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Daily reminder to do Front squats + Romanian Deadlifts instead of Squats and Deadlifts
Caleb Hernandez
Evan Jones
>stronger by broscience
>stronger by misinterpreting science
Zachary Martinez
Literally why not do both
Easton Wood
Well if you can do Front Squats and RDL's all the muscles that make a strong deadlift and squat are worked anyway, so a better question would be, why do squats and deadlifts, its just brainwashing by hurdur powerlifters.
Chase Williams
Jace Scott
Why not do leg extensions instead of squats following that logic?
Matthew Rogers
Are leg extensions "pure squat"?
Adam Walker
The purest.
Nolan Sanders
because leg extensions are not a squat
just like ghr or leg curls aren't hip hinges
Carson Bennett
I have enough weights to train front squats and romanian deadlifts at home, I fucking hate deadlifting in anything other than a powerlifting or weightlifting platform.