Get Jow Forums
The qt shy girl no longer speaks to you, forever destined to swim in a sea of thots...
Get Jow Forums
The qt shy girl no longer speaks to you, forever destined to swim in a sea of thots...
>9. no blacks
Absolutely based
It says no cock blocks
That’s intimidating...
Even for an alpha like me
I have the same rule in my place!
Women trying to act masculine is so fucking cringey, with that being said if she breathes she’s a thot. Shy girls will act just as shitty as Stacie’s given the chance OP. They just don’t get the opportunities as often it’s in women’s nature to be a shit human being. It’s how they evolved.
These Aryan ladies know what they want, pure high quality genetic stock
>10. Chuck + rally
Also, how do girls feel when they see the guy they like with a Stacy? I heard cuckqueaning is actually more common than cuckolding.
Formerly Sneeds + Rally
Tfw, not Jow Forums
Tfw get no attention from female
Tfw, I only match with fatties on tinder even though I am of a healthy weight.
Is there any point to getting Jow Forums?
girl on the left is drinking Pacific Pilsner; where in BC is this Pussy Palace
>not Jow Forums, so I get no attention
>is there a point in getting fit?
Are you fucking retarded?
What the fuck does chuck and rally have to do with cuckolding? You guys have a serious problem.
Because this photoshopped imaginary sex party is definitely for the purpose of breeding.
>Get Jow Forums
>The qt shy girl no longer speaks to you, forever destined to swim in a sea of thots..
If you want her attention, you'll have to be that rape fantasy that she guilty shlicks too or has a nightmare about and wakes up midorgasm.
>if she breathes she’s a thot
actually based and redpilled
Men always want to find the girl who won't hurt them. Probably because a delusional dream is still more likely to happen than them simply becoming a man who a girl can't hurt.
You're on tinder
Your opinion means less then nothing.
You're on Jow Forums.
Your opinion means less than nothing.
>be me
>pretty shy, not Jow Forums but chubby
>dated one 8/10 thot for 10 months
>broke up with her
>dated another 8/10 thot for a year and a half
>broke up with her
>lose chubby, graduate to DYEL
>get 8/10 shy and not-a-thot girlfriend
>tfw defying dating "standards" my entire life
The only reason you're "swimming in a sea of thots" is because you autistic spergs will accept a compliment from practically any breathing thing with a vagina. The qt shy girls still want you too, you just have to not be a pussy and go talk to her. Thots are like a tutorial level difficulty, qt shy girls are hard-mode.
where can i find shy girls?
now i want to rape one so bad
Then why did you reply tindershill?
men want that isle of peace in an ocean of struggle and fight.
Too many underestimate, that LTR and marriage is another eternal fight...