keep doing stupid shit to completely repel their core fanbase for the sole purpose of lefty brownie points and establishing the (((narrative)))
you can only huff so many of your own farts before you get too high and accidentally stumble into oncoming traffic

i don't even remember the last time i saw cheerleaders on tv. they just show fotball...

Yeah American football was so much cooler when it was just fat niggers slamming into each other

>tfw heterosexual white male
>always thought ballet male dancers had incredible physiques and flexibility
>If i dared to tell my parents i wanted to dance i'd be beaten

M-men also like to dance...

Pretty cool

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same, always wanted to do ballet as a kid but my dad forced me to play baseball instead

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old joke from stephen colbert's 2005 book about college courses

(Go on, break your mother's heart...)

I'm brown, and you "people" are more pathetic than white conservatives

I don't respect you as a human being.

Took ballet for a year when I was 21 just for shits.

was dope af. When I have kids, i'm gonna put'em through. course, gotta make sure they don't turn gay. Also, make sure they don't end up in some gay ass modern dance shit. I watched some production they put out here in Vancouver last year or two and it was the most horrifyingly pretentious and boring stuff i've ever watched. Make sure you go see some classic winter production like Nutcracker.

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>have gay coworker
>his female friends let him fuck them because they cant find anyone else attractive enough

Wouldnt the chicks be attracted to the only guy in the class though?

Also, most male dancers are strong as fuck, they lift women like nothing.

>grew up to be an anime poster

He should have just had an abortion

Yes the chicks would be attracted to the only guy in the class
But a group of females together is fucking wierd

It's pretty legit as cross training for fighters. Anderson Silva did ballet as did lomachenko. Balance, rhythm, flexibility, etc.

Ok, schlomo

>NFL viewership dropping
>Lets introduce male dancers to combat this

Football will die in our lifetime.

A group of females team up to belittle the man just as a single woman shit-tests a guy wanting to date her. But they collect their conscious into one mega shit-test, and you find yourself constantly defending yourself against shit-tests at every waking moment because every woman is simultaneously trying to see if you're boyfriend material, while also competing against each other for your attention. It's a fucking nightmare, and unless you are the most confident man in the entire world, you're going to crack, expose a weakness, and the women will eat you alive. There's a reason male ballet dancers aren't known for being slayers.

not if they can rally the gays

not that guy but I'm a full aryan white blond hair blue eyes and where i live in the Cotswolds you aren't likely to come across anything but white people when you go into town for a day. it is so fucking weird reading the supposed invasion of browns on here. i k ow the cities are worse but there was one black guy in my whole school while i was there and everyone knew his name cos he was such an anomaly, there are still some very white areas in Britain

I completely agree with you thinking Jews have more money, connections or are more self serving than any other white guy is 100% delusion.

>2.5% of the population

Wew we really need to capture that large market.

those women weight 90 pounds. all ballet dancers are anorexic af

good. they deserve it for stealing the name of the game from a sport that actually uses the foot on the fucking ball. stupid ass americans


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Cheerleaders are fucking pointless anyways. They get maybe 15 seconds of screen time total and stadiums are so big nowadays that the tickets you wagecucks can afford you wont see them anyways

I can see a total of 5 miles unaided by any lens

Ok hatsume mei

Stop speaking gutter oil


I never said speak r/the_donald

CTE fearmongering is already making parents not let their kids play.

I was in ballet and literally everyone began screwing eachother after a certain age.

>protesting is un-American

>male dancers

What they meant to say was "gay men"


are the male dancers failed NFL athletes?

>White men are no longer the intended demographic for any market other than insurance and porn.

Yep, white men are the main demographic for BBC porn

Daily reminder film and theater has always been a hotbed for degenerates

NFL players are failed athletes

Failed athletes are criminal niggers

One year in ballet to improve my contemporary dance , its hard as shit both mentally and physically but also awarding when you start jumping as a madman also sick body and get to lift ballet ladies

Thank the Lord that Vincent K McMahon still exists
He will make Football great again

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>he doesn't know how football was invented
Retarded yuropoor