Reasons to lift

What's Jow Forums's reason to lift?

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Heinrich Himmler

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>Ywn be a waffen-ss officer
>Ywn be a centurion of legio V Macedonia at Jerusalem.
Why even live at this point?

I lift so that when the world goes to shit I can kill my neighbors before they can kill me.

I want to achieve something, I'm too autistic to get a cool job so I at least want to be able to throw weights arounds

im lifting because i have really low self-esteem and want to get laid

based and redpilled

>tfw all your neighbors are old people that use walkers and shit
they're gonna regret getting the HOA on my ass.

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Heinrich Himmler was a fucking Pussy

No, you want to get laid by a good looking girl, you don't need to have a good body to get laid. Fix your self esteem shit and go fuck a lardwhale

lifting makes me hate myself less than what i already do

I lift for Jow Forums

I lift so the world won't go to shit

To make up for being a fatty in high school

what if the have a firearm or an edged weapon?

Too late for that dude, climate is going to shit, population levels are through the roof and we're running out of resources.

>Not lifting so he can protect his community and lead them to glory

Pic related.

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Fit people generally get away with autistic behaviour more than others and im pretty autistic unfortunately

To lose weight and to feel strong.
Also im quiet narcissistic about my mental attributes, i figured i should get my body up to speed, so i can feel like im even more better then other people.

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>he cares about the future
Never gonna make it, live for yourself bro, don't sacrifice your time for future generations

Used to be fat. 60lbs of fat loss later i jusz wanna see how far i can ride this train of self improvement
>i have yet to clean my room though

>>he cares about the future
I care about my future and the future of my family, that's all. I'm done with the mindless nihilism.

Get strong
Get fit
Look good
Make parents proud
Make girls be mirrin
Spite my whore of an ex

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so when people on this board ask if i lift, i can say yes

I have no reason because I am only 5'10".

To fill the void, so maybe someday i dont have to pretend that i feel okay.

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Today I asked out a qt and got her number after having been rejected 5 minutes earlier by another qt.

Lifting mainly taught me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and to embrace failure above all other things. Because if you failed that means you tried. And when you try you're going to succeed eventually.

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Same tbqh

I lifted for girls at first.
now I lift because I developed super powers compared to the average person.

Pure unadulterated self hatred for not getting the maximum from my genetics.


>don't sacrifice your time for future generations
t. modern world kali yuga onions pilled

To be comfortable naked so I can feel comfortable going to rub and tugs

Also to suck my own dick

Only reason I cleaned my room is because my dog shit all over my floor (he ate sum bad food) and all over the stuff I had strewn on my floor
So I had to throw everything out

I lift so I can be allowed to enter the adult dating pool

>owning a dog

the 1st and only time i had sex was with a fat girl and it was so bad dude i was hardly turned on, could barely maintain a boner and didnt even finish. never doing that again

mental and physical health.
also pic related.

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based and redpilled

So I can eat a full one of these outside my house, with my 6 pack abs. And make the neighborhood roasties soaking wet.

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In order to defeat the international Jew, I must first defeat the Jew within myself.

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Last one should be lifting for boys


this unironically

some of my friends still get called "buddy" as in "watch out buddy" when we go out
we're all over 25

they look like fucking kids and its embarrassing. women dont even view them as men

to become a walking, breathing, aesthetic piece of marble, worthy of 'mires from the Gods.

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the coming insurrection

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I started because my life was boring as fuck at 25. I had a decent enough job, but quickly saw myself turning to a "Work. Home. TV. Bed." mindset. It lead to a whole lot more pushing myself in all areas. After a few months, I started school. After a few more months of work/school/gym, that job didn't satisfy me anymore and I demanded a promotion. Basically I see lifting as something that made me hungry again, and ever since then I haven't remotely been satisfied with any aspect of my life. But what got me started, absolute boredom.

