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Daily reminder to do Front squats + Romanian Deadlifts instead of Squats and Deadlifts
Caleb Hernandez
Evan Jones
>stronger by broscience
>stronger by misinterpreting science
Zachary Martinez
Literally why not do both
Easton Wood
Well if you can do Front Squats and RDL's all the muscles that make a strong deadlift and squat are worked anyway, so a better question would be, why do squats and deadlifts, its just brainwashing by hurdur powerlifters.
Chase Williams
Jace Scott
Why not do leg extensions instead of squats following that logic?
Matthew Rogers
Are leg extensions "pure squat"?
Adam Walker
The purest.
Nolan Sanders
because leg extensions are not a squat
just like ghr or leg curls aren't hip hinges
Carson Bennett
I have enough weights to train front squats and romanian deadlifts at home, I fucking hate deadlifting in anything other than a powerlifting or weightlifting platform.
Eli Parker
Who cares
Nolan James
The problem is that its really hard to progress SLDLs and Front Squats. You sort of end up just spinning your wheels on them.
Caleb Robinson
The authors clearly meant pure knee extension. Just like they meant "pure hinge" instead of pure deadlift, and included good mornings in their chart.
Zachary Rodriguez
>The lower body compound lifts the least likely to injure you are also the best
Nolan Murphy
Are SLDLs and good mornings even considered compound lifts?
Zachary Brooks
lmao @ the hybrid exercise that works both sides almost equally?
great lmao mate
Aiden Gutierrez
how would they not be retard
Owen Thomas
There's only one articulation involved.
Cameron Garcia
you literally do not understand that graph you fucking retard. just because its a "pure squat" or a "pure hinge" doesnt mean its better
you will have greater strength and hypertrophy from squats and dls because of the greater amount of weight being lifted among other things
why are you even following cuckols if youre too dumb to interpret his shit?
Anthony Sanders
If you have evidence that they are not factual, prove it.
Great image. I switched DL to trapbar deadlifts, maybe I'll switch squats to front squats to compensate.
William Edwards
I do both squat and front squat, similar to alternating between bench and OHP.
Jayden Gonzalez
I have evidence that every sports science article they cite used novices as subjects.
Bentley Murphy
And how would that change anything? Novices are going to be close to the average lifter.
Nicholas Collins
>just did a leg day workout consisting of front squat, romanian deadlift, and farmers carry on stairs
>see this thread
What did "HE" mean by this?
William Mitchell
>I switched to a more quad dominant variation of DLs, so I might compensate to a more quad dominant variation of squats to compensate
this is the level of intelligence of an average anti-conventional training Jow Forumsard
Carter Brooks
literally any stimulus works for novices, also as said this graph doesnt even show one as being better, just more of a hinge squat
>having a "leg day"
>having all that pointless variation and not squatting
do you want to know how I know you squat sub 5pl8?
Jacob White
Yes. But that wasn't your argument. You argued that the source's science was bunk and now you're moving the goalposts. You lose. Good day sir.
Ethan Edwards
>>not squatting
>front squat
>front SQUAT
>front "SQUAT"
>front """SQUAT"""
also ask me how i know you're a fat powerlifter
Jordan Clark
any study carried out on novices is inherently worthless. you could get a novice to wiggle his legs around and his squat would go up
and what OP is saying the science means is not what it means, so this thread is worthless too
Alexander Thomas
is a bulgerian split squat a squat too? the answer is no
ask me how I know you have a sub 4pl8 front squat too
Jacob Moore
powerlifter on this board just means someone who knows anything about training
also greg nuckols is a powerlifter...
Nathan Rogers
OPs image said nothing about strength gains, so you're entire point is moot there. It only shows the spectrum between pure squat and pure hinge. Regardless of novice of advanced, that doesn't change the exercise. You're autism created you're own arguments.
Adam Reed
>ask me how I know you have a sub 4pl8 front squat too
Because 99.99% of humans in the entire history of the universe have had a sub 4pl8 squat?
Elijah Hill
or maybe its because conventional deadlifts are easy to load and progress over time + one of the purest tests of strength. Similar with the squat.
Also if your doing both of those for a year theyll become less effective exercises so you should rotate back into squats and deadlifts. Doing so will also help to make sure you get less injuries.
Nathaniel King
as a Romanian I dont even have a say in this matter. I cannot chose anything besides Romanian Deadlifts. It would be a shamefur disrapy if I did otherwise
Parker Price
so if i load up 1000lb on a 1/2 inch pin squat i will build more muscle than RDL's and Front squats? strength is joint angle specific and if you get strong on these 2 lifts, your deadlift will be much higher without even training it, and you wont fry your cns. so yeah.
Connor Russell
he didnt say anything about anything. just "do this meme shit for no reason". squats and deads are better for hypertrophy and athletic performance too. there is literally no good reason not to do them
because less than 99.989% of people who have ever lived ever lifted. stop sandbagging and stop giving advice you weak faggot
James White
>The problem is that its really hard to progress SLDLs and Front Squats.
u wot
Leo Smith
If they meant pure knee extension they would have said it. Kill yourself.
Asher Foster
what a fucking stawman, the ROM is comparable between a squat/fq and a dl/rdl (dl rom is actually greater)
and "muh cns" is complete cope. you are no where near strong enough to warrant caring about it. and if youre pushing either of those exercises far enough to get anything out of them, youre taxing your cns a similar amount anyway
Mason Jones
OP pic is solid though. However it should be noted that with squat you can move more weight than with front squat. At the end of the day you do what you like the most.