Explained protein powder to my grandma

>explained protein powder to my grandma
>she replaces her daily coffee with a protein shake

She's 73! What's going to happen to her?

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roid clit

She's gonna get shredded user. Look forward to getting mogged every time she comes over for Christmas

Grammy gonna get huge, looks like you just got yourself a lifting buddy user

Prepare for the GrandMog

>gran is struggling with food and walking
>nurses say she's not on deathbed yet, just needs to be a bit more active
>cousin comes round and start feeding her protein shakes to get her energy up
>she dies sooner than expected
Don't let her do it user.

(In all seriousness protein shakes might have actually helped but she only drunk them, after insistence).

Coffee is better for her than some shitty protein powder, you fucked up she’s going to die sooner.

your grandma sounds so cute i want to lie next to her and slip it in she probably won't notice


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>What's going to happen to her?
She'll be lifting 3pl8 this time next year

In the future someone on Jow Forums will say "someone post the screencap of that user who got mogged by his own grandma haha" and then people will post screencaps of OP.

Based granny is gonna make it show her rich pianos youtube

>U Mirin, Sonny?

I imagine her kidneys will fail

I don't know why everyone thinks this will be bad for her --- if anything it will be good for her.

The older you get the more you NEED protein. Most old people don't get enough

>you NEED protein
Yep, this one’s going in my brainwashed compilation.

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Post her Cat

You ever see how ensure is advertised to an older crowd? Ensure is a protein shake. A lot of old people are on a cocktail of meds for shit like blood pressure, heart problems, bone problems, etc. This causes them to eat less or feel nauseous after eating, so they are malnourished. Protein shakes help them get those nutrients. Not all protein shakes are mass gainers, BSN sport shit, and ON's gold standard. Abbot owns a large share of the protein shake market and their biggest products are ensure and the myoplex shakes.

Put her on creatine too

Old people usually lose their craving for meat and end up losing a lot of muscle because of this. Protein shakes should help mitigate the atrophy that comes with old age. You should go walk at the park with her and give her some 2 or 5 lb dumbells for her to carry around

Kidney function naturally decreases with age so throwing extra protein in the diet is probably not the best idea for granny

protein is not bad for your kidneys.
And op, a protein shake is far better for her than a cup of coffee.

Audible kek

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She gonna make it, kid.

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My grandma takes hemp protein and CBD edibles everyday. Knits like a beast. She said she will do shrooms with me. I'm a little concerned she just turned 83. I'm just gonna give her one top and see how she reacts.


her kidneys are probably already weak. she shouldn't be taking it because she won't use most of the protein and it will put additional strain on the kidneys.



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He isnt wrong though. As you get older you naturaly absorb less protein while already losing muscle mass due to aging. So taking extra protein could really benefit a lot of old people.