*blocks your weightloss*

*blocks your weightloss*

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>a thread died for this

>pasta with cardio
>still under 750 cal deficit
I think Im good.

This doesn't block your weightloss unless you eat it with fat and overeat.

*block your artery*

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It probably deserved it

That's not sugar.


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What is insulin

Not something that's gonna stop you from losing weight if you're eating well below TDEE ROFL

>purposely tanking my metabolism


They might not make you fat but all fat people eat lots of refined carbs

>thinks CICO works for everyone

>been eating gluten free shit for a while because wheat is goblin
>not felt any better or had any gains
>eat boursin and french bread suddenly life improves dramatically, anxiety super low, hearing sounds around me better, calmer

Daily reminder to eat dairy and wheat in moderation as it will give you mental gains and realise that da joos are behind 75% of threads on here

Works for me. I ate 2 cakes last week and other trash, lost more than projected.
feels good, CICO for life

>your body stops needing as many calories as it does if you eat specific foods

my cutting diet is 65% carbs 25% protein 10% fat by calories
works best for me

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CICO works for everyone who lives in this universe governed by the laws of thermodynamics you fucking fat cow

>carbs and protein block weightloss
better stop eating then fatty

carbs literally do the opposite of tanking your metabolism you fucking retard braindead faggot nigger

go fuck yourself fat fuck and track your macros

My omad is curry rice+pound of chicken breast inside tortillas. 1700kcal, losing weight reliably.

go fuck yourself fat fuck and track your macros

Why is everyone here so afraid of carbs when actual athletes eat them on the daily?
You just have to actually move your ass and that's it


>some people break the laws of thermodynamics

srs I've only eaten meat (mainly just eggs and ground beef) for the past 3 weeks and I feel fucking amazing. I did eat some pasta after 2 weeks and it made me feel like complete shit.

>kills the vampire

What about excrement/actually digesting things? Not him but this always confused me

Garlic is not healthy

Why wouldn’t it be healthy?

I ate a big bowl of pasta today
150g is a big fucking plate mate and its like 500 calories
the gain goblins are the oil u add to it

A hormone which will not necessarily stop you from losing weight or cause you to gain weight.

All fat people also eat a lot of fat and oil.


I am sure you know better than the entirety of the health field.

Is this something like a reverse-keto diet ?

if you don't fully digest things you poop out the calories

Eat 1500 of carbs a day for two weeks. Enjoy your weight loss.

Because no one on this board actually does any physical activity.

>still thinks animal fat has anything to do with inflamed blood vessels.

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>inflamed blood vessels
>saturated fats
Is this the power of retardation?

Metabolet detected


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If I didn't eat carbs I wouldn't do cardio and my fitness would be sluggish

t. gave birth 3 years ago and you're still fat

Joe of OMAD Revolution eats a 90% carb diet and stays lean.

>gets popcorn as IF-keto cultists ree to the heavens

Yeah by breaking the law buddy. Clen hard and tren hard.

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they also eat very little protein.

If you didn't eat carbs, you wouldn't need to do cardio.

decades from now we will see this time as the great "fat vs carbs: which is worse" civil war among the nutrition community

Might be "fructose vs saturated fats" instead.