So much this

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I don’t want to die by the age of 50 and I want to bang hot chicks

4 and 5 unironically.
I want to mog EVERYONE

>he bought every single lie

Just wow
Running out of resources... Where?
Overpopulated? Tf are u talking about we could fit every human on earth in texas alone
Keep buying it goyim

Why i lift

>not much else to do to pass the time
>I want glutes

To make it to the fight

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Kek I fucking hate when people call me buddy too

I lift so can I have my revenge against normies. I want to mog chad and reject stacy

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

Severely underrated, based, AND redpilled

Jew here
Thanks for fighting our wars for us bro

I lift for mai waifu

This but unironically

mirin bro

As an fellow user once said, the choice is to become weaker with age or get stronger through work


Maybe work on the spelling at the same time so you might actually convince someone of your supposed superiority one day

>lifting for a an autistic manlet

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>Never gonna make it, live for yourself bro, don't sacrifice your time for future generations
t.20 year old boomer

Well, not for you're waifu.
I lift for mine.

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to become a good role model for my kinds in the future

To fuck sluts

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~ some dead guy

Seriously though? I can't stand the heat and I'm a self conscious bitch.

And somehow I ended up with a gf and more confidence. And I can take off my shirt when it's hot as fuck without feeling bad.

So.. Why do I keep lifting even now?

No idea. I think I like it.


I lift for both your waifu, I will steal them from you with my muscles

Sometimes you have to turn out the lights and truely be in darkness to remember how much you need the light

>running out of resources
if that were true every government in the world would be putting every available resource on getting us to another planet. if you don't believe this you are a brainlet. believe it or not humans are highly intelligent when it comes to survival.

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Based kaiser poster

I lift for the WHAT IF GERMANY WON WW1

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To get more explosive for judo

Feeling accomplished or that I'm achieving something, as in wprking toward a goal and making progress step by step.

The sciences involved genuinely interest me, and the more you lift the more questions you get and the discipline of answering it in a number of ways is fun and fascinating, especially when the same question can have different answers at different times in my life, and both can still be right.

Aesthetics and vanity reasons are there, sure.

I want to be better than people around me.

My dad is in great health in his 60s, while my mom isnt doing great. I want to stay healthy and fit for as long as possible. My dad's a great role model of this

I've always been active and eaten well, so why not?

Videogames, inside time, drinking, and fucking around interest me less and less each year.

I want something real, concrete, challenging, and humbling in my life. Something gritty yet fulfilling.

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if that were true every government in the world would be putting every available resource on getting us to another planet

actually a moron.

I have never been fit in my life, I want to be fit at least once to experience what it is like, been lifting for a month and a half and so far I like the changes I have been seeing, will continue.

insurrectionism is fucking stupid and has never worked. Lift to build the Party.

>worthy of 'mires from the Gods.
>posts a manlet

To be mired by and make qts who will never be my gf blush and look at me to fill a hole where my self-esteem used to be but won't come back to.

To hope a qt who understands, accepts, trusts and spurs me on to do greater things comes along, one I do silly shit like watch the stars with or go to festivals with or just see smile or enjoy life with.

To look so Jow Forums everyone assumes I do have a qt as described above, but one I know I won't ever have any time soon, so people don't know I'm lonely.

Also so when I'm dead and they cut me up, they'll be amazed at the boomer with absolutely shredded physique.

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Because my team leader will make me a fobbit bitch on deployments if I don’t, also I’m going to ranger selection soon and I’d rather not be a weak pussy going into the regiment

To become strong, in body and spirit


writing this, I realized, am I no better than the hamplanet whales who try to dress themselves up and post as if they're hot shit who could get any chad and pre-emptively reject men just to feel better?

is my self-enforced? loneliness a way to compensate for no self-esteem? I guess there's at least discipline and effort involved in getting Jow Forums but I don't know, it feels empty

I don't know what the answer is here. Getting Jow Forums just so I can get mired in lieu of actual social gains or actually trying to get a gf seems like a malformed strategy for longterm mental gains.

fuck anons

Based. Lift so you can become the people’s rock.

Sua Sponte !

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Lifting so I can look like Akira

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