
What's the best way to proceed in case of skinnyfatness?Should I cut to a decent bf% and then bulk, or bulk and cut after that?I got a huge gut,mantits and arms as skinny as a 12 year old,literally worst fate possible.Also how do you tell gyno apart from a chest full of fat tissue?If one tit is bigger than the other is it gyno?

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So many question just do obsessive research like rest of us skinnyfats

Anyway you can cut then bulk or eat at maintenence and recomp. Yeah consistency and 0-500 caloric deficit seems to be working for me, slowly.
Gyno is noticeably hard, if it's soft it's just fat you fat bastards. Just because guys here call everything doesn't mean it's true.
You have a long way ahead, it'll take you time to be labeled as dyel instead of fatfuck here. Don't get discouraged it's really our fault we're moderately fat, just not our fault it's badly distributed. Work hard, work smart, don't show us your body till 8 months.

Yeah there's no way i would show it in this current state,the tissue is soft,so I guess it's just fat(I hope so).What's the best cardio for cutting?Is skipping rope effective?I would rather do that than jog or use treadmills.

Stair master master race

you don't need cardio, just eat right. The skinny fat look is caused by unhealthy dieting causing visceral fat, so avoid deep fried stuff, processed sugar. Do a bit of cardio like running, biking, etc. Rope shit isn't necessary do something you enjoy and do it moderately so you can estimate calories you spent on that. I sprint 5 mins and walk 5 mins every other day which keeps me healthy and burns around 100 cals at max. I want to up that for cardiovascular reasons since I'm a smoker.
Calculate your tdee and try to stay withing the 200-500 deficit. Make sure your lifting is intense, if yoi get weaker it means you're cutting too hard, if you're a beginner. It's more about recomp for us.



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Bulk first

Former skinny fat, did exactly what your pic has

Before and / or after pics

The best cardio is to man up, do C25K, and start running 3-5 miles a day... you think I’m kidding, I used to be a skinny fat like you. Bulk first, do SS or SL or ICF (doesn’t matter) and just shove your fat fucking face till you add 30-40 pounds, then get on a different routine to maintain muscle and do so much cardio while eating like tops 2000 calories a day. Then you will look good.

Sure. Here’s before, hang on for one taken not long ago, maybe a month. I’m also this guy

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OMAD + Paleo diet/keto diet is the BEST way to get rid of your ugly skinnyfat body. Carbs are okay in low amounts as long as they don't come from starches (for skinnyfats).

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Here’s me now. I’m at exactly where I want to be and my gf loves to feel my abs, and going to the beach in summer makes skinny fat normies jealous.

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Suicide cut to skelly mode. Once you get there, don't bother being natty, you'll never look good. Bulk for 6 months of 500mg Test E. Then drop Test E to a TRT level and eat maintenance for 3 months. Now you'll be pretty big and in a good position to cut. Do 250mg Test E with 250mg Tren E and eat at 1 750 deficit until you have visible abs. From here, you decide what to do, but always stay on TRT.

Stop shilling literally the worst plan ever. Post pics to back it up.

How long did you bulk for
How long did you cut for
pic of u on a bulk. i wana see where i am at now

I don't need to prove myself to you. You're natty and therefore will look like shit your whole life.

I don’t have a pic of me on a bulk. I bulked from April ‘16 to April ‘17. 144 —> 170 lbs. I wish I would have bulked longer.

I cut from March ‘17 through end of June ‘17 (played a ton of squash so cutting was a breeze). I have maintained since then as I feel good about myself and girls like it and that’s all that matters to me. YMMV and you may have other goals.

Yes you do. Bertrand’s teacup, bitch. By normie standards I look great and I posted a photo. You are sick in the head if you have weird other goals.

>studies have proven that use of test booster with no training at all is far more effective than natty training

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If you aren't at least 6' and 200 pounds at 10% bodyfat, you aren't a man and should become a trap so us real men can use your boipucci.

That’s true, that doesn’t mean you should do it, retard. Insulin is even better but that doesn’t mean we all need to be Ronnie Coleman. Guy looks fucking weird.

