How do I get more visible abs? I feel like I'll look like a fucking Nigerian child if I eat less

How do I get more visible abs? I feel like I'll look like a fucking Nigerian child if I eat less.

And I don't really want to get big either, just toned

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fuck off and read the sticky
then fuck off again

Post butt to provide a better assessment

Cut that fucking dustmop, faggot

get a tan

don't lift , but seems like you don't already and eat even less

10/10 skelet abs

Lift you fuck

I have bad news user, you're already built like one.

You're the perfect twink. Would jackhammer that boipucci. Contact and location?


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You are already enough lean, so just do more abs, not forgetting obliques and serratus.
And lift more in general, please.
And read the sticky next time

I was a skelly before I started lifting, single digit BF% at 6ft1 and I didn’t have abs. I had to train them.

Post boi poosi

damn now I want to see you pre-lifting

Post pic?

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Nooo. It's cute.

>just toned
So are you the pitcher or the catcher?

i’m gonna give you the answer you’re looking for (and it isn’t SS and GOMAD)
your body fat is low enough to show them, you just havent developed the muscle at all. look up extended lever planks with posterior tilt, they activate the rectus abdominis (the 6 pack) well. find yourself a chin up bar or anything you can hang from and do some leg tucks/leg lifts to hit your lower abs.
that’ll define the 6 pack you want, but i reccomend you define the obliques and serratus anterior as well.
i know you said you aren’t trying to get big, but please work your arms and legs a little, even if it’s just calisthenics.
chinups w/ a narrow/normal grip for biceps.
pullups/wide pullups for back and shoulders.
do pike pushups or handstand pushups to develop your deltoid (shoulder above bicep), you have no delts.
and it’s always good to build stronger legs, so do some bodyweight squats (normal or narrow) and pistol or archer squats for your legs.
throw in some more pushups wherever, you look like you could use them.
you can do everything i mentioned without any equipment but a pullup bar, which you can get from a fuckin TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross, or even Walmart ffs, assuming you’re an amerifag.
diet is important too, aim for 2600 calories, a gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight. this will allow you to build muscle.
if you stick to your workouts and eat right, you WILL see results. but eventually, you’ll hear the call of the gym when you’re tired of toeing the line between athletic/ottermode and muscular DYEL.

Just become a trap, you're almost there anyway

>that hair
>those lips and nipples
Just how pink is your boypussy?

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eat at maintenance with really high proteins, add 30 minutes of cardio and ab workouts and you're there

Sorry but it’s unbelievably gay to post your body on Jow Forums and anyone who does so is a massive faggot

what a fucking twink lol

only someone who doesn't lift would say such a thing , please go back to r9k

>unbelievably gay
Well, OP is unbelievably hot.

He's perfect.

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Big, ripped, natty

Pick 2

I want to know too.... for research purposes of course.

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