Gay guy at the gym trying to holler at me

>There's this one guy I see at the gym all the time who is showing clear signs of attraction towards me
>Dilated pupils, stuttering, trouble speaking coherently, ect.
>I can't intimidate him to leave me alone because he's a lot bigger than me
>I'm 6'0 200 lbs and this guy looks to be around 6'3 230 lbs

Should I just ignore him or do I tell him off the next time he tries to talk to me?

Attached: Big Gay Black Guy.jpg (202x249, 6K)

Why so insecure bro?

You can't scape, just surrender yo ass

I'm not insecure. This guy creeps me out and I don't want to talk to him.

Why not just be friends/gymbros..? Is it that hard?

Dude gay sex is not that bad, even if you are not gay it doesn't hurt to have your prostate stimulated. Just think of it as an advanced groupjerk.
But if you really don't care, just tell him you are not gay, you don't need to be rude or mean, break him in nicely thats all.

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Put on a falsetto voice and accuse him of rape. #metoo

Rek his shit

No that's a stupid idea. I'm not gonna friend zone this faggot and open up the door for more unwanted advances.

Fuck off summerfag.

You fuck off butt hurt faggot. I don't have to be friends with anybody I don't want to.

Inb4 whiny SJW cries of bigotry, No actually I used to be good friends with a gay guy from work. I don't like this motherfucker though because of the way he acts around me.

Just tell him youre a strict top and if thats cool fuck him in the ass. Its not gay as long as you dont start kissing or blowing him

op's clearly new to Jow Forums. give it a few months lad.

Tell him to stop being gay

Attached: copy__87202.1378136453.1000.1200_grande.jpg (400x515, 44K)

kiss him or give him my number, is he cute?

Why the fuck are you in any situation where someone can talk to you at the gym. You should seem like the most unapproachable focused person there if it's a normie gym. Train like a gym girl that actual takes her training seriously.

Wear headphones.

Don't make eye contact.

During rest periods write in your training log/phone log/do some other shit/face away from everyone.

I train at a gym some celebs go to and they all wear black baseball hats really low to cover their face / make themselves as unapproachable as possible. Even bring gym bag around with them on the gym floor because they don't shower at the gym.


too bad, he's gon fuck you, probably drug you or some shit, welcome to the real world

>Why the fuck are you in any situation where someone can talk to you at the gym.
Uhh what? It's not really that hard dude...

>You should seem like the most unapproachable focused person there if it's a normie gym.
I don't train at a normie gym. My gym has lots of hardcore lifters and people who compete.

>Train like a gym girl that actual takes her training seriously.
No I'm not going to change the way I workout because of some faggot.

>Too bad, he's gon fuck you, probably drug you or some shit, welcome to the real world

Lol what's he gonna do abduct a full grown man right in the middle of a public gym? I don't think so user.

based and wear multiple underwear just in case he tries to rape you

just go with the flow
see where it takes you
explore life

Those signs of "attraction" could also be attributed to him being an autist like you.

Count your blessings, OP. I wish I had a fit boyfriend who'd cuddle with me in bed.

>OP is a soaking wet new lad and the supposed homo is just a typical Jow Forums poster
Regardless I wouldn't talk to him

>Browses Jow Forums
It's ok user, you don't have to put on the tough guy act here.

On which point?

Send it to me
>tfw no slightly autistic tall buff bf to bully
>tfw you are a disgusting manlet who's best bet to find a bf will be to either go full cuteboy or submissive muscle bottom

all I want is a manlet muscle vers bf

How do you even get a bf? Asking for a friend.

You are a whiny, immature, socially unadjusted little bitch. Creeps you out? What the fuck are you even talking about.

Jow Forums gays tend to have high standards. You should be taking it as a compliment. But no, instead you rant about it like a retard on Jow Forums.

If you get this butthurt about someone finding you attractive of all things, and you are unable to handle this like an emotionally mature, functioning human being, you really have no business being outside, and you should just crawl back into your basement and kys.

Holy shit OP is an insecure fucking autistic retard.
If you're that retarded, just tell him you don't wanna talk, just focus at the gym. Not that hard.

More likely he's not even gay just socially nervous/awkward and you being the autist you are think you can see his pupils dilate because the world totally revolves around you

>advanced groupjerk

Real world. Kek.

Not Op, but dog this seems a little projecting. You good?