Explain why I’m taking test C for 5 years and still skinny fat

I've been bulking on and off for 6 months and started cutting last week because my gut is becoming too much. At first it was pure bulking for 2 months the it was like recomp and now it's just losing fat while getting stronger so i must be having another recomp

Either your training is shit, diet is shit, or your gear is fake. Even if you eat like complete shit and lift 3x a week, you would be bigger than every natty if the test was real.

Must be. If you absolutely have to cut, go for it, otherwise I recommend another 6 months bulk. It will pay dividends later.

Just cut first bro trust me. You'll look a lot better in the long run

Also give me a fucking thank you for posting body or some shit, Jesus, you didn’t even say please you uncultured boorish rube

No that’s bad advice, post body or get out, I’ll happily cede my position when someone comes in and posts a better body saying they cut first

You don’t *need* cardio to lose weight, but it helps immensely. Run a 5k a couple times a week. I used to hate running too. I mean I fucking hated it. I despised it. But I did the Couch to 5k routine and now I run a 5k almost every day.

You should do:
>sprints (10x 200m sprints)
>cycle 10 miles
>stair master
>rock climbing
>intramural soccer or football or basketball

Some combination of these (at least two) that you do several times a week

Eat at a deficit and fast every once in a while.

I should cut or eat at maintenence for few months. The main issue is that while bulking I was on brosplits and when i switched to PPL I made drastic changes although when I decided to cut I sent on 5x5
I wasn't the guy who asked for the before after pics but thank you you presumption little cunt.

What did you do for lower lats?

Pull-ups will make your lats huge

I love pull ups and I do them every other day but i need something specific. I enjoy seared wide grip seated rows the most even though not on my routine desu

>stair master
Can I just run on my block's stairs?

Fuck man,that's not skinnyfat at all,I'm a lot worse than that.

You're just fat then.

>test e
I believe in the long run these would help a lot but I would rather stay away from that shit.

My arms are skelly mode(worse than that),I just have a big gut.In that picture he either sucks his belly in or never had one.

Sure. Do some research and downloads a run tracker app and try to estimate how many calories you’re burning. Most apps only do running, sprinting, and cycling tho.

Is it more efficient than skipping the rope?Cause,doing that in my small isolated apartment would be a lot more convenient tbqh.

>its another person on fit with body dysmorphia

it must be bad too, you werent fat at all in this pic user, you are skinny. SKINNYFATS HAVE MOOBS AND BELLIES, YOU HAVE NEITHER

ok here is the ultimate and objectively fucking right answer: cutting makes you look better short term, helps you fit into shirts without a gut etc (as long as you maintain muscle mass otherwise ur just losing ur lean mass) but it's retarded if youre going to get serious about being a shredded sickkunt over the next year or two.

i wasted 2 months of gains because i started cutting...but it gave me so much confidence to continue the journey so it wasnt really a huge waste...your call OP evaluate yourself nobody can tell you whats best for your body

imo dont bulk over 18%bf but you do you. watch scott hermans vid, he explains how gaining muscle actually reduces bodyfat percentage because of ratios and shit

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I think I'm above 18%bf,but
>gaining muscle actually reduces bodyfat percentage because of ratios and shit
I also heard something about this so it's pretty difficult to decide which way to go.
Can't see what he thought was 'skinnyfat' about that body.

it works because if two people have the exact same lbs of fat but one guy weighs 160 and the other 180, guy 1 is going to have a higher percentage (it's a ratio of your lean mass) and the fat will be much more visible on him.

post a pic and i can help you otherwise its difficult

This guy is probably most right. I cut down 30 lbs and started lots of cardio, pull ups/dips/abs and lifting all together. I got a nice lean body with a six pack but I'm skinny as fuck.
Previously I had tried the 'bulk anyway' method and I just kept looking skinny fat, and no muscle definition. I was as strong back then as I am now and I can see muscle definition
Tldr: I've tried both. I'm way happier by cutting first then very slowly bulking up.

Similar to pic related but my hips aren't that wide,5'8 manlet,weighing 143 lbs.Also skinnier arms.

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Are you a jew?

This one fits me better I think.

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Maybe a very small percentage in my ancestry,but I kinda doubt it(I live in eastern europe)how is that related to this whole thing?

you can just post a pic brah ur not gonna get doxxed or anything, i would say cut yeah this seems a bit over 20% but you do you

Gonna need some tips bro we're very similar but I'm at a much lower bf%, like20 and 175lbs

Tbqh,I would rather get rid of this fucking gut and tits then bulk and keep trying to conceal them in my shirts and shit,I think this is the way to go.

Thought that was you i should read before posting

This is literally my body minus the fat on the arms.

Yeah your post was kinda confusing,glad you clarified what you meant,I think we need to cut first and then bulk dude.

I cut from 250lbs to 185lbs at 6'4 and my bench went from 250lbs for 10 to 225lbs for 10. That's not strong? Losing all your gains from cutting is a myth.

The body you described is a typical jew body

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Bulking is an even bigger myth

I thought it's common in all races considering today's diets and lifestyles.

Me too and it's depressing

Nah there might be some actual science behind the cycle of bulking and cutting. Something relative to receptor sensitivity and muscle stimulus sensitivity. Makes sense considering the biochemistry of how receptors are desensitized after exposure to an excess of stimulus for extended periods of time, such as insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes due to chronic carb over-consumption.

More than 500 deficit? Add cardio? (if cardio is added the deficit would be more than 500 so questions related)

It is. He's just the forum retard

Jow Forums is everywhere I guess
Some anons in here said 200-500 deficit

It's the stereotypical jewish body. Even jews recognize this. I work with 3 of them and they all have skinny nonathletic arms, guts and tits.

>played a ton of squash so cutting was a breeze

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>tfw too lazy to cut from strong fat

Screw looking nice, food is a better thing

Stereotypical Indian and Arab body too. I think it's diet related.

No lol. Being ripped is amazing.

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I went from 150ish to 190 over a year and a half. Can probably find pics if someone wants, they're usually good inspiration for skinnyfats who don't think they'll make it. Just put the time and work in, we'll all make it

That's not skinny fat, that's plain fat.

>Losing all your gains from cutting is a myth.
It depends how aggressive the cut is. Going on a deficit of 1000+ sure will make you weaker.

and no , 225x10 is kinda average

Your sense of what 'average' is, is way off. Ever browse a "whats your BP PR" thread?

>225x10 is kinda average

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If you're not a DYEL 225x10 is easy

I've seen sports fags walk in a gym and bench close to that with no lifting experience

This is just fat, rigth?
Im doing SS, hope it helps

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No you haven't.
I don't see your body in that post, I'm assuming you're fat and jealous.

Post body.

>Above 15% BF
>Pudgy gynotits
>Flexing to the max under lightning, filtering and using contrast level just to produce vague shadows beneath "abs"

My god this bait is so weak it works


why do you even want my nudes you homo.

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Lol fat fuck

Still cutting , but not like you have a better body DYEL-chan

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I dwarf you and am leaner, you fat ass manlet.

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Nice use of lightning user we can all tell you have no abs

Two pudgy DYELs outed themselves already with their horrible physiques. Your turn.

>when you are so insecure about your body you post low resolution with barely your body visible

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is that you Bilbo ?

Nice try projecting there, manlet. I'm 6'4.
More visible for you, faggot?

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Nice unbalanced physique curlbro

>more leaner
dude you're a fukken skelet mode


The absolute state of Jow Forums DYEL's
Damn I'm amazed how can one man be so delusional

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oh right post your back please too , didn't had such a good laugh in a while

I haven't lifted in over a month and could probably still OHP your deadlift max for reps at your 350lbs bodyweight
>>more leaner
Nice grammar you autistic brainlet fat ass manlet. I see your fat ugly body still has yet to be posted.
Here you obese manlet

Attached: 20180404_164436.jpg (984x950, 498K)

still fat, still cutting.

5'7" 170, how am i doin

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took you a while to find the right lighting and flexing?

>haven't lifted in a month
no wonder you look like a dyel

Post legs now , let us all have a little chuckle

and btw do you often get called a retard ?

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Stop cutting, you're fine already

If you weren't a brainlet you could see the beard in that pic. That's a pic from two weeks ago. Your turn to post your ugly body, retard. My legs are thicker than your shoulderspan you eunuch.

I want leg